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Everything posted by Kirty
Does anyone else get a big smile on their face when this ad comes on? It's just so cute. :)
They think FIV is up to about 30% of Victorian cats now.
Double post!
I'm so sorry Nek. Thinking of you and your partner at this sad time xxx
No it is not illegal to tape ears!! It is illegal to crop ears.
I think with bitches, the risk of pyo would put me off keeping them entire.
It can be. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/205156-reverse-sneezing-explained/page__pid__5700232#entry5700232
Elongated soft palates can be deadly in severe cases, however you would know if the dog had a breathing problem if it was that bad.
Bugger, Cotex is poisonous to cats too. Damn cats. And damn flies!!
Is chocolate an allowable colour in Cockers?
Awesome photos everyone! Redangel, we do get Geckos in Melbourne. :) We get Marbled Geckos and they are super cute!
Exactly! Perhaps if more people made a fuss about it, something would be done! What is that saying? Bad things happen when good people do nothing.
I don't use zoom at all. Try using it without zoom and getting closer to the subjects. Then crop the picture later if you need to. I am just going by what I have learnt from my little camera by the way, I am no expert!
I have cats who mix with my dogs, so not too keen on Advantix. I also suspect that flies would have to bite the dog in order to be killed.
She is a staffy! I agree with Nek - new vet!
How exciting! Do you know what breed they are or how old?
He is GORGEOUS!! I'm sure he'll be snapped up in no time. :)
Exactly Nek!! But when you breed untested dogs together, this is the risk you take.
Does she snore or have any breathing problems? If not, I wouldn't be doing anything! Besides, you have plenty plenty of time before she is 12 months old. Perhaps they can have a look when she is being desexed.
Exactly. Healthy dogs with nice temperaments who are then killed at 12-18months of age. What a disgusting waste.
It might just be the zoom then. Do you normally zoom in on them when you take the photo from a distance?
I don't know, but I'm interested too. One of my dogs is a target for flies (not really the others for some reason) and her ears are shocking at the moment. I have tried a citronella type spray (which the dogs HATED), Aeroguard and now a fly repelling lotion. They all work for a few hours but then it wears off and the flies are back. I work full time so I can't re-apply throughout the day. Would love to find something that works for at least 8 hours!
I find the whole industry appalling - both dog and horse racing. Perhaps if breeders were limited to a certain number of litters per year that might help. But as it stands there are too many dogs being bred and not enough homes for them. Its breaks my heart that these animals are treated like machines - worth nothing unless they are winning or breeding winners. And often then its still not enough. Once they can no longer breed, they are killed. If they break down, they are killed. Its disgusting. Yes, lots of animals are dumped or PTS every year. But if you compared the breed stats and especially the age of the dogs, I think greys would outnumber any other breed.
Good on you for considering it! :) Things to consider: Will your current pets be OK with a naughty puppy in the house? Will you be able to keep puppy seperate from big dogs if need be? Do you have a crate or spare room that you can use to confine puppy for quiet time? Have the puppies been vaccinated and are your dogs up to date with vaccs? Who will manage the rehoming? Who will pay for food, vet bills, etc?
Drugs can sometimes make them more stressed too (depending on the type) because they feel confused or wobbly.