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Everything posted by aussielover
Proban Use And Removing Ticks
aussielover replied to Skruffy n Flea's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I thought most areas in sydney had ticks? But yes, they are very scary and sadly people do not take them seriously enough. to the OP for doing the research and caring about the health safety of her dogs!!! -
Vaccinations And Flea/worm Treatments
aussielover replied to BigPaws's topic in General Dog Discussion
So I've been doing a bit of research on vaccinations and other chemicals we put into our pets for the sake of preventing certain illnesses and parasites. I have some questions for breeders and would also welcome the opinions of other potential puppy buyers. What I have gathered so far is as follows: 1) when dogs are on a natural, raw diet fleas and mosquitos are not interested in them so there is no need for flea or heartworm treatments. ???? Never every heard of this before and heartwom prevention is very important it literally may only take one mosqiuto to infect your dog 2) if dogs are not subjected to chemical intervention, their bodies are able to develop the ability to deal with worms on their own No this is not true. a dog will not be able to fight an overwhelming infestation if they are regularly exposed to a source of larvae 3) vaccinations do nothing except poison your dog. WRONG!!! I'm sorry people who don't vaccinate their kids or pets at all really, really irritate me!!! I'm not going to get on my soapbox though (deep breath in). Boosters are a slightly different story, i would be inclined to titre test before re-vaccination 4) pups over 12 weeks of age are safe from Parvo a pup may only develop immunity if it has been exposed to parvovirus before, be that an actual infection or a low/inactivated dose of the virus. If the pup comes into contact with parvo before 12 weeks, it is likely to get infected and become ill if no prior vaccinations are given. Adult dog (even ones thta have been vaccinated) still get parvo. i'm sorry but where did you get his information from? Its all very inaccurate/bizarre. My questions to puppy buyers are: 1) Would you buy a puppy from a breeder who hasn't given the pups any vaccinations, worm or flea treatments? No, perhaps i would be willing to overlook lack of flea treatments if the breeders home was flea-free 2) Would you be happy with a pup that has gone from mother's milk to raw diet? Yes 3) Would you be prepared to continue for the rest of the dog's life with no vaccinations and feeding a raw diet? No to no vaccinations, as i said before i would be happy to titre test, also if my dog need to come overseas with me of course i'll be vaccinating for rabies. Would be happy to feed a raw diet so long as it is of approprite butitional value. -
My dog only goes in the bushes not on the grass. I do not allow her to go on the grass as i like to lie on it and run around in bare feet which would be pretty yucky if there was crap or pee on it. But i admit i am a bit slack in picking up the poos and usually just let her move onto a new spot and let the old area "degrade" naturally LOL she actually only poos iin the yard about once a day at most, the other times is usually at the park on on the toilet break spot on our walks
So they are illegal? I though k9 pro used them and he is in NSW? Maybe K9 could clarify for us? Maybe the Op could try to get a consult with k9 pro before deciding. Tho i haven't personally used them, lots here have with positive results and you can see his posts are balanced and sensible.
Hey could someone clarify if e collars are legal in NSW. Had a look at the sompanion animals act or something and it said they are only legal when used as an invisible boundary??? Which if true goes to show the ridiculous nature of the ban- a shock is a shock whether its used for barking or running out of a property. BTW i think ecollars are fine provided they are used under the direction of a professional. Possibly they are more humans than those citronella collars. Just wanted to clarify that although i support de barking as a last resort (the op's situation sounded like a last resprt which is why i mentioned some vets in the area that do it), i def think e collars and other anti bark collars should be tried before surgery!
Proban Use And Removing Ticks
aussielover replied to Skruffy n Flea's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Proban should be effective within 24hrs of ingestion but I am just paranoid about ticks, living in a high tick area and regularly seeing dogs dying due to ticks. The ticks will actually drop off by themselves once they are full, or once the prevenative product takes effect. However, if you see one, it is best to remove it ASAP. -
Home by herslef for one night is not so bad, especially considering your mum is checking on them
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
aussielover replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Glad to hear elbie and hoover are getting along! Elbie seems pretty mature- dog distraction wise. Lillistar- Ruby couldn't have been as bad as Mindy. On one occaison (the offleash session-typical) she decided to totally ignore me, and rip all the treats down from the stand at the vet, rip open the packets and devour! Naughty dog! We had to attemot to to a heel in a fugure of 8 around the other dogs- Mindy ran off to the treat section and nothing could get her back LOL At least she ignored the other dogs! On our first class ever- the teacher said Mindy was a "handful" (nice way of saying pyschcotic brat) and when we tried to settle her on our laps as instructed she screamed and wriggled for like 10 minutes until the teacher said maybe you should put her on the floor then LOL. -
Leaving My Baby For The First Time - Need Dog Walker
aussielover replied to jacqui835's topic in General Dog Discussion
Do you want him walked off the leash? I am always reluctant to let dogs that i house sit off the leash till i have done some obedience and recall work with them at home, formed a bit of a bond with them and tested them on a long line, the first time. I usually use my own dog as an extra saftey with them as well, she has good recall and they will follow her back to me usually. which is why i only babysit dog-friendly dogs. Do any DOLers know him at all? Personally I think letting a dog you have just met off the leash is a BAD IDEA. BTW he is very handsome! -
That is weird. My pup has changed her toilet spot 3 times. First was in the bushes just outside the back door, then down towards the end of the graden and now on a shelf in the graden beds!!!???? I don't really care as long as she is not going in a different spot each day. she seems to keep the same spot for a couple of weeks/months and then moves on to another. Maybe the smell gets too strong in a certain area and they have to wait for it to go??? My pup also went on concrete/tiles when she first came, it was actually easier to clean up- just hose off the wees and pick up the poo and then hose and spray with disinfectant. Its more hygenic for sure.
Proban Use And Removing Ticks
aussielover replied to Skruffy n Flea's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
You must always remove ticks if you see them. This is especially important for paralysis ticks as the longer they are left on, the more toxin they will release. I would want to start my dog on Proban a little earlier. You can also use proban with either: frontline or advantix but be aware there is still a chance that a tick could attach itself, but it would (hopefully) die pretty quickly due to the proban in the bloodlstream. -
Revolution does not cover paralysis ticks. Interceptor is cheaper than sentinel so you will save money that way too
Thanks TerraNik. Lappies are on my wish list along with a *few* (only about 10) other breeds LOL - intelligent, good looking, trainable and a good, managable size. At the moment i'm living in a really bad tick area so probably not suitable atm. I did have an aussie prevoiusly but she was shaved for summer
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
aussielover replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
OMG!!!! He is adorable! Very, very good loooking imo! Yay for you guys! -
Drontal Delay For Puppy
aussielover replied to schnauzer_mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
That is the schedule i was told to follow also. The pre-patent period for most worms (not inc heartworm) is only 3-4 weeks. That means if your dog ingests a worm larvae it will take 3-4 weeks the larvae to become worms and start producing more larvae. ETA: to answer the original question: it will be ok to do it a week later. The effects of the drug actually only last in the dogs system for 24-48 hours, whihc is why for heavy infestations, you can give one tablet everyday for a few days until alll the worms are gone. But get the chewable ones as others have recommended. -
Use interceptor + advantix. interceptor does everything sentinel does except for fleas. this way you're not overlapping
Does Anyones Elses Puppy Rise When The Sun Does?
aussielover replied to aussielover's topic in Puppy Chat
Why don't you just leave him until 6 if you're sure he doesn't need to toilet? and maybe get some ear plugs LOL -
One looks like a ridgeless ridgie or maybe ridge x, and one looks like a mastiff x.
The other bonus is that he will not be marking his territory. People forget that their male dog can smell the bitch on heat down the road & further away. Never noticed any change in my many desexed dogs over the years apart from this, which is good. Desexed dogs can still mark their territory. castration doesn't necessarily remove that urge.
It would seem to me that she has assigned a higher value to the other dog than to you (ie she would rather be out with the other dog than in with you). Why is your other dog an outside only dog and this one not? I personally don't believe in different rules for different dogs in the same home. If everyone (you, the pup and the older dog) is happy with her being outside then I don't see the problem? Being a crossbred dog we can't really know if she will have received typical cav or poodle traits, indeed she may have recieved some aspects of both. Personally i prefer my dogs to see me as "number one fun thing to be with" but if you are happy to have her devote her attentions to the other dog, this arrangement seems fine. If you would rather her focus on you, i recommend you spends lots more time playing with her and training her, also beginning this program: TOT
It is not the neighbours fault at all! Why should they have to put up with a barking dog? I love dogs and have my own, but I have written letters of complaint to neighbours about their barking dogs before, and written in to the council after they failed to respond. Perhaps the dog likes the sound of its own voice, a barking dog doesn't always = unhappy. It is the same concept as desexing really, which the majority of people seem not to have an issue with. I am not saying i would like it to become the first respnose to a barking dog at all but for a person who has been thru all other options, it is humane and appropriate. You will find many specialist vets will perform this procedure (if they receive the appropriate documentation saying it is legal etc)
Hey K9, I have another question about your program again! (sorry couldn't post in socialisation thread due to it being too old) If your dog is already "socialised" to other dogs can you still achieve a high level of reliability? Obviously, it will be much harder, but is it still possible? Is this achieved through drive training? Can you have two dogs living in the same household, one socialised and one neutralised and trained in drive? I think my next dog will be trained using your methods- neutralisation and drive, so i can try to avoid problems. Do you find that people who follow your program from puppyhood generally have good results, with reliable dogs?
I don't see it as a big deal as long as all other avenues have been exhausted. the procedure itself if fairly straightfoward and minor. Less invasive than a female dog spay. I'm sure the dog would rather be debarked than dead (as others have pointed out). They still think they can bark...
Lappies are so cute! I've never seen one in person though. I have a few questions about coat care- How much hair do they actually have? I've seem some photos where they look very fluffy and some where the coat looks fairly flat and medium length. For example, do they generally have less hair than samoyeds? Do they get hot during summer? I know a few samoyed and they seem to cope very well, but they do have a white coat. Would you recommend a lappie for a paralysis tick area? what is the average weight of a lappie?
I think this statement is inaccurate for any breed. Flatties do not have blunter teeth than any other breed, unless you file them down yourself. A "soft mouth" is the result of bite inhibition which needs to be taught from socialisation with other dogs as welll as training at home. A well socialised and trained flattie is a joy to be around and unlikely to hurt someone (like any well socialsed and trained dog), don't get me wrong but I think it is misleading to say that a certain breed of dog could not hurt someone due to special anatomical features as all dogs have basically the same skull and jaw conformation. ANY dog can and will bite and inflict serious ionjuries IF THEY WANT TO.