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Posts posted by farout

  1. Just wanted to say how sorry I am Farout :cry:

    Not long ago a beagle breeder in the US put up a photo of her litter that was not able to be revived after her bitch had a elective c-section. All good size and not premature :mad Obviously she was going to take this debarcle further.

    In your case with some pups surviving and some not, combined with the temperature spike it's a bit complicated and may be hard to get the answer your looking for.

    The bitches weight wasnt taken before the c-section & the vet had no record of her weight either.

  2. Did they find any sign of infection? A temp of 40.5 is high, especially at whelping. My guess would be she was developing an infection and some of the puppies had already died by the time they opened her up. If the live puppies were all from the same horn that would be more evidence that the other one had an infection.

    No they never found any sign of infection ( temp was 37.5 at 6.30am then at 9.30am 38.4 then at 11.00am 40.2 .. All of the pups were alive when born & all had heart beats for nearly an hour but seemed very weak.

  3. :hug: You must feel so awful right now so its not the time to even try to make sense of it all. Wait a week until you are less in shock & then think of the questions you would like to ask your vet & have a chat then.

    No one on a forum could know what went wrong really. So many things can go wrong in breeding & sometimes there is no clear answer. Hopefully your remaining pups will thrive so try & focus on them. In a short time they will be running around & making you smile again.

    Thanks Christina, Its been a week tomorrow since it happened :(

    What Questions do I ask? I still cant think straight.

  4. I need some answers please to why we lost 3 big healthy pups. Im so upset & cant think straight..My bitch started contracting at around 11am, I had been taking her temp days before 3 times a day .When she started to push I took her temp again it was up to 40.2, I called the vet straight away & they said to come in .They could feel a pup & with her pushing the pup wasnt moving down so they decided on a cesarian. They gave her a pre-med & about 20-30 min later I was called in to help. All of the pups took ages to breath but all had heart beats. They only managed to get 4 to breath by them selfs & the other 3 after about an hour of rubbing, clear airways, giving oxygen ect died! Ive never lost a pup through a c-section before. To loose 3 is devastating. The 3 that died all weighed approx 500grm, they were the 3 biggest as the other 4 were only 350grm-400grm. Any information or simular thing thats happened you know about? Thanks

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