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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. My two dogs were originally crate trained as puppies. But once they were toilet trained I really didn't bother with it and they just slept wherever they felt like, mostly on my bed. I've done some crate games over the years but I've never actually finished the whole program My dogs used to be impeccibly behaved, however after I broke up with my partner in May last year my priorities changed a bit and slowly they became more and more unruly. Don't get me wrong they weren't neglected or anything like that... they still got their walks and some training etc but the standards for their house hold manners lapsed a little. I know this is my fault and therefore need to rectify these things because I now have two door dashing, barking, jump all over the people at the front door dogs that have little respect for me as their leader. It's time to re-establish all the original boundaries. The first step is for them not to sleep on my bed. Whilst I love having them on there I think that this is an important decision to make. I would love it if they could just sleep on their beds on the floor but that will never happen as they just magically appear on the bed...so sneaky!!! Has anyone else crated their puppy and then gone back to it when they were older? Was it an easy transition? I can imagine that one of my dogs will not be too happy going back to living a dogs life after his life of luxury and having everything his own way!
  2. This is possibly the best photo of any dog EVER. Absolutely love it. Absolutely agree. It's my favourite dog pic of all time
  3. I hide 6 kongs and 2 treat balls around the house and just leave. They have never fought over food so I'm not worried about it at all. I don't even say goodbye, just walk straight out. They are too busy searching to even notice me leaving. If I don't leave the kongs etc. my girl will cry for about 5 minutes and it breaks my heart!! So best to continue with the kongs :D
  4. My dog Chip goes absolutely bananas for Hungry Jacks chips Not MacDonalds ones only the Hungry Jacks ones!!! He would turn himself inside out just to get one. He also really really likes the yellow powerade. Edited to remove quote from another thread
  5. I suggest contacting Canine Behavioural School (www.positivelydogs.com) as they have had great success in getting donations from their students in the past. For certain fundraisers they have put boxes at reception and people have brought in dog food, toys, bedding etc. (particularly for the VIC bushfire appeal). THey may be able to help you do something similar.
  6. Just so long as they're not delivering your knickers to anyone else! That could be awkward if you're staying at someone's house interstate The car keys idea is good! You may never lose them again! THe car key idea is great... until they start stealing them JUST so they can return them to you. Once they give them to me I always put them down and then can NEVER remember where I left them so I always end up losing them.
  7. I got a lunge line from Bonnets on Magill Road for $20. You can either get the nylon one or a cotton one which is much easier on your hands but if it gets wet becomes quite heavy. Also may I ask where are you doing your intensive recall course?
  8. What method are you using? I wasn't having great success with my Newf where we had to use halters and weren't allowed to use food. I left there and now use food to train her and she hasn't looked back. She now picks up new things in about 3 tries and does it enthusiastically whereas with the other method she always seemed bored and unhappy. You need to both enjoy training if you are to be successful. Using treats - doing the whole make them look up and butt hits the ground... But yosh decides to jump to try and get the treat instead of retreating back!! Then goes around in circles!! The trainer at our classes will keep trying with him. He loves the attention game (Treat in one hand and they have to pick it). Hes just so excited and has a load of fun but he doesnt like to concentrate Doing the heel walking on a leash, he always tries to run and its just one of those things that we have to keep trying. My DH is going to be buying them some new leads that hes looked into (Halti's?? off memory.. apparantly they are awesome for poodles??) and hoping we will have some more control so he listens Hes such a boof! Too smart - he can open the door and knows exactly what Im saying. Just a qquick suggestion for you... I have found that when dogs are jumping when luring into a sit its because you are holding the treat too high so they have to jump for it. If you put the treat basically on the dogs nose while they are standing and lure backwards but not too far up his nose should follow it and his but will go on the ground.
  9. Abrham Ali Angus Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie Arkhan Armand Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Benji Benny Benson Billy Bing Bluey Bomber Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Bundyx2 Cannon Caramel Carl Champ Charlie x 5 Chevy Chip x 2 Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger Dinky Douglas Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky FlashBazil Fleming Flynn Frank Gandor Greedy Hail Harley Harrison Henry Hudson Ivan Jack x 2 Jake Jasper x 2 James JayDee Jethro Jet Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser x 2 Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kyzer Lincoln Lenny Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lughie Lukas MacKenzie Mason Max x 4 Maxie Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mokha Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Onslow Oz Payton Pete Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Randy Reeve Rex Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rolly Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Sam Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Silas Snitch Sonny Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Storm Sumo Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Ulf Wags Walker Watson Weave Willow Willy Woody Yoshi Zac Zedley Zephyr x 2 Zeus Zuma
  10. Just for a laugh - for that price I'd be asking them when I booked to make sure his seat is next to yours (preferably by the window, since I'm sure he'd like the view) and what exactly it is that he's having for lunch Seriously though, its rediculous how much they charge!!!
  11. Hi Jo, We do have a members in WA if you want to PM me I can give you details, the Whippies would be very agile at covering the rubble piles. Cheers, Julie (friend of Teresa) Is there a SA group?
  12. I'd also definately be keen for a seminar in Adelaide
  13. I would recommend Stephens Tce puppy school along with The Parade Norwood veterinary clinic (smaller area but fantastic course)
  14. Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Anastacia (Annie) Angel X2 Anishinaabe April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Becky Bella x2 Bit Blossom Bonny Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Chelsea Chloe x 2 Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Daisy Delilah Delta Dexta Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie Emily Emma Erin Fanta Finta Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi Holly x 4 Honey Honour Imogen - Imy Jay Jay Jezebel Jodie Kara Karmen Katie Kayla Kenzie Kiesha Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Layla Lea (lele) Logan Lottie Lucy x3 Mable Marie Claudette Meg Merrique Millie x2 Minnie Mischka Molly Molly Coddle Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Pearl Peggie Pip Popcorn Rommi Rosey Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sally Sascha x 2 Satu Shae Shandy Sheba Shine Sinta Skye Sophie Springy Spook Stella Stimpy Storm Sue Tara Tayla Teegan Tess Tia Tilly TIlly Tinny (tin tin) Tori Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Ziva Zoe
  15. Is this really true? I can honestly say I have never seen either of my dogs drool.
  16. Is this not just the most ANNOYING comment that people make.... I had a cocker spaniel put puncture wounds all over my dogs throat with it bleeding alot (needed stitches) and the man says 'Gentle play Bella, Gentle play' then turns to me 'oh Bella is just playing'.... Argh! I don't think so!!!
  17. My thoughts exactly! Who picks up a stranger's dog anyway? By the feet? And throws it? What bloody idiot would throw a dog out of a dog park? Especially into a playground? That woman deserved more than a piece of your tongue, Kiesha. I would have threatened all sorts of legal action, starting with animal cruelty. What a rude, stupid woman!!! What if you had picked up her child and thrown it over the fence into the dog area???[ Exactly! And it makes about as much sense... I'm fairly sure that this woman had a few screws loose!!!
  18. poodlefan - my thoughts exactly!!!!!! I'm not a fan of dog parks and honestly around where I live they are just filled with people with dogs with no recall and no training and therefore need a fenced in area. The owners have no 'effective control'. Argh... the ones around here are disasters waiting to happen
  19. The last time I went to the dog park was a disaster and I'm now the outcast at this park ;) There were lots of dogs there so I should have known better than go in. We walked in and I unclipped my dogs leads (not before being harassed by probably 10 dogs at once with not one owner even looking our direction mid chat). Immediately my girl was harassed by multiple dogs chasing her and she was uncomfortable so I decided that we should leave! Meanwhile my boy had run over to the side fence of the park which joins a play ground. There was a child in the playground and his mother was inside the dog park. She proceeded to pick up my dog by his two front paws and throw him over the fence into the playground. I was about 5 meters away from him and he squeeled. IMO that is just not on and I let her have it - probably could have been somewhat more calm!!! But seriously what if my dog was not good with children and she had just thrown him into a playground full of kids and he bit one of them or he bit her, not to mention what if she had done damage to his legs by picking him up like that or had he landed funny after being thrown. While dealing with that I was still trying to stop all the other dogs harassing my girl So finally I get everything together, leads on dogs to get the hell out of that place when I hear all the owners who chat and do not pay any attention to their dogs bitching about me and my over reaction. I lost my temper and let them have it too explaining exactly why I overreacted. They may not mind what happens to their dogs (I'm sure they wouldn't have even noticed) but I sure do I'm definately not a confrontational person at all so I left the park shaking like a leaf and I'll NEVER go back!!! This dog park is evil.
  20. THat is EXACTLY what I did I didn't worry about using a clicker but just used a bridge word 'yes' which I conditioned first as in this instance I thought I might not have time to grab a clicker etc. if I was taking the dog out to pee in a rush ie just after waking so no accident occurs.
  21. With my two I put the lead on at home and just let them drag it around for a while (obviously 100% supervised). I probably did this a couple of times a day for a week so that they were used to it. Then when teaching them to walk with it I picked up the lead and lured them up and down my hallway, frequently treating.
  22. Hi Cazwah, From past conversations with you I think we may have had a little bit of a misunderstanding. If I were you, while I was home I would always be taking Chestnut to pee outside on the lawn (if that is where you want him to go in the long run) every hour or less if that is whats needed. Once he goes to the toilet give him a treat and praise like crazy!!!!! The reason for the doggy toilet in the long term confinement area is just so that while confined puppy can go on the normal substrate that they would go on outside. The better that Chestnut gets at going to the toilet outside on the grass (and the more used to it he is) the better he will become at using the long term confinement toilet in his pen. I never once put my dogs on the puppy toilet, however took them outside to the grass very very regularly. They became used to peeing on the grass and then started using their toilet as it looked like the same stuff as outside. ****The easiest rule is that whatever/wherever you want Chestnut to toilet on in the future, take him to that regularly when you are home and treat/praise like crazy when he goes to the toilet there. He'll quickly catch on in the LTC area****
  23. Nope the dog hadn't escaped, he was just walking him off lead. When I lectured him about it (couldn't help myself) he said that his dog liked walking better off-lead and he gets a better run around! I hate to bitch and moan about things like this but I just got on my nerves so much. Especially since my dog had just been hit by a car and I remember all too clearly what that image looked like and how scared I was. I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through it.
  24. Last night I was doing some training with my dog at the front door (as she is a door dasher and was hit by a car on the weekend to rectify this) with my girl on a lead. We walked to the end of the drive way for some heeling practice in between repetitions. While at the end of the drive way an off lead German Shepherd comes charging at us across the road with his owner in persuit screaming at him to come back. The body language of the GS was not positive at all so I threw some treats I was using in training at the end of the drive way and rushed my dog inside. The man proceeds to tell me his dog was dog agressive So please tell me why the hell a dog aggressive dog with no recall is walking along the footpath OFF LEAD!!!!!!!!!! :D :D I tried to explain it all to him - what if your dog gets hit by a car next time it runs across the road, my dog got hit on the weekend and thats why we're training now onlead blah blah blah... but I'm sure it all went in one ear and out the other as off he walked with his dog off lead ;) I know my dogs aren't perfect and i don't expect his to be either but surely its not too much to ask for the dogs owner to be somewhat responsible and manage these problems... how do you get through to these people?
  25. I can use my puppy pen to block off my front verandah, but I've also been practicing at the door from the garage to the house. I want to have the garage door open as that is really when I need them to stay inside (will see if my puppy pen can stretch across the garage opening. Bedazzledx2 I like your car ettiquette being they can only come out when their individual name is called. Mine will only come out on my ok, but of course then I get two at once! I might train that too while I'm at it I think I should change my 2010 training goals to purely ' having well mannered pets' as by the time I re-train all the bad behaviours that have been creeping in lately it will be 2011!!!
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