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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. Good to hear that she isn't feeling too many after effects from her first 'owie'!!
  2. I have a power pee'er here so i know exactly what you're going through But on the upside its great socialisation for the wee little girl
  3. Wohooo Neko photos make my day :laugh: She looks so innocent and it reminds me of a first ever school photo sitting up straight like a good girl! How is she liking having new friends come to stay? I hope Iggy Mum is ok and her stay in hospital isn't too long!
  4. even more photos. Wahooo!!! Even though I know they are not the right breed for me I have fallen madly in love with iggies, particularly the smooshy puppies! I love your style of photography as well.
  5. She is still just as adorable and I love that she is having a little play with the whippets. I love the one where she's being chased and her back legs are all tucked up and her front ones are going in opposite directions. Are you enjoying having a puppy around the place?
  6. I don't mean to be a 'needy' follower of the most gorgeous Neko Daisy Ninja but can we pretty please have some more photos? I miss her cuteness :laugh:
  7. I can't be much help in terms of places and don't want to be a worrying wilma but my only suggestion would be to stick to on leash places. Snakes are coming out now and a bushwalk is a prime activity to run into one. You wouldn't want your aussie running after it and getting bitten. We generally only bushwalk in winter when snakes are much less active for this very reason.
  8. I have a scooter here too and get her checked out every single time I take her to the vet. She doesn't have worms or full anal glands but does it every time she does a poo (with the exception of when we're on an on lead walk). Vet has put it down to either a bit of hair perhaps touches her there which tickles so she itches it (she is long haired) or she just likes to clean herself. Last Sunday morning though I let her out and went back to bed. I woke up to seeing her head slide past the bed leaving a poo slide mark on the carpet. Got up to find one on two other carpets and two more in the hallway. She had tried to clean her dangleberry off inside... Ewwww!! Definitely time for a haircut!!
  9. The head wrinkles make me melt THey are just adorable puppies!! Love the name Neko as well - do you pronounce it N-ee-ko or Neko (like gecko)?
  10. OMG..... She is sooooo cute!!! Totally adorable. I would get nothing done ever again if she was coming to live with me!!
  11. :laugh: :laugh: Very quick (as always) Li'l Gifts Well, I didn't have an inkling, I was more focussed on the relationship between the hoomans. LOL. If she takes after her mum, Kirislin, she will be a knockout. I like the name Fame. Other suggestions: Flirt, Flaunt, Plume. This! I thought there MUST have been something going on, particularly after the keys incident But I also thought that surely you'd end up having one of these pups after all this time spend with them :laugh:
  12. That is so exciting that she is yours!!!! She looks like she has so much attitude and spunk! The good news is we get to live vicariously through you and watch her grow up and all her mischief making antics :D
  13. In summer here we have to keep the dogs on lead so I go swimming with the dogs on leads. So they get lots of sand and salt water on them! I just wash them out with tap water when I get home and then put them into the washing machine. They are still going strong after 4 years.
  14. Omg I just died of cute!!!!!!!! Widget spooning + fat black slug tummy + the little wrinkles on their heads proved too much for me to handle. CUTEST. THINGS. EVER.
  15. I'm so glad that Scout is ok! It is a giant wake up call for me though. My girl runs to the front door at full speed and bangs against the glass panel next to the door to bark at things going by multiple times I day. I need to stop it and get the laminated glass put in asap before she does the same thing as Scout. Considering I'm normally at work during the day the likelihood of it happening and me not being home is too great. I shudder to think of the what if!
  16. I would LOVE a dog bath in my laundry and love the concept JulesP. But that one is no different to the bath I have in my bathroom which I use currently and gives me a very sore back leaning over. For it to be absolutely perfect it would have to be raised so no leaning required :laugh:
  17. I would groom it personally. But then again if the owners had neglected it so badly that a) it was a matted mess and b) it was out wondering on its own, then they might not recognise it if they go looking at the pound with a new haircut.
  18. I lived in an apartment with my dogs and used a pet loo too. I actually did the same thing, I restricted access when i wasn't around and put him in the pen with the pet loo (he needs somewhere to relieve himself while you're out for long periods of time). WHen I was home and could supervise 100% he was out of his pen BUT I would take the puppy back to the pet loo every hour or after drinking, eating, napping or any other time he looked like he needed to go. Even though the puppy knows to go on the pet loo when he is confined in the pen, you have to show the puppy that when he is out and he needs to pee/poop he has to go find the pet loo and go there. That is where taking him back there frequently comes in. The more you practice the more he will understand. The puppy at this stage should never be unsupervised so shouldn't have accidents on your rugs. Once the puppy is reliable going to the pet loo from anywhere in the house, that is when I started to move it towards the door and then outside. Good luck and remember never leave the puppy unsupervised unless he is in his pen
  19. Me too! It looks as though he is in a blissed out state of zen with the sun on his back :laugh:
  20. What experience do you have with the breed bullaroo?
  21. Absolutely loved it. The best bits are pushing through the whippets at the water and the victory leap at the end
  22. Not what I was expecting but so much better.
  23. I lived in an apartment with both my dogs as puppies. One is a maltese x lhasa apso and the other is a maltese x poodle (well we think as they were rescues). These are the kinds of breeds that were always recommended to me for apartments. It was really really challenging when they were puppies. We were lucky that we had a tiny courtyard so we ripped up the pavers and put grass in for toileting. But they had energy to burn and not enough space. I had to walk them morning and night rain, hail or shine and did training with them every single day. I was 100% committed to providing as much environmental enrichment as possible so they had different kongs, treat balls, puzzles you name it to keep them amused. Even with the amount of effort I put in they still chewed my furniture and my couch. It also took up alot of time making all these things :laugh: After 2 1/2 years we moved to somewhere bigger and where we have a backyard. It was a godsend but now they are older they are totally suited to being apartment dogs. They sleep all day and 99% of the time when inside and then when I take them out to the park are total loons racing around like crazy things. So I guess what I'm saying is if you're stuck living in the apartment really really consider an older dog. Even with breeds suited to apartment living they can still be very challenging in an apartment.
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