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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. My dogs get hot in their crates at night so for a few weeks they have been out of them and allowed to be 'free' in my room at night. But its not working! They bark at other dogs barking or people walking past etc and are keeping me awake and keep getting on my bed during the night when I don't notice. I want them to go back in their crates! So I'm looking for a cooling mat. Can anyone recommend a good brand? It would be good to get one that works and is the lowest maintenance ie don't have to put it in water every night but really I'm happy to do whatever it takes to keep them cool. Also, some of these mats get put in water to activate their cooling properties. Does the dog get wet?
  2. I would definately be interested in coming to one of the shows next weekend. Can you give me some details?
  3. Lyndsay when is your next show? WnH - ahh Daisy She's even pretty with her temper tantrum face My old arab that I had to have put down 2 years ago had an attitude just the same. I love the characters
  4. This is a terrible terrible situation for the dog but unfortunately it is 100% the fault of its owner. Let it be a lesson to everyone to NEVER leave their dog tied up outside shops. Not only could someone be bitten (you never know what even the most bombproof dog would do if it felt like it was being threatened) someone could steal your dog or physically hurt it. Why would you want to risk it?
  5. That is too cute! Also can't wait to hear about the canine/feline confusion of those kitties as they grow :rolleyes: 'woof' 'meow' I know nothing much about cats, but how amazing is it that the bitch started producing milk! I'm guessing that kittens are ok having dog milk? :D
  6. Thanks for the info OSoSwift. As much as I think whippets are gorgeous dogs I don't think they are really what I'm after. I don't want to be constantly fighting a battle for a great recall in all situations. I know you need to train a recall but there are some breeds where this is easier to do than others. Ness - that'd be right, they never tick ALL the boxes do they Does midget BC sleep in AND snuggle?
  7. Oh wow I have 3 that walk past my house throughout the week (2 together and anther one who lives with someone else). I should definately have a chat to them about their dogs and meet them. They do look like pretty chilled out dogs.
  8. HAHA why not - lets just add another breed to the list I'm sure a midget BC would fit right in. Well actually, on second thoughts as long as I could ship he/she off to Ness so I could have a sleep in Poor Ness would definately come home a few kg's heavier... how could you resist that face But in all seriousness if I could guarantee a Ness like BC I'd have them on the top of the list.
  9. A kelpie could be another option. Although we had one when I was little and he was crazy His name was lightning for a reason! WnH I only want another horse if I can have Daisy :D They've obviously never seen a Poodle take out a tennis ball. Not that girls can't take out a tennis ball too. Maybe I'll end up with a poodle and an Aussie
  10. I think Bernese Mountain Dogs are a bit too big for me. I'm not sure one would even fit in my car Lyndsay I'd love to meet some more Aussies, that would be great
  11. What are the differences between the smooth and rough, other than the obvious (coat)? Poodlemum standard poodles are still on the list
  12. Another vote for this one. Or Norwood Parade veterinary clinic.
  13. I think you are competely right here. I do want highly trainable but I also don't want REALLY high maintenance. I guess alot of this comes down to expressing exactly what I want to the breeders I speak with and let them guide me to a degree. I have met quite a few different Aussies. Three that I know quite well as they belonged to fellow obedience instructors where I was a trainee instructor and lots that came through our training school as students. The three I knew well were so well behaved but thats because their owners put in a lot of time and effort to train them that way (I am under no misconception that they come perfectly behaved!!). One was quite shy and reserved and the other two were the life of the party. Even including all the student Aussies I've met too, they were all 'go' when asked but happy to settle on a mat when required. Having said all that though it is so different seeing a dog out and about at training and then actually living with it.
  14. This is my worst nightmare. I KNOW my dog would chase the snake. She loves moving things and slippery, sliding, wriggling things even better. I hope things all turn out ok for you Monah! Fingers crossed and congratulations on such a great recall!!!
  15. I've considered a Finnish Lapphund but concerned they don't totally have the 'willing to please' attitude that I'm after.
  16. Is there a doggy daycare anywhere near you? I had friends that sent their dog 2 days a week and the dog was so buggered on the other days that she was an angel.
  17. I do love dog sports and train my two current dogs in agility but I am not 'that' dedicated so I don't want to be bound by having to do it with my dog if that makes sense. I want a dog that could do it but doesn't have to.
  18. I have thought about Tollers and they could definately be an option. It's just I am so damn picky. Collie Rough's are ok but there is something missing there. They don't 'grab' me, if that makes any sense. I don't know much about flat coated retrievers - will go look them up. Do they shed like GR or labs?
  19. Mmm ok think Bouvier might be out then.
  20. Ahh the great apartment debate. It certainly is an interesting topic. About 5 years ago I was living in an apartment and desperately wanted a dog so I rescued a maltese x after researching and researching and researching what breed to get. They all said SWF - poodles, maltese, Shitzu etc or Great Danes or Greyhounds etc. So got the SWF from a reputable rescue organisation and boy was he the least suited dog to apartment living or what He was a high energy, demanding and destructive little sh*t but it made me one of the most dedicated dog owners I know. There was NEVER a day that he didn't get 2 walks a day plus training, he went to training 2 nights a week and I would spend weekends doing everything with him. He also came everywhere with me. It's lucky he landed in my hands because I'm sure his sorry little butt would have been kicked right back to the rescue had he gone to someone else. I then decided to add another and just as she settled down we moved into a house with a yard. Raising a puppy in an apartment is HARD WORK!! Toilet training is harder, exercise is harder, training is harder, everything is harder and you have to be dedicated. I think the decision should be made on the person buying the puppy and what their dedication will be like rather than the size of the yard. BTW: my two use the yard once in a blue moon now so would be perfect for an apartment
  21. Unfortunately I was bitten as a child by a schnauzer and whilst I'm not scared of them or anything or think they all bite, I just don't have the most possitive associations with them. So they are off my list I don't know anything about a Bouvier des flandres. What can you tell me about them.
  22. I'm not too concerned about my other dogs - this new dog could come about in their lifetime or after I'm not sure. But either way I will take the necessary steps to manage those relationships and be sure they aren't hurt or scared by a puppy. I have thought about whippets because they are beautiful dogs. But I would like to do lots of off lead walking (obviously when trained if trustworthy) ie hiking and the like so not sure if they are suitable. How do they go on farms etc. with bunny's running around?
  23. I know of multiple groomers that will do standards so that isn't an issue. But from my experience and what I have read poodles still have higher maintenance coats than say an Aussie. I know my old BC was not groomed as much as mums poodle but didn't need to be. Poodles aren't off the list though. I do prefer long haired dogs though ie over a short haired coolie. But am open to short haired options too.
  24. Poodlefan one of my Maltese x's is crossed with a minature poodle and has many more poodle traits that maltese traits. I love her and think she is the BEST dog in the world but want something bigger. A standard poodle is the second option after an Aussie. The thing that sways me away from the poodle is the grooming costs (trust me don't let me any where near the clippers!) and all the grooming to get the burrs and knots out. Plus I am SO sick of being told my dog is a pansy
  25. The two I have now are maltese x's.
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