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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. Sounds like your doing a great job of socialising them together. How are they going when you seperate them? Are they going on a walk each day seperately and handling being alone ok? I ask this from experience. My two dogs are not even litter sister/brother but they did get very attached to each other. My girl (the younger one) used to stress, cry, freak out when I left with the other dog (to the vet or training independently etc.) I had to do ALOT of training to teach her to be fine by herself because if for example my boy had to spend the day at the vet she originally would have fallen to pieces. Now he can be taken out for the day and whilst she doesn't like it she will no longer try and break through windows or harm herself to try and get to him.
  2. Just a thought - when you leave him do you leave any enrichment toys like a kong stuffed with food or a treat ball or a bone? When ever I leave my puppy's I ensure that it is a good thing. So when I leave I make sure they get their special 'home alone' toys which in our house are a kong stuffed with their breakfast (they don't get food in a bowl) and a treat ball filled with kibble. I will also sometimes throw some kibble all over the lawn so they have to find it. All of this takes their mind off me leaving and also conditions them to believe me leaving is not a bad thing because they get something great in return. Now my dogs practically beg me to leave for work in the morning (but it certainly wasn't always like this!!!)
  3. I love harley!!! Think you should stick with that
  4. After seeing this thread I did some research on lagottos as they look like a great little breed. I definately agree with Gayle....definately looks like a Lagotto. If you look closely at one of the legs it has the roaning colour like a lagotto. I don't think PWD have that.
  5. I have 2 small white fluffies and we go bushwalking all the time and their favourite place on earth is my parents farm.... If you keep the coat short there is nothing to worry about and even if it gets a bit longer then a quick brush and/or bath will be fine. A SWF does not have to be just a pavement pusher!
  6. Thanks kiesha09 - I love this idea - I will be showing OH this when he gets home. Oh and I also think it is a great way of showing your neighbours kids what the appropriate behaviour around your puppy is... ie. when puppy gets excited stand still ask him to sit and then give him pats (all under your supervision of course).
  7. I think you need to be outside with the children and the dog on lead. The dog still gets to be a part of that time and isn't missing out. The reason that I would go down this path is that to teach your puppy not to jump on the children you need to do more than get everyone to be a tree. It is a fantastic opportunity to build value in 'four feet on the floor' or a 'polite sit for greeting' by positively reinforcing this behaviour (while you still have control on lead). I would be playing some games with all the kids like walking up to the dog (who is next to you on leash) asking for a sit and then giving a reward. Then you could change it up by you and the dog walk toward the kid, you ask for a sit and the kid gives the reward. I used to play these games with my 5 year old twin nieces when my dog was a puppy. The kids loved it because they were getting to give the dog treats and they were helping with the training. The dogs now have a very positive association with kids and always sit for a polite greeting.
  8. I'm not sure why you posted a reply that added absolutely nothing to the topic we're discussing whether for or against either but hey it's a forum so I expect there to be discussion and alternative points of view.
  9. Yes sorry guys you are right there was drive at birth (even low drive dogs have drive) but what I meant to say was that she has fostered it to be how she wants it (I'm not articulating myself very well here, sorry). For example she has used her dog Decaff as an example a few times now in her recallers course who was a dog that was not high drive to begin with. This is definately something she has fostered and worked with. Ruff Luv has also been very misinterpreted and Susan has admitted this multiple times. I also heard her interpretation of it and it is no where near as restrictive as it reads in the book. I wish she would re-release the book with more explanation. Anyway I have taken this topic a bit OT so back to the original topic.
  10. Susan builds the drive in her dogs, it is not necessarily something ingrained in them from birth. I have a small dog however, she was very reactive and onlead had become quite aggressive to other dogs. Yes it wasn't the worst agression I have seen but that was due to her size not her intent. Through Susan's 5 minute recall program (where I did 10 minutes a day) I have solved this problem and created a massive amount of drive in my very low drive dog. I'm not trying to sell her program here btw I just want to reiterate that you can fix these ingrained behavioural problems using these methods and you don't have to go to that much trouble to do it. This same dog had barked at the possums every night for the last 3 years...another very ingrained behaviour that was completely self reinforcing (in fact today it is still classified as her number 1 reward). This has also been stopped and I have total control over it. So IMO and experience you can most definately fix ingrained problem behaviours.
  11. I believe that there are alternatives that can be used instead of a prong collar but more importantly force in general. If people can train all types of animals to do all sorts of jobs/tricks etc not relying on a collar at all then I'm sure we can do it with dogs. I believe that those who have not been successful using a positive approach proably have a flawed application of the method rather than the method itself being flawed. There have been alot of aggressive dogs with serious behavioural issues rehabilitated using positive reinforcement methods. Possibilities in Dog Training I'm not going to get into an argument with all of you who are pro-prong collars as this is just my oppinion but I did want to post the article as food for thought.
  12. Thats the problem....I can't choose a breed!!!!!!!! I currently have 2 SWF which were rescues from the pound and chosen because I lived in a town house and needed something small. I got two high energy SWF oops! This dumbass didn't do much research I grew up with Border Collies and love love love them. I would idealy love to get one just not sure if my situation is right - ie only have a small/medium sized yard, could I give one enough exercise, would they end up outsmarting me So then I think about a Aussie Shepherd and I think they could be a good fit personality wise but again have some reservations similar with that of BC's. THEN... currently I live with two non-shedding dogs. Could I actually live with a shedding dog? So then standard poodles enter the mix. Finally... OH wants a boston terrier so could they too match what I'm looking for. SEE I'm going to need serious help by the time I get another dog because I simply cannot choose!!!! Sorry but that wasn't actually much help to you at all.
  13. Happy to report that no signs of kennel cough have appeared at my place yet. Fingers crossed it all stays that way!
  14. Oh bugger - I guess we'll just wait and see if they get it then. Ready Set Go - my post was the shortened version of the story... I did tell her to take her dogs home and not take them out in public until the coughing was gone. I recommended a visit to the vet because she had absolutely no idea of anything about KC so I figured she could do with speaking with the vet about it.
  15. I have just got back from taking the dogs to the park this afternoon. While we were there they were playing with two gorgeous dogs who they got on with really well. Next minute I heard one of the other dogs cough. Didn't think much of it until the other lady says 'oh yes they both have a cough since I picked them up from the kennels.' Argh!!!! What the hell are they doing at the park then!!!! This lady had little to no idea so I explained to her that it could be kennel cough and best she get them both to the vet whilst removing both my dogs from play immediately. So....what are the chances that both my two will get it after 3 -4 minutes of playing with these other dogs?
  16. Have they taken their puppy to training?
  17. I put mine in the dishwasher - but not sure if you're meant to! Although they still look fine :D
  18. One is a maltese x poodle and the other a maltese x lhasa apso. To be honest I'm not brave enough to just give it a go. I would need to learn a little bit about it first.
  19. Unfortunately both my dogs are from the pound so I can't go to their breeder.
  20. I have two long haired dogs who I usually send to the groomers every 8 weeks to be professionally groomed. However, if I knew how to do it myself I probably would as it is quite expensive. But where do you learn this skill? I don't want to become a professional groomer or anything like that I just want to clip my own two dogs (without them looking totally stupid). So for those of you who clip your own dogs - did you learn from a mentor, or books or you tube videos or did you just give it a go?
  21. I'm so sorry Jules, that is such an awful thing to happen! Try to take care of yourself xx
  22. The dosing scheme was given by my regular vet. Now that he has been diagnosed the specialist recommended that they look after the ongoing management. We started on Thurs and within a day saw some remarkable differences. Day 3 and I have my normal boy back. Tomorrow we drop down to 1 tablet a day. I really haven't noticed any Side effects. He always had a massive appetite and it hasn't become any worse, haven't noticed him drinking or peeing more so that's good news.
  23. My dogs are aged 4 and 5 and they have never grown out of it They are very people focused little dogs and that is what I like about them. Although having said that I'm not overly impressed that my girl has learnt to open the toilet door... is nothing sacred anymore? Having said that I knew that it was important I trained them at an early age to handle being on their own. So they're fine when I go to work, if they're crated or locked outside. But if they have their own way they will follow me wherever I am.
  24. I've been to the vet tonight and feel much better about things. He will go onto 5mg twice a day for three days with the view of reducing the dose from there. Hopefully we'll be able to slowly reduce it to a 1/4 tablet every two days. He starts on Thurs (after the previcox is out of his system) so hopefully it works and it goes to plan!
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