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Everything posted by RallyValley

  1. Which dogs in which events? (If I can be nosy ) If it's on the weekend I might try and get down to watch.
  2. BTW what day are your horses on? I will try come watch if it's Wednesday or Monday.
  3. So you can do that? I might have to shoot off an email then. I thought it was stuck so I entered him in 600 in Bunbury as a 'training run' for the royal, might have to try change that too!
  4. Same it was so cool to get all the dogs details up, it should be like that for all shows! Only issue was me using the tab key and arrows instead of a mouse because I am lazy accidently entered Toby in 600 and didn't realise till I read the receipt. So he will be jumping a bit highr then normal. Anyone else doing Bunbury agility trial on the 8th of August?
  5. Has evryone got in thier entries for the Perth Royal yet?
  6. Well this is a mediocre-at-best agility dog but it's good to know it can be done!
  7. I think I am about to do an order off Clean Run! I have been wanting that 2010 AKC Nationals DVD for ages and since mum "accidentaly" erased world dog games from my DVD players HDD and since I have seen other things in Free Shipping I wanted and then they disapeared cause I didn't do an order I better order this now. Amypie its because of you every week I am checking what Clean Run has in free shipping! :p
  8. Toby has sit/wait/recall/stay/down/stand ect. He will walk on a loose lead and is trialling in agility, the big change is teaching him the left side magnet, the strict heeling, the SFE ect. He is obidient (mostly) but not training in obidience (like CCD/CD type) if that makes sense.
  9. :rolleyes: Wish there were more people in the world like you. I was following your story and I am glad that it had a happy ending!
  10. I am also quite happy to withdraw my dogs in the ring too, I think ou are too right?.
  11. Has anyone trained an agility dog to be an obidience dog? Doing obidience with Toby is something that I think would be interesting but he has never done formal heelwork and is used to aglity training. I know dogs normally go from the other way (obidience to agility) and it is what I will be doing with Lincoln. I find when I do obidience work with Toby it helps with his focus for agility so it would be good to train towards something I guess.
  12. Yeah I am hoping to have Toby winding down his agility stuff by the time Lincoln starts so I can have my jumps at 600 all the time and never have to swap them.
  13. When I got my receipt for Perth Royal entries I saw I had accidentally entered Toby in 600 so we have been training mostly at that height so I don't embarassas myself too much and entered a trial at that height too!
  14. Well done Kenz! A bit off topic but I keep thinking , aren't those jumps too low?, she must be small and squishy then.
  15. I would love to bring Lilly to a meet one day but you would all laugh at how little control I have over my 14 year old who ignores me, refuses to aknowledge any command given by me and still slips out of collars. Yet will behave at so much as a sideways look from my dad even though I was the one who walked her by myself every day from ages 10 to 15, fed her, did her nails, groomed her, washed her and was basically her maid. She is also night blind, had HD and artritis in all her joints, losing her hearing AND she only likes boy dogs (shes a tart!) yet she still outfoxes me.
  16. Nah it's not going to work if I have to be at my cousins by 11.30. Maybe next time..
  17. Really wising I could make this one. What time is it? (Desperately hoping really early so I can drop in on the way to my cousins!)
  18. Congratulations rottie owners and to Ness! I hope you will bring Ness out of semi retrirement at Adelaide Royal so I can see her in action.
  19. Damn my cousin turning two on Trixie's big day! I am so in the mood for Toller cuddles!
  20. Handler members do not get the Canine News and can't own dogs, thats the diference.
  21. Stop it you guys some of us recently changed jobs and have to wait 3 weeks for the next pay!! I am going to do some training out at parks this weekedna dn may even print out the rally signs (woah!)plus it will be the first time in ages that I can train in daylight.
  22. Naughty Ari! Our most destructive (unbelivebly) is Lilly! she has ruined so much of my clothes, shoes, books, dvds ect. She is so sneaky!
  23. See this was my stupid mistake when I advertised Lincoln... I only put him in the image and I didn't take up half the picture! Stupid me assumed I was advertising him to let people know there was a Chesapeake in WA, not because I could simply put a pic of my face and Groups would fall my way.
  24. Anyone know if any Southern River area clubs are holding Rally classes OR if there is any time where a couple of people could have a little space to train Rally I realise club membership/ ground fees would have to be paid)??
  25. You could even just alternate dogs and take one this week and one the next week and just practice at home with them both, to be honest mason hardly learns anything new in class - I watch, do a little bit of practice myself so I know what to do and then teach it to him at home. Toby would never do any obidience if I didn't do a class.
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