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Everything posted by SherwinJTB

  1. So I decided to add another clip to my collection of Foxy. There was a vet tech that commented on my video about getting my family pet to a groom and vet. So his problems could be matting and asthma. I haven't really researched into this because my parents took care of him. Click here!
  2. This is kind of interesting to me as I've never really wanted to be in competition with my dogs. I would usually think that dogs that don't 'tug' are way too obedient or probably scared. I think you'd have to tease your dog a little and make them want to be more aggressive. Anyway, I find there's always risk to wanting to get your pets to do more of the ordinary. Chase them around being more active and maybe they'd think you're on equal level with them. Try growling instead of shouting words. lolz
  3. So I was bored one day last year and just felt like filming. Dog was in the back yard and peacefully just sitting there. At the end he turns his head for whatever reason. I think it was the sound of some road traffic or the train passing by. Click here!
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