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Everything posted by RallyValley

  1. I've got a 20" coming for Banjo, hope it fits. If it's too big we can swap ;) I went a bit big for Lincoln and it fits him around the neck JUST so I don't think it will last long. ANd then Toby can wear it! The things we do for these dogs!
  2. My Clean Run stuff arrived!!! But Toby's cool coat is to small so I have to do another order. Is anyone interested in buying a size 18 cool coat? If you are post or PM me.
  3. She was so adorable and cuddly! I think next year I will be going in with you though ST cause my ride was being such a pain!
  4. If I had a free weekend and you wanted to drive you could come up to mine. Can kick the horses out of one of the fully fenced paddocks (well smart dogs realise they can squeeze under the gate ) But well, I don't know how much free time I have over the next couple of months X-Mas windup?
  5. Sorry about Toby . I've made the decision I won't be trialling Sophie as she's just not sound anymore . I don't care for me and doing agility but it is so sad that my not even two and a half year old dog is unsound and must be in pain. And as if thats not enough he has allergies too. Oh well pity party is over. Where is the trial in November? I might be showing on the same day and can watch.
  6. I really enjoyed it and it gave me a lot of different ideas, I have not done much hand targeting with Mason, we did some but it was ages ago so it has made me realize that I probably need to do more of it. I am not sure that I will go back and re-teach Mason heeling because he is doing so nicely and I think it would not be fair of me to do that really, if he was not heeling properly or not heeling as I wanted then I might consider re-teaching him with those methods. I also realized that I must do more hind end awareness, I do some but not probably as much as I should do. What did you think Ptolomy? I met GR's Paddy this morning - he is so gorgeous I'm really jealous. I wish I had gone to the seminar as it would have been perfect for me who is starting out teaching my dogs heeling. i don't know how I missed it! And I am even more jealous you got to meet Paddy!!!
  7. Good on you for entering Tiggy! I am at a loss of what to do with Toby. He has been limping on and off the last couple of days (yes I will have the bowen out) but considering he is not even 2 and a half yet and he has had two episodes of lameness that is from his shoulder/elbow I am starting to think the fairest thing to do long-term is give up agility and try and get him into Rally-O (I would love to do obedience with him but that would be a super long term goal because I would be really wary of him in a group stay). I finally got his front crosses awesome too! (This dog has always had a rear cross but would sometimes stop point blank at a front cross and just stare at me )
  8. I know I have a pup under a year and if I had known this I would have scratched him without a second thought!!!! Why are some people such idiots! It was also a respiratory infection secondary from kennel cough Lincoln picked up at a show that was the beginning of the downhill slide for Lilly!
  9. I found the blog post that earlier got me worrying: http://misterrugby7.blogspot.com/2010/08/fiasco.html
  10. Don't go all quiet now! ;) A quick question in out of sight stays if you have a friend watching and your dog gets up are they allowed to go and get the dog if the stewards aren't quick off the bat?
  11. Created a thread so we can discuss this further without clogging up the brags thread. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=206322
  12. Maybe continue the coversation from the brags thread here cause it's very interesting to me. ;)
  13. Sorry for going so OT. But this group stays is why me and Toby will probably never do obedience.
  14. I had puppy cluckies really bad today but the oddest thing was that it wasn't a puppy that set it off but Bronson (10 year old black lab)! Cause we had him over and I kinda went OMG I don't have a black dog anymore! ;) After having a black dog (literally) as long as I can remember it felt really sad! Then I was googing LM puppies (damn you for that obessesion ST ) and was like I waaaaaant one!!! ;) Then Lincoln and Toby destroyed Lincoln's fluffy duck and got stuffing everywhere and I was over it.
  15. Congratulations again Sarah and PD888!!! I did see you on Wednesday and was going to say hi but I had my hands full with a puppy and a sulking man-child! ;)
  16. I have had an eventful year to say the least! I have been showing sparingly due to an appendix surgery (me), a toenail removal (him) and an emergency surgery to remove an intestine blockage that saw him half bald. Lincoln has also been to Melbourne for a holiday and shown there. He has gone RUBOB and RCC againts competition a couple of times while interstate! ;) He has been RUBOB at Adelaide Royal and BOB at Perth Royal. He is such a great dog and we have been awarded challanges from judges from Mexico, Canada, the Phillipines and local judges too! Hopefully the best is yet to come as he is finally starting to fill into himself. The below image is from Trafford Photography and a huge credit goes to them. ;)
  17. I wouldnt coat them in anything, I would just get him detecting on the scent of the balls, if your dad uses different brands I would train him with a variety as they may be made of different materials. Sounds like a plan! Will be a definate test of my shaping skills and a good practice for when it comes time to teach Lincoln articles for obedience.
  18. I might share some failure shots I took yesterday when I get them on the computer.
  19. For those of you who trained scent detection do you think this would work- My dad thinks it would be really helpful if Toby could detect where his golf balls landed in the paddock he uses as a driving range but challanged me to teach him this, I have accepted the challange as a mental stimulation task for Toby BUT was wondering would teaching Toby to find a scent (i.e almond oil) then getting dad to coat the golf balls with it then use that training be the way to go about it. :D Also not to go too off topic- My dogs don't know many tricks but I have no problem with people who teach them. It makes dogs think and is good at teaching owners how to teach dogs. Yesterday I was shaping Toby to side step over a log - a trick yes I guess BUT for me it's teaching hind end awareness and getting him thinking abut all 4 feet which is good for agility. :D
  20. My dog has big whelts from the bites, she has allergic reactions to these bloody Aussie mozzies!! But didnt bother the Judge the other day hje didnt seem to notice the big bumps! lol Yes I saw Taha Daha won BOB at the Royal! They both must be close to thier Ch. now! :D Naca has 16 to go and Taha 43 ( she hasnt shown as much!!) Lincoln has 76 to go so a fair bit closer then him :D , it will be so exciting when Naca titles, the first Aus Ch Xolo!!! :D
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