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Everything posted by kiesha09

  1. Awww that is so lovely! I think they might of missed him just a tad. Do you even get a look in anymore? My OH works away alot & my two ignore him on his return for at least a week! He gets offended every time.
  2. Yep - I haven't convinced my OH yet either and am in exactly the same situation!
  3. Thanks skitch - I found their website this morning and liked the look of it so I gave them a call just now. The lady seemed absolutely lovely on the phone so I've booked in to go and have a look in a couple of weeks time. Good to hear positive feedback about them. They are pretty close to home too so that would be convenient :)
  4. Ah thanks for that. I'm not sure why when I search nothing of relevance ever comes up :laugh: I'm obviously doing it wrong Has onyone heard anything about Pampered Pets Resort?
  5. That is freakin hillarious! I had tears running down my face and everyone at work thinks I'm a loon laughingh & crying at the same time
  6. I know there has been a thread on this but I can't find it... so here is another one. Can anyone recommend a REALLY REALLY good boarding kennel in SA? I've used Barossa Bed & Biscuit before and they are fantastic but they are booked out when I need them. I have 2 small dogs and one who is very soft so something that would cater to their needs would be good. If anyone can find the other threads a link to it would be much appreciated too :)
  7. My two dogs do this too :laugh: I put the towels down on the floor and they roll around on it and dry themselves and then do mad zoomies. Even if I'm holding the towel they rub themselves in it. Now if only they could wipe their own muddy paws before coming in the door
  8. The problem I have with the dog rocks is that my dog doesn't like them in his water bowl... so he takes them out
  9. My dog hasn't peed on a person but multiple times has peed on someones bag or basket at the park. He's now onlead only when there are such htings lying around. I was absolutely mortified and have given him a swift telling off both times whilst apologising profusely to the owners of the bags. Unfortunately it makes no difference and he'll still try and do it. He is completely toilet trained (for inside anyway) however he is the dog that walks around the house and 'phantom' pees on all the furniture. Nothing ever comes out (trust me I have checked enough times to be sure) but he walks up to all the furniture and cocks his leg and pretends to pee. Then he does the scratchy back leg thing afterwards to spread his scent (insert rolly eyes emoticon here) :laugh:
  10. Wow what a fantastic thread! When my guys were puppies I read EVERYTHING known to man on dogs and dog training and was so focussed on not ruining my puppies that to be honest I think I turned them into spoilt sooks. They are mostly well behaved (more so the second one) but they do have some issues. Everything I read seemed to talk about seperation anxiety and how it was bad to leave them alone etc. so I always felt so incredibly guilty when I left for work. Then I would spoil them when I got home to make up for leaving them. I now have one dog that actually does have seperation anxiety and both completely lose their minds if they are locked outside contstantly jumping and scratching at the door. So next time I'm definately going to do things differently. I have a very secure yard with shelter so I think they will be outside during the day while I'm at work, crate trained at night & not allowed on furniture. They will have the same amount of training and play time. I also think I'm just going to stress less about the whole puppy raising thing. I mean I tried so hard to raise them perfectly and they still didn't turn out perfect so whats the big deal. Last time I was constantly so stressed and always scolding my partner for not doing things the right way etc. Next time I'm just going to chill and go with the flow and be a bit more consistent :D
  11. Ive seen a few of these robot vacuum cleaner threads on DOL and you've all got me convinced that they're awesome (any excuse to vacuum less!) My OH though is less that convinced... he thinks it's a just like buying one of those useless contraptions from Danoz Direct. I'm thinking I might just sneakily buy one while he's overseas. Are you SURE they work well?
  12. Yes mine is seriously afraid of white feathers... not any other colours just white ones(insert eyeroll emoticon here).
  13. For those of you who walk in the dark - are your walks onlead only? Do you find your dogs get enough exercise? For me our walks are onlead only during winter (as I can't see them at the park) and I find when we first start with onlead only they are bouncing off the walls for the first few weeks while they adjust. Having said that they sleep all day on weekends after our park walks :D
  14. I walk in the dark too - only difference to summer is it's dark and I look more like a snowman rolling down the road due to all the layers I wear so I don't freeze my touche off! I can't say I enjoy winter and non-daylight savings time at all!!
  15. Similar problem here. If my dogs bark for more then 5 seconds straight, even once per day, the neighbour is out there yelling. The first time I thought there must really be an issue so went over, knocked on the door and explained that yes, I have a 4 month old (at the time) puppy, I realise her bark is very loud, however the small amount of barking you heard was because of .......... and I am working on training her out of it. I was met with "Well that's not good enough and I won't tolerate it". The dog had barked for less than a minute at 7:30pm at night. o_O Well several repeats of her screeching through the fence to "Shut that dog up!" every time she made a noise and I realised that she wasn't 'suffering', she was simply being a bully. Took the wooden spoon out into the yard and bashed it against the water tank for 30 seconds, told her that if she wanted real noise then I'd happily give it to her. Haven't had any problems since.. The thing that makes me so angry is that unlike everyone around me I DO do the right thing by my dogs. They are walked at least twice per day, trained, crated inside on a night, never bark for hours on end. The Mali has a supersonic bark that could probably be heard from 2 streets over however she never barks for more than about 15 seconds at a time, never more than once or twice per day and never during the night. Usually it's from inside the house anyway. Makes me think that perhaps I should turf both dogs outside for 24 hours with no exercise and no stimulation like the rest of the dogs on this street so they can find out what 'real' problem barking sounds like. Mind you these are the same neighbours that complained when my pup knocked a bone against the fence because 'she might damage it'. Argh! My concern is never the council, they do jack shit, but nasty (or fed up) neighbours taking matters into their own hands. My god that is the silliest thing I've ever heard.... It's so silly it's funny! They should come and live with me... the kids next door just LOVE banging things along the fence!!
  16. I have a barker and to be honest I find the management to be a PITA but I do as best as I can to avoid conflict with my neighbours. Having said that they're not exactly helpful as they never tell me about the barking. My girl is inside mostly during the day and barks at people going past the front of the house. You can't hear her bark when shes inside. At night though she will bark at the possums while she's out for a wee. I had no idea it annoyed the neighbours because whenever I said to them 'please tell me if my dogs barking is annoying you' or 'I'm sorry about the barking' etc. they always told me that they never hear them. So I thought all was good. Then one night one of the neighbours came out an yelled at her to 'shut up dog' and I started noticing their kids yelling at them to 'shut up dog' and banging on the fence if they barked while we were outside playing (during the day). They must of learned it from somewhere! So now she just isn't allowed outside after dark unless I'm right there with her. Even on lead though she will still get some barks out at the possum if it's there so it makes it really hard. I am trying my best but she has to pee. Maybe I should start yelling 'shut up kids' as they drive their little trikes up and down the side of the house banging a stick on the colourbond fence at 6am ;) I can't understand however, how some people just do nothing about their dog barking.
  17. I'm not that creative when I name my animals but some of the wierder ones are 'Chip' who is my current dog. He was named that as a puppy because the last thing we heard on our TV before he chewed through the power cable was a comedian yelling out 'Chip Noooo' - very fitting really so Chip it was. My palomino horse was called 'Blonde Bimbo' and my other horse was called 'Maybe' as she was maybe a horse and maybe a pony (her size was in the middle).
  18. I know how hard it is to leave our best friends... I am a complete sook about it!! I left my two for 5 weeks last November when I went to Vietnam. My girl knew I was leaving her and cried and tried to grab my leg as I was going out the front door. I felt horrible and cried the whole hour trip home!! My brothers girlfriend kept me up to date with photos of them on facebook and within 10 minutes of me leaving she was cuddled up with my brother sound asleep on the couch. My brother and his girlfriend are now their most favourite people.... sometimes even trumping me! When I went to pick them up my boy refused to get in the car and ran back inside I'm pretty sure he'd still rather live with them :laugh: So even with the most attached dogs I think we worry a bit too much (well I do anyway!!). They will soon attach to someone else especially if there is food involved.
  19. What.... isn't this normal I thought everyone talked to their dogs like this :D
  20. Whoahhhhh... initially I thought this was easy but it's so not Toy: Toy poodle Small: Minature Poodle Medium: Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Toller, Brittany Large: Standard Poodle Giant: Bernese Mountain Dog My next dog is meant to be from the 'medium' category.... the one category where I have 4 options!!!
  21. Also remember that if you provide the 'same' toys every day he'll quickly become bored of the toys.... you need to change them every day. Even with the box example above that Talida Whippets mentioned (which is a great idea!) if he absolutely loves destroying the box, don't think 'yahoo!!' we've found something he loves and give him a new box every day - make sure you give him a box once a fortnight so it remains a novelty for him. Or else he'll lose interest. Also with the box idea I put a few treats in it before I seal it up to get the dogs interest in it first.
  22. OMG this is truly the funniest thing I've seen in a while!!!!
  23. Thanks everyone for all the info. This definately sounds like it could be an option for my boy so I'm going to speak with my vet about it
  24. My guys sleep on their own beds in my bedroom. On weekends they are allowed on the bed after 5am because if I let them do that they will sleep as long as I want to which sure works for me! I love a good sleep in :D
  25. Awww they are absolutely adorable.... I just want to give them all squishy cuddles :laugh: Leopuppy you and Kinta are thoroughly spoilt with those cuddle pie puppies!!
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