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Everything posted by Beaglelover:)
I have seen this video before and still breaks my heart!! The big brown dogs eyes before the needle does it for me. He was sooo scared!! I also didnt like how it took soooo long for him to pass!! It seemed they didnt put enough "green dream" in the needle!!
If that dog's parents suffered to produce the dog you love and care for then I'll have to disagree with you. I object to breeding dogs getting a lesser standard of care than the pups they produce. Someone I know lives next door to an oodle breeder. The breeding dogs are kept in a shed. The only time they leave it is when a bitch whelps. The stud dogs NEVER leave it. I'll say that again - NEVER. I judge someone who buys a pup produced like that harshly and I make no apology for that. I dont think anyone on this forum would agree that buying a dog from a puppy mill is the right thing to do. On the other hand I have heard of many "registered" breeders who have questionable ethical standards. Who makes you better?? What god has given you the right to judge people?? Yes it is wrong, but maybe you shoule take your judgement to people that shut these places down! I will not judge no one until the following is done: More education. Higher standards/regulations in the breeding world so puppy mills are a thing of the past. People that buy pups from a puppy mill do not go in there knowing that they are supporting a very cruel world for the bitches and studs that just produced that cute puppy they just bought playing in the front yard. The general public are blinded by the way puppy mill people run their puppy factories. Is this their fault because they lack education, is it your right to judge such people?? Education is what is needed not judgement! until there is more education I will not judge on one
Definition from Wikipedia: "Characteristically, snobs look down on people who have qualities which they regard as inferior, or flaunt their attributes which they regard as positive in order to make others seem inferior." I believe if everyone was treated as equals in this world it would be a better place, but unfortunately if you wear labels or come with papers you are somehow perceived as having more value than others. It is your choice what you buy, but in my eyes every dog... pruebreed or not they are equal.
I would only socialise pups with adult dogs that I personally knew. Puppy classes are also vital as they learn from other puppies and are less likely to be harassed by a larger dog. It is also in a controlled environment. You just have to use common sense! Socialisation is critical, but it can be damaging if common sense is absent.
I think what the OP is saying is that there is nothing wrong with AI, but more the point that he asked a boarding kennel to help him!!! I could only imagine if you were a ethical registered breeder, and actively involved in this community you would know a lot of breeder/show friends who could help out... rather then asking a company or person you did not know!! To me it is very dodgy and if I was a ethical/registered breeder I would not be agreeing with the way this man operates!!
Dog Attack -> Potential Bsl Convert
Beaglelover:) replied to LisaB85's topic in General Dog Discussion
Sorry, but you both were breaking the law, no dog should be off the lead unless in a "designed off lead area". This is how dog attacks happen. :D -
Dog Attack -> Potential Bsl Convert
Beaglelover:) replied to LisaB85's topic in General Dog Discussion
I am sorry you had to go through this :D There are many dog aggressive dogs out in the world, which "should" never be let off the lead, but stupid owners are willing to take the risk. Any large breed can be dangerous to a small puppy; it is not just bull breeds. I personally would never allow my small dog to play with a large dog of any breed, even if it was 99.9% friendly. If the play got rough or heated my little one would have no chance against any large breed. I am lucky that I have a dog park that has a section for small and large dogs. A puppy of that age really should not be around such an area in the first place, due to him picking up nasty germs and his low immune system! He also shouldn’t have been off the lead either. It is unfortunate that some dog owners are not responsible and are willing to take the risk, but you also took a risk too. You both did not have effective control of your dogs. Yes your dog was close to you, however it was still a massive risk to take your dog off the lead due to your dogs age and lack of training. After all, puppies will be puppies and they cannot be trusted in an unfenced public park, but more then anything he is very vulnerable. Going forward, I would get your pup off to puppy school straight away, to help with his rehabilitation. It is sad that the world is not a safe place and the good people have to suffer. Every dog should get the right to run free, however in this current world you always have to be extra careful and trust no one. -
Brooke, all you can do is laugh at the high horse clan and whose who think they are gods gift to the dog world. It is truly sad that people can no longer get good advice without the thread turning sour! All the positive turns to one big negative thread. As a result any education at hope to help the situation goes down the toilet with it. Sad...this site has such potential at making positive change for dog owners, however people are too scared to voice their issues.
That's dol for you Hmmm yes, quite sad really!
I think there needs to be a deeper investigation into WHY he is displaying this behaviour, maybe this has already been addressed, however if not here are some questions that need to be answered before making a decision on Ben’s future: Does he only snap when on his bed? Does he resource guard anything else? What is his body language when he snaps? Confident or timid? Do you introduce the foster children correctly to Ben? Does Ben see you as the Pack Leader? What do the children do when Ben snaps? Do they run away? If so, this could be strengthen his bad behaviour? How long have you been fostering for? Has Ben always shown this behaviour, if not what has changed? Have you changed the way Ben has been treated when a new foster child arrives? I could go on and on. I believe maybe it is best to seek another professional opinion, before making a decision. As you stated you are mostly dealing with foster children 12+, who if taught properly and clearly can have the ability to understand Ben and maybe help Ben. There have been many studies on the effects animals have on troubled children. Of course this should only come from a professional who has see and assessed Ben and your situation who can give you a clear outline of a long term management plan with your foster children. Re-homing might still be the last solution, however I believe option a,b,c should be explored first with an experienced professional. What advice/plan has a behaviorist given you? Has it work? Once someone has found the core problem only then can you truly help Ben.
Oh that would be great help if you could find the product name
We have never had a flea problem until we moved into our new home. The next door neighbour is driving us crazy!! She has allowed her cats to multiply like the plague and now she has 8 Cats and 2 dogs .Where ever I turn there is a new cat I have not seen. They spend most of their dam time in our yard and there are kittens everywhere! To make matters worse I think one is pregnant! HELLO... HAVE YOU HEARD OF DESEXING LOVE!!! Anyway that is a different topic, but it is getting really out of hand. I have already complained to the landlord and he is writing a second warning letter. So with all these animals living next to us, or should I say on top of us...we have a massive flea problem! I grabbed one of the cats to see the extent of the fleas and the cat was covered! Her animals are pretty much backyard mutts and do not go inside the home or out into the world, she clearly does not care about the fleas!! So I did a little experiment and I went outside into our yard with white socks on to convince myself I was overreacting! WELL... it only took a couple of seconds until my white socks where COVERED in those little bloodsucking demons! By then I had steam coming out of my ears! I took my socks off and stormed back into the house only to see my poor Lab puffing after scratching himself silly. Both dogs have just had their first dose of Comfortis, however this product only kills the fleas once they have bitten, and I think my Lab is having a allergic reaction to the flea bite. He has relive for about 2 hours, but he toilets outside in the backyard where the fleas are riot! Should I get the landlord to pay for professional spraying of both our backyard and theirs? I cant see this problem going away without professional help :D What can we do about all the dam cats, can we force them to desex? Is there another flea product that kills fleas without having to bite? Any help would be great
Both the environment and genetics go hand in hand. With a good upbringing any dog no matter what breed will make a great pet. Every owner no matter what breed they get, should be educated early on to know what their breed of choice was bred for. For example bull breeds are known to be people lovers however can have problems with other same sex dogs. A good educated owner will start soicalisation early on in life to minimize this trait in the breed and therefore create a well balanced dog. Every breed has its faults, no breed is perfect, this is why the breed history enables owners to see what areas their dog needs work on. Every dog is different within the breed, but in general if you pair good genetics with a great environment you should end up with a great pet no matter what the breed.
My Dog Goes Berserk About Possums
Beaglelover:) replied to GSDowner's topic in General Dog Discussion
We moved into our new house about 7 months ago and we had one massive possum problem in the roof. We got a tree man to cut down any branches hanging over the roof and called Possum Busters (in Sydney). We havent heard anything since then. Good Luck -
Best Clip Made About Fighting Bsl! Caution, Graphic.
Beaglelover:) replied to Beaglelover:)'s topic in General Dog Discussion
Thank you!! Yes have also Facebooked it, along with many of my friends -
Best Clip Made About Fighting Bsl! Caution, Graphic.
Beaglelover:) replied to Beaglelover:)'s topic in General Dog Discussion
Not sure whether this, and the other clips that You-tube brings up on the side, speaks to fighting-breed specific legislation, or fighting breed-specific regulation. Some of the other clips shown (eg Perla in the Argentinian one . . . which shows beautiful 20 kg bitch, all muscle, quite happily pulling a car and the same doing some amazing feats hanging off a tyre swing mounted high in a tree) leave one in awe of the power of some examples of the breed (APBT). It's impressive that all the clips that have the word 'fight' seem to have millions (literally) of hits (compared to typically 20,000 for a dancing dog routine). Sadly, I think there are a lot of sick people who love blood 'sport', and the abused dog shots in the posted clip are real causualties of dog fighting and the abusive owner crowd that are drawn to super-charged dogs. Sadly, also, the power of such a dog, if not properly managed, could easily end out with a SWF . . . or for that matter, a fight niave SBT or Retriever, being torn to shreds in an off-lead dog park. I'm not a genius with matters of law, and can't say how it should best be done, but one part of me says that extr-powerful dogs -- like high power weapons -- need special consideration. Would be best if that consideration were directed to protecting the dog's welfare. . . . and more policing powere were directed toward catching, and locking up, dog fighters. "but one part of me says that extr-powerful dogs -- like high power weapons -- need special consideration." Any breed can be dangerous. There are a lot of breeds that are powerful for example just to name a few: Rottweiler Rhodesian Ridgeback Great Dane Dogue De bordo Bull Dog Any large breed! Pair any of the above breeds with mistreatment at a early age and you will have a powerful aggressive dog. More laws will not stop the mistreatment of dogs behind closed doors... education is what is needed. It is just a pity the government does not place dog education/dog welfare as a big enough issue to throw money at. Sad isnt it -
Best Clip Made About Fighting Bsl! Caution, Graphic.
Beaglelover:) replied to Beaglelover:)'s topic in General Dog Discussion
No worries...done. -
Four Year Old Saves Brother From Dog Attack
Beaglelover:) replied to Nic oh lah's topic in In The News
WTF!! The child was holding a toy up NEAR ITS FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on people!! I doubt this dog was being aggressive OR MAULING the child! If it was mauling the child IT WOULDNT HAVE A FACE! Once again the dog pays for stupidity with its life!! The family had a staffy for 14 YEARS!! they should know that breed has a high prey drive and can push over a toddler! People need to write into this paper and correct the story. this only creates fear in getting a older dog, which could do a lot of damage. -
I dont know the full story, but most Pitbull X's can be re-homed after a temperament test or at least go out to rescue where they can help with training etc. What was the difference in her case?? Was she pruebred Pitbull?? and if so, I hope they did a DNA test before ending her life???
OMG, she should be the poster girl to fight against BSL! look at that face, full of love and life until some law decided to kill her!! Life cut short, because of the uneducated dickheads who had the power to make the most outrageous law imaginable to the human and canine race. ;) Well done to all that thought this law would somehow educate the uneducated. We are so backwards, when it comes to canine law... it is laughable!! May this girls face haunt those who thought this law was the answer! Rest in peace my dear. Run free in a world where there is no prejudice.
Images Of Dogs "in Drive"
Beaglelover:) replied to corvus's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I wish I could show some video footage of the quarantine Detector Dogs at Hanrob! When I went there to see their failed Labs and Beagles I could clearly see the difference between play drive and just playing. My Lab loves playing with any toy, however he failed because he wasnt keen on working for a toy, which required him to focus and concentrate on working first The way I see it is, that most dogs would like to play with toys, BUT a lot of dogs will not work for toys! The dogs that passed; were scaling fences to get to their "dummy" (rolled up face towel) which they placed high in the fence, to see their motivation to get the reward (and yes, all dogs got the reward out of the fence). When they were in training, as soon as the working coat went on, they would spin and bark when the trainer would show the dummy to them before each training session. Some drive exercises they showed me, were placing the toy in long grass without the dog seeing where it was placed and the dog would have to "hunt out" the dummy. Now the difference is that my Lab would be more then happy to play with that dummy if it was handed to him, however to hunt for it under massive distraction is a whole new level of drive. In my opinion hunt drive is more important then toy or food drive. If the dog is willing to hunt for the reward under distraction, you might have yourself a high drive dog. For example there was one Beagle at Hanrob that I saw that was hunting for ONE piece of dried dog treat in a massive hall with two other dogs in the hall. The little treat was hiding in a BOOK!!! And yes that little Beagle (god bless it's little heart) found the treat after 10 minutes of hunting! Now that's what I call DRIVE If you really what to see drive, go to an Airport and see the Beagles hunting for quarantine matter under massive distraction, or the Labs sniffing out drugs. They would be the best examples of food and toy drive!! These guys have been doing drive exercises since they have been pups. Their toy or food is why they go to work everyday, and it takes a special dog to be able to work, day in day out for 6 or 7 years and never get bored of hunting. This is why so many dogs do not make the cut, as their drive is simply not at working level! My Lab that failed from Hanrob, thanks me everyday from saving him from working life. :D Working just wasn't for him