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Everything posted by RallyValley

  1. I imagine that finding accommodation is somewhat difficult in New York. I would move city if needed to save my dog, especially if I knew it would lead to me ending my own life. However I feel very sad for this man and his family, there is likely more to the story.
  2. Yeah Albany the 18th and 19th, which I am going to :)
  3. I got Jerry cuddles Saturday I don't think I will be showing this weekend Little miss has come in and she is acting a little sorry for herself. Plus she will be about day 8/9 and too much in.
  4. I had fun showing Strauss Ptolomy! Me and ST didn't get a chance to get scores but I'm sure we will be able to track them down somehow! The Bullmastiff that won overall was just a stunning dog! It was so well put together and very deserving of the victory!!! Mirawee if you ever need a place to stick horses in case of a fire we have some space. I'm glad it seems to be dying down though!
  5. Well done TSD!!! Only upwards from here and she sounds like she did really well anyway. ;)
  6. I have just been doing motivation games lately with Toby... Zora has been doing showing stuff (boo! :laugh: ) and perfecting her dumbbell retrieves.
  7. Congratulations again for Annika! And well done on the new car MG. I'm not in any hurry to replace mine, since I only just paid it off :laugh: Amypie I too find K9 cooler then at home, I usually pack a jacket when going down there!! Last night was hot, but nothing "extreme"... It probably would have been hotter at my house with our no air con on the ground level and not great zircon upstairs..
  8. Oh I so love these dogs.... wanted OH to get one to shoot over and maybe show.... all our dogs are gundogs... Labs as utiiity dogs and my clumber gilr who is now in training... It didn't end up happening for me ;) Love the breed but ended up being put off by the limited gene pool and size. I ended up with a Brittany
  9. So glad im at work!!! Feeling slightly chilly wearing jeans and a t shirt... :)
  10. Toby and Zora saw Deb tonight - I just love her so much!!! Toby needed a touch up (first one in ages - been sent away many times) and Zora just got cuddles :)
  11. At Albany can you camp on grounds the Friday night also? Thanks :)
  12. Any recommendations for accommodation places Sunbury weekend? It's for two people and two dogs. I'm assuming we need to book soon as they will likely book out! Thanks
  13. Zora goes nuts for rabbit! Took her out in the field on Saturday, it was so warm we only got about an hour and a half of work in. And it was very still so scenting conditions were pretty bad. However Zach found so many birds!!! Zora scented out a couple then she knew what we were there for and kept looking. She did a few nice points (one very flashy one at a dragonfly :laugh: ) and did very good air scenting! Very excited to go out in cooler weather and better scenting conditions... if the amount of quail now means anything we are going to have a bumper season! At the end of the session the dogs (and the owners) were very hot! Zach is a clever boy and jumped in the water through for a cool down, Zora followed suit, so bummed this picture didn't come out very well though! (Zora went home, had a bath and went to a show that night!)
  14. I highly doubt you will be able to claim it - unless you dog is limping and it's diagnostic. $500 sounds fair, especially if it includes scoring.
  15. Have you already got your setter? Is it from show or field lines?
  16. Hmmm where did you see numbers emery? Are there many Gundogs? I can't remember who is judging... Excited to show Zora though! Tomorrow is going to be a true dual Gundog day - out to the country to do field training in the paddocks in the morning and showing in the evening.
  17. Good luck to you and Zinger! Are there many other Gundogs in?
  18. At Puppy of the Year we will have Mirawee with a Lappy, ST with Lulu and Ptolomy is bringing Strauss who I get to handle :) I think Showdog said she didn't have a puppy in this year?
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