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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. Today in Adelaide we have had some serious thunderstorms. I have been at work all day and when I got home at 6pm I got a fairly big shock. One of the dogs had urinated all over the house - I mean ALL over the house. In the lounge room, laundry, hallways, bathroom (had poo'd in there as well). When I got home my girl Kiesha was quite panicked, panting, pacing and generally stressed. This doesn't surprise me at all as she is very fearful of storms. Although I thought she was getting better (well she is when she has her thundershirt on). However, I actually think it was my boy Chip who did it since the sofa was marked, as were the walls in the laundry and the bathroom. Whilst my girl does cock her leg she has never marked anything. Chip on the other hand has been known to mark things inside (particularly in the laundry) but NEVER like this. It almost looks like he had started marking things got scared and walked while he kept peeing (it really was EVERYWHERE!!!). Chip however has never shown any body language of being fearful of thunder in the past so it does surprise me. Even now we have thunder going but he's not showing any fear in his body language so I'm a bit confused. But at this stage I am assuming it was because of the storm, which is really the other thing different today that usual. Its also not like he is uncontrollably peeing. I will see how we go over the day and obviously if we continue to experience problems I will take him to the vet for a check up. Is it common though for dogs to uncontrollably eliminate due to fear or storms? What can I do about it? I work at least 1/2 hour away from work and there is no way they would let me go home because of a storm
  2. I agree with the others who think it worked out well. I actually think the AWL and BB really got it right with the dog that they selected so its a well done from me
  3. Hows the lameness going Ness? Still having episodes now she's on pain meds?
  4. No wonder I like Tiny so much.... he is norty!!! I have always been drawn to the naughty ones :laugh:
  5. Jeez Ness she just can't get a break can she. Hugs to Kenz and you!
  6. Yes I use them when I can't get family to look after them. So far I've used them 4 or 5 times. Each time I pick them up they're always playing & having a ball. They have always had their own grass run & private room. They are also reasonably priced. They're a fair drive away from Adelaide but so worth it. I never feel guilty leaving them there.
  7. Do you have small dogs Luffy? If so I would highly recommend Barossa Bed and Biscuit. They're a smaller kennel so might be booked already but worth a try. I have looked at almost every kennel in the state and personally think they're the best.
  8. I love the droopy bottom lip too!!! So cute!!!
  9. Hmmm not good. Was hoping for a good report
  10. How's it all going Ness after the front end lameness?
  11. It's not that simple, and the DPI has never actually prosecuted it. A law is just text on paper till it's enforced. ---- There will be no research on this - it is chemistry. The two ingredients literally do not mix together - they will always separate. That said, chemistry and physics would also indicate that if you properly shake the tube, and extract portions of the liquid immediately you will draw out a mixture roughly equal to the original proportions. Test it yourself using oil and water, shake it hard, extract some immediately - you'll come out with roughly the same proportions as the overall mix even though oil is completely non-soluble. I don't actually use spot ons but does it say to shake before use then? In the past I did use them and can't recall it saying anything like that. Personally I wouldn't split them and would just use the one from the relevant weight range for each dog. I just wouldn't take the risk for the sake of a few dollars.
  12. My girl loves going to my parents farm and chasing the rabbits. Dad said he'd pay her $10 for every rabbit caught because they eat his vines but alas she is yet to catch one. Turns out she just likes chasing them - she picks them up in her mouth and then lets them go so she can chase them again And there I was thinking I was going to make my fortune
  13. I'm sure he'll be flying in no time I bet his ears are nice and soft - I love puppy ears :D
  14. I have one 10kg dog that sleeps religiously on our bed (really its her bed I'm sure) and another 10kg dog that gets on and off depending on what he feels like plus an OH. During 'special cuddles' they both get off the bed of their own accord and go straight to sleep on their own beds. They certainly don't watch and to be honest I have more important things to worry about than them spying on me and telling all the neighbours
  15. He is so gorgeous! His ears look like wings and he's ready for lift off :laugh:
  16. Your lucky in that regard, so I'd just do one test at a time as I could afford it starting at the most recommended test. I know that it is all much easier said than done though and the length of time you've been dealing with this must be so frustrating!
  17. Don't worry I've been there remember :laugh: Everyone was telling me it was all in my head but I just knew there was something not right. I can see the lameness in the video - it's definately there and something isn't right. Now just got to work out what it is. And her body language in vid 2 definately suggests some discomfort to me. Unfortunately though I think you are just going to have to continue with the diagnostic testing until they figure it out what it is. I'd get the joint taps too - but thats just me. You also have to weigh up the costs involved.
  18. Looking at the second video Ness she does look to be quite sore. I would assume that there is some pain there (just from the video.) Is that directly following after the lameness in video 1? My initial thought from the first video is she isn't displaying obvious pain symptoms because she is so focused on her work (she is a BC afterall :D) but once she stops she is actually quite sore. In the third video after the post non-weight bearing episode she is walking along for the majority of the time with her head down and almost in a hunched/proppy motion. Is that common after an episode or maybe just because she is sniffing in this instance? Lastly - what is she like when she sits or when she drops? Does she struggle to get down and then back up again?
  19. Ness can I ask why they conceded that the chances of her having that are relatively low? Obviously I am no vet and haven't seen Kenz's lameness IRL but her symptoms are now presenting exactly the same as Chip (who does have it) from the way you describe it. The specialists also said it was very unlikely that he would have it and he did. Not saying she does but I just don't think you should rule anything out at this stage.
  20. Total cuteness overload! Have you told your family yet :laugh:
  21. My guys are HUGE bitey face fans - especially during all the good TV shows so can never hear whats going on. My guys also love it if I get on the ground on all fours, play bow at them and then pretend to sneeze - they think its the best game and pounce on me while I cover my face under my arms on the ground as they try to get their little noses in through my arms and lick me to death Gosh that makes me sound c-r-a-z-y
  22. Love the tiny pony tantrum...wish you hadoit in video hehe! I actually had a young horse that would throw herself on the ground in protest of going on the float, not quite as cute!! Must say his brushed mane reminds me of Kylie Minogue in the 80'd. Haha!! Such a cute little dude!
  23. I have so many fond memories of my dogs but I think one just happened that is the funniest ever. My dog plays with soft toys upside down - so laying on her back, legs in the air. She holds her toy in the air with her front paws and chews/sucks on it. That's funny to watch in itself. Just now she was doing that same thing but with her head hanging off the couch. She dropped her toy over her head & instead of righting herself & reaching down to get the toy whilst the right way up she tried to do it whilst still upside down. So she's was hanging off the couch upside down, front paws touching the ground trying to reach the toy with her mouth. That was until she fell off onto her head & then falling in a heap on the floor. She then gave me the 'what?! I meant to do that' look. Hahaha!!
  24. Oh I thought that the OP was moving between the two houses - my bad! My situation then is different as he just came everywhere with me which made him adaptable but he knew he had me to count on. Would be very unsettling having 2 houses and 2 seperate owners too.
  25. I'm donning the flame suit here but I don't entirely agree. When I got my first pup I lived between 3 houses - mine, my parents (who lived in the country) and my boyfriends. My pup turned out to be one of the most well adjusted dogs around. He is a dream take anywhere - we can go camping, to holiday houses, stay at friends houses etc and as long as he has his bed and shown where to toiet he's fine. Doesn't show any signs of stress at all in new environments. As a pup he quickly became accustomed to his 3 houses and knew the drill within each very quickly. We kept his routine the same - feeding times, walk times, training times, bed times and were consistent with cues and rules. I think dogs are much more adaptable than we often give them credit for and I think that although not necessarily ideal it can work and can be fantastic socialisation for a young pup.
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