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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. Well Chip had X-rays today and all looks ok on that front and she didn't find anything sinister. As for his cruciate well she thinks its quite stable once she manipulated it when he was under anasthetic and completely relaxed. Therefore she's concluded that he must have done some soft tissue damage as his hock is actually fairly swollen. She also mentioned that given his behaviour this morning he looks like he is healing up quite nicely from the crate rest (He is now officially nuts and I'm sure he exploded with enthusiasm for everything when they examined him so not sure if I would go off his current horrible behaviour). So looks like its going to be a few more weeks of crate rest (oh help me god!) and following that he will be allowed to roam around the house and have 5 minutes on leash walks for a few more weeks after that before we go back and see what the verdict is.
  2. Thanks everyone for the tips so far. There are some really good ideas there. Just one question - where does one buy the deer antlers you speak of?
  3. My dog is on crate rest for the next few days because he may have ruptured his cruciate and he has torn some tendons in his right shoulder (we're waiting on a final lot of tests to be done on Wedesday). This crate rest though could end up going on for a while if he needs an operation to fix it. He is normally fine in his crate but after a weekend of it he is totally fed up. He is on anti-inflamatories as well so they make him feel like he's ok so woud much rather be running around. What are some things I can put in his crate to keep him occupied and his mind busy? The vet has said for now I can set up a puppy play pen with his crate etc in it for now so he can't run around but does have a little more space which is what I"ve done today for while I'm at work.
  4. We just got home from the vet who thinks my boy has two separate issues. It appears like he has some tendon damage to his right shoulder and looks like he may have done a cruciate in his right back leg. He's going in for X-rays and blood work on Wednesday to rule out anything else more sinister. For now the poor boy is on complete bed rest including on leash toileting ( he's going to love that!). He's back on the anti-inflame for now too. Poor darling is still a bit miserable!
  5. Well we are back off to the vet on Friday afternoon so we'll see how we go from there. The last two days have been pretty bad for him and he's been quite stiff and sore in his back legs. Last night I gave him an anti-inflammatory which I had left over from when he first started displaying symptoms. They didn't work then at all but this morning he seemed a bit better. Could either be coincidence and today is a better day for him or they worked. We also didn't do any exercise yesterday so maybe that had an impact (although I normally notice he's better after a bit of exercise but who knows.) I haven't been able to see or feel any warmth or swelling around his joints so hopefully thats a good sign. I'll update further once I know more.
  6. Thanks everyone for the replies and don't worry you haven't spooked me. It's just good to know different things with similar symptoms so I can go into the vet informed and ask them to check these things out. After doing some more research on some of the things you guys had suggested the symptoms do all sound very similar. So it will be off to the vet to see what he says. Fingers crossed it turns out to be none of these things!
  7. I should also add that he had become really slow on walks too. But it comes and goes. Some days he's as good as gold and others he's terrible. For some reason I think the adrenalin of going to the vets/chriopractor/walks seems to take over because he never really shows the symptoms when we go so its hard for them to really see whats going on.
  8. A while ago I posted about my dog who had been limping on and off for about a month. He had been to the vets and they suggested he had sprained his elbow. That never really cleared up so I took him to the chiropractor where they couldn't find anything much apart form some issues with his neck so an adjustment was done. He started limping by the time we got home from the chiropractor. But its getting worse and he now seems stiff and sore all over. The lameness now moves from one leg to another and he'll often growl and try to bite if I try and stretch out his legs. He struggles to get up in the mornings or after laying down for long periods of time, is often lethargic when he's particularly stiff, and seems to have good and bad days. On bad days he won't jump on the couch or bed (which is particularly wierd so something is obviously wrong) and sometimes won't even get up for food. Today is a particularly bad day and when I got home from work he was stuck on the bed and couldn't get off (obviously won't be giving him access to the bed anymore). He also struggles to sit and will now never sit in a tucked sit but his legs out to the side sitting on one hip. He also won't drop when asked but will only bow with his butt sticking up in the air. He is only 5 but to be honest the symptoms seem exactly like arthritis. Could it be possible this early? He isn't overweight or unfit (in fact the chiropractor commented on how muscular he was). I think its time for another trip to the vet
  9. Perfectly normal behaviour and I would be allowing it outside (I think it would actually be a tough one to stop). When you take him to other peoples houses go back to like he was a puppy and you were toilet training him. Take him outside to pee as soon as you get there and periodically throughout your time there. Make sure you treat and reward when he goes outside in the new place too! Funnily enough my 100% toilet trianed boy will still cock his leg around my house (inside). BUT he NEVER pees, just pretends (not one drop of pee comes out!)
  10. The fact that you have posted about it here obviously shows you are very concerned about it. If I was concerned about it so much as to post about it on DOL then I'd be changing vets. There are vets out there who will handle animals roughly and there are those that will be kind and gentle. I make the choice that I want my animals to be treated kindly and gently and so will seek out a vet that will treat them that way. Even if I have to search high and low for one that is a criteria I will not budge on. Find a new vet. Who cares if you've been going there for years. He hasn't provided the service he is trained to in an acceptable manner which warrants leaving IMO.
  11. While she is settling in I think its better for her to have a consistent routine of where she sleeps. So if you want her to sleep outside all the time leave it at that and I wouldn't be changing it around to the laundry because its raining. The changes to sleeping areas will only continue to confuse her.
  12. How is her dogs body language when around other dogs? Having their 'lipstick' out can be a stress signal so if he is uncomfortable around other dogs this could be the cause. Maybe he needs some calm and controlled (on leash) introductions to other dogs who are also very calm.
  13. I live really close to Norwood too. Always walk the dogs down to the Parade and meet friends for breakfast on the weekends They love it and have never had a problem with it. The cafes all have water bowls out too I'm fairly sure there are no restrictions on dogs in the CBD other than they must be leashed. I take my puppies to Rundle Mall for socialisation. They see all sorts of people and things. Never had any troubles with this either.
  14. 'Blister' - what a fitting name! I have to put sunscreen on both my two - all over their bellies because they lie on their backs and bake. Silly things! THEN they complain in their crates at night because they are HOT
  15. I can see why people were concerned about your post. You did infact say that Millie was getting hurt by Dash's bouncy big playing. Just because she doesn't show aggression when being rounded up doesn't mean that your dog is enjoying it. She probably gives off so many warning signals in terms of other body language to warn Sid that she doesn't like being rounded up and the growling is the last straw. I think you should be stopping it at soon as it starts.
  16. It has nothing to do with the size of the dog. Its not acceptable for ANY dog to be acting that way and it is the owners responsibility to do something about it. The title of this thread should read 'idiots and ignorance does not excuse behaviour!' It works both ways. I see big dogs being harassed by small dogs at the park but I also see small dogs harass big dogs at the park too. I for one have a small dog who can be reactive to bigger dogs. I manage this and work on it every day and would NEVER let her harass another dog. But honestly this reactivity has been stemmed from her being attacked and harassed by other big dogs many many times. Why do big dog owners allow their dogs to harass my dog? It works both ways. So seriously forget about the size of the dog and start looking at the owners as the true issue!
  17. I'm very strict with my dogs about eating - I don't have time for dordling or being fussy (mean mum I know!). So the food goes down for 10 mins and if its not gone it goes away and they wait until the next feed. My two chomp away and the food is ALWAYS gone in 10 mins. But I know a trainer who did this same thing with a foster pug she had who was very fussy. He wouldn't eat what she gave him so she took it away and tried again the next feed. This went on for 10 days and the pug didn't eat a thing. She had taken him to the vet multiple times and said he was fine and to persist. So she kept going. On the 10th day she rocked up to the vet in tears and he sent her home and said 'he won't starve himself to death so stop freaking out'. The morning of the 11th day he ate a BIG bowl full of food. Never been fussy again. So I would persist with your dog (after a vet check of course).
  18. Yeah that was the plan but he just seems to be so sore today and I think I'm starting to panic since it's been going on for so long! The poor little guy seems so miserable too. I wish I'd just gone to Matthew when you first gave me the recommendation ness. Safe to say "I told you do" I think! I think I'll take him for a short walk tomorrow to loosen things up and see how he goes. Resting just seems to make it worse. Hope You get to the bottom of kenzie's limp Ness coz I know exactly what you mean about doing your head in!!!
  19. At the start of January I posted about my dog limping when he came back from the kennels. I took him to the vet who said that he had sprained his elbow and gave him some anti-inflams. Over the past month the issue has continued to come and go. He'll be fine for a few days then if he's been lying around for a while it obviously gets sore and he starts limping again. It has ranged just from a slight limp to not bearing weight on it at all. It appears to be better if he keeps moving around on it. Over the last 3 days it has been really really hot here (over 42) so I haven't walked the dogs and it has become worse. He's limping alot and does not weight bear on it frequently after lying down. I have booked him into the chiropractor but can only get in on Saturday week. Would you go back to the vet again before the Chiro appt? I do go to a vet that is VERY highly regarded and I do think does a good job but I just never feel like I leave with any definitive answers so I am a bit hesitant to make another appointment.
  20. I have noticed the change too and I much prefer the old texture. I find that it's really watery now. My dogs still eat it though but I find it gets REALLY stinky.
  21. I have looked at this one too and heard that they aren't that sturdily made as well. Do you need to refill it with water all the time to keep it cool? Mine kind of wouldn't have a choice but to sleep on it since they're in their crates, unless of course they hated it and I would remove it and try something else. Does the dog get wet? Do they drip everywhere? Sorry for all the questions but all I am imagining at the moment is a dripping wet dog bed being carried down the hallway into their crates
  22. Thanks Andisa. I have had a look at the website for these. Can you explain how they work exactly as the explaination wasn't that great on their website.
  23. Bump - any recommendations?
  24. My kiesha licks ALOT!!!!!! Or wants to lick alot. But I never let her lick me so she generally doesn't bother. Yet visitors, they are fair game - feet, legs etc. And if there is nothing exposed she'll just lick their pant legs. I did notice she tried to lick my hand at the computer a couple of days ago. I said 'no licking' so she moved to the computer and licked the keyboard where my hand had been. Cheeky little monkey. My ex started this licking thing with 'kisses' on the cheek and now I'm left with the problem. He was the anti-trainer and I really don't think I'll ever stop this behaviour since she was rewarded for it for the first 3 years of her life.
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