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Everything posted by K1TT3N

  1. Oh I just read on another website with the ACV if it's broken skin to dilute it first, then as it heals you can just use straight ACV..don't wanna hurt the poor fella
  2. Thanks Tini, think I might put some ACV and water in a spray bottle and give that a go for a couple of days, if it starts healing up maybe then i'll give the curash a go It's gonna be tricky in this weather, but hopefully it helps it Do you apply straight ACV??? I read to dilute 1 tablespoon ACV and 1 tablespoon water...hopefully the water dosen't make it either too dilluted that it doesn't work and hopefully it doesn't leave it to damp either.
  3. I have heard Curash is a miracle cure, but is it recommended for when it's at it's pussy/wet kind of stage. We have had constant rain since Sunday and we are expecting much the same for the next week, so it's getting harder and harder to keep him dry, hence the reason he developed it in the first place and is having trouble healing He won't let us close enough to put ANYTHING on it and because it's on top of his head it's even hard to distract him coz he's always moving his head. The powder would be a great idea, I just don't want to use it if it's going to make it worse now that it's at the pussy kind of stage If you wouldn't recommend Curash, is there something that we can get that is able to be sprayed on him instead of having to apply or drop?
  4. Thanks for the Touch Technique, will definately try that. We take him on different paths everyday so it doesn't seem to be in particular spots or anything. I think it could be the leader of the pack thing happening that Wolfsong mentioned. There's no particular reason for not using treats, just didn't want him to become dependent on them in order to behave lol.
  5. Where do you get that from? He's on the one in the yellow bags that you get from the Supermarket and you can only buy small bags.
  6. I am looking for a reputable company that comes to your house and carries out one on one behavioural training. I live on the Sunshine Coast, QLD and wondering if anyone had any recommendations of companies they have used and were happy with?
  7. Thanks for your help I was thinking that actually, we've been paying for him to go to dog training each week but he's really only learning basic commands and it appears that we need a few particular issues addressed, i've seen a few websites of people that come and do like a 2-3 hour intense training that apparently corrects behavioural issues so it might be worth a try, i'm sure it's expensive but if we're paying weekly to go to a class that's not helping it's going to be more benficial in the long run money wise also
  8. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with being tired either, because he does sometimes walk in another direction just doesn't want to go in whichever direction you want him to go lol. Once you eventually do get him to move in the right direction he picks back up pace again and acts as though nothing happened.
  9. It can be any time of day and any where around. We tend to only walk him just before dark so that it's not too hot out for him so it doesn't apear to have anything to do with the hot road surfaces. It is just completely random altho he also always does it when we go to leave from my boyfriends mum's place. He stands still and just plants his feet into the ground. No tell tale signs that he's going to do it, he'll be running along and then BAM he stops. Only once he started to slink off a little before it happened. What will the vet be able to check if it's behavioural?
  10. Our puppy is 8 months old and we are still feeding him dry puppy food. We were told because he's a big breed dog that you should feed them on puppy food for longer as they are slower to develop fully growth wise. However how long is too long? We would love the convenience of being able to buy a big bag of dry food as opposed to the little one's that puppy food only comes in, but i'm not going to switch him over if it's too premature.
  11. We have an 8 month old Alaskan Malamute so as you can imagine he doesn't look much like a puppy, he's a very solid strong boy already! We can be walking along with him, all going well and all of a sudden he'll just come to a hault...will not move even when you pull really hard or call him playfully or anything..nothing works...you can sometimes walk him in another direction, basically any direction other than the one you were originally going but it's getting very frustrating and i'm becoming scared to walk him because the first time it happened I didn't have my phone on me or anything and I got stuck uptown for 45 minutes with him not moving. He's so solid/stubborn when he stops that even my boyfriend can't get him to move so you can only imagine me trying to! lol. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if so how you overcome it? Preferrably without treats.
  12. I've got a 7 month old Alaskan Malamute who is normally a very calm puppy, but for some reason the last 2 days he's started playing up and the same furniture he's been around for the past 3 months has now become his chew toy. He destroyed a bean bag and a futon and he has ripped at the carpet not too long ago. Last night we caught him in the act, he started digging into the other futon so we were able to tell him off for it. He didn't seem to come back in and touch it during the night, but is there ways that have worked for you for stopping an animal from attacking furniture when they're bored?
  13. Awwwww isn't he just adorable!!!!! Bourbon seems so much shorter than Russell...maybe it's just the angle of the pictures but he still looks like a puppy, Russell is startin to look too much like a grown dog haha.
  14. Russell is now 6 months old, just thought i'd share the latest photo's with you My Boys Looks like he has a 6-pack hehe! He is mesmerised when you scratch his chest!
  15. hehe I will try and get some more soon I promise You will have to update my signature then hehehe
  16. haha don't appologise, I got the answers I needed and your questions are helping me learn things about them too hehe. Russell did a Magic Trick last night.... we put him out in the rumpus as we always do, put the board hard up against the door as normal so he can't get out, woke up this morning and he was in the garage and the board was still up in place, he doesn't know how to jump and even if he could he would have axed himself on the board coz it's far too high and thick...noooo idea how he got there!!! lol.
  17. So if he's not showing any behavioural concerns in regards to too much hormones, can it be bad to get them desexed? Can it effect their personality in a bad way if there is nothing wrong with them in the first place? Sorry if that sounds like a stupid question lol.
  18. Have you had Twilight Desexed? If so how did you find the change in behaviour? Thanks for the replies, it is a tough choice to make, he's not showing any signs of dominance or unruly behaviour because of it, but at the same time I thought it might calm him down a little still, less to worry about as far as getting another dog pregnant and also registration is obviously cheaper too. When I rang the vet they told me the price for a dog under 12 months, does it go up or down in price after they're older than a year?
  19. My partner and I are trying to decide if we want to get our 5 1/2 month old Alaskan Malamute desexed.... Has anyone had their Mal desexed and if so what are your pro's and con's to having it done?
  20. Was it you that told me that Apple Cider Vinegar in their food stops weepy eye? How much Vinegar?
  21. Oh wow is that the latest pic of Bourbon in your sig?? He looks EXACTLY like Russell!!!! lol. I can't get him to sit still long enough to get a photo but I was going to try again very soon! He's got a real character about him now! I don't want him to grow up, he's such a cute puppy! lol. How old is Twilight?
  22. I have a 5 month old Alaskan Malamute and I was just wondering if there are any other mal owners out there if you could tell me your ADULT dogs weight and how much wet and dry food you give them daily. I'm just after an idea of what to expect as he grows. Thanks
  23. Thanks very much! The feeding I think is under control now, he seemed to pick that up rather quick, last night I was rather impressed actually coz I walked in to the shed where we feed him and he sat at the door and waited until I started walking away before he got up to go and eat. Hoping that behaviour sticks! lol. I'll try the other two tricks and see if he picks them up too, thanks again
  24. Just wondering if anyone could share their tips for training a dog to do any of the following: * Gimme 5/Shake Hands * Stay * When feeding, making them be patient while the food is being put into the bowl and then eating it when told they can, instead of bull rushing and sticking their head into the food bowl! lol
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