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Everything posted by aussielover

  1. Gorgeous pups! I think only getting one will help you bond better, otherwise they might bond to each other very strongly. I would desex after 18 months. Labs generally don't start shedding until a 9 month- a year, so i would wait to get any shedding equipment etc until the dog is older. You can use a soft brush for the puppy in the meantime to get them used to being groomed. i would be inclined to take the pup straight home rather than holidaying with it. 8 week old puppies have a very short attention span and I would find holidaying with one quite stressful. Good luck with your decision.
  2. I would get another dog today as a companion for my current dog, if my living situation permitted it. She is a 12 month old lab. I have had others dogs for short periods with her since she was 6 months and we both absolutely love it. Her behaviour has not changed greatly when she has been living with other dogs, except the two dogs do play together a lot more. If anything her behaviour actually improves as she can go play with the other dog when she gets bored instead of getting her toys and shoving them in my lap I am going to get s second dog in a few years when my living situation is more stable.
  3. Yes. It's a dog park! If they can't bark there, where can they bark? We live in a constant state of noise vigilance because our neighbours are liable to blow their top at us if our dogs bark. The dog park is a release for us as well as them. It is THE ONLY place we can relax and let them be as noisy as they like. I assume anyone who lives near a dog park doesn't care or they wouldn't live near a dog park. Sorry - but I don't think it is reasonable for a dog to be allowed to bark all the time before 7am on weekends. Would piss me off too, and I would be calling the council. I live next door to a park (not a designated off-leash dog park, but a park where dogs are allowed off lead) and we don't get this kind of inconsiderate behaviour. If we did, on a regular basis, I would be calling council. Oh, wait, I'm sorry! You have made me realise the error of my ways and how terribly inconsiderate I have been. We don't get constant barking at our dog park, but they are dogs and they are playing and they do bark. When my boys see their canine pals they get excited and we have a few minutes of non-stop barking that can feel like an age. I think that is entirely reasonable. Sometimes something sets all the dogs off and they all bark for a while. Some of us have to exercise our dogs before 7am. Either we exercise them in our own yards and upset our neighbours or we exercise them at the dog park and apparently upset the dog park neighbours. So go call the council. I'm sure they'll move the dog park for you. Barking for an extended period is not normal dog behaviour in my opinion. Obviously every dog occasionally barks when they get excited, but I would not think it was normal or acceptable for them to bark for an extended period. Unfortunately Corvus, the reality is we live in a built up area where our dogs are expected to behave in certain ways. If you want to allow your dog to bark for an hour at a time, you should have some consideration for others and do it in an isolated area. not everyone, even dog lovers like myself wants to hear dogs barking non stop. I do not actually have problem with bad behaviour in general, I realise not all dogs (including my own) are perfect. It is when owners don't seem to care or turn a blind eye to this sort of behaviour that annoys me. I really think an apology and a "i'm working on it" goes a long way...
  4. In what way are they a good training tool, especially with relation to this crate games DVD I have heard about?
  5. Do you find it acceptable: - when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends. - when people spend the whole time yelling at their dog, but not actually doing anything about the bad behavoiur? - When people sit in their cars and let the dog run around in the park? - When people let their dog jump all over you? - When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog? - when people let their kids run around the park screaming ? - when people let their dog try to hump your dog or attack it and then think its funny? - when people let their dog take your dogs ball or toy and destroy it and then think its funny or not even offer to replace it? - when people let their dog steal your dogs ball/toy and are then not able to get it back from their dog? Just some of the seemingly minor things that frustrate me but perhaps I should relax more..... Unfortunately I live in a built up area and off leash areas are the only option for my dog to get really good exercise. I do enjoy them most of the time and my dog does have some really nice, friendly and well behaved dog friends who she adores playing with, which I think is really good for her.
  6. There is a large dog park at Clontarf near here which also has separate areas. Do people actually obey the rules though? All the times I have been, the small dogs have been in the big dog area (which is larger so understandable I guess).
  7. I am the new owner of a K9pro soft crate! Just wondering what others use their crates for? I am not intending to use it for overnight sleeping as my dog already has her own bed whoch she sometimes sleeps on, otherwise she sleeps on my bed with me (which I love). I'm actually sort of not sure why I got it as the dog has plenty of beds already in various places in the house and yard It will be useful for dog sport competitions though which I hope to get into. I also think it might be useful for car travel and for taking to other peoples places when i am staying over or house sitting etc What other things could a crate be useful for? Also, my dog is not exactly crate trained, but I do expect her to be able to be in there for an hour or so without fuss. She has some crate training as a young puppy, but she never really loved her crate. I am hoping this K9pro soft crate will be more comfy for her, it looks more comfy to me anyway She is accepting of most situations though and is used to being tied out and also caged. Obviously I would not expect a young puppy to automatically accept it, or an untrained dog, but I do expect an older, trained, well adjusted dog to be able to sit in the crate for a short period without freaking out or fussing. Is it unrealistic to expect her to accept the crate straight away?
  8. My large breed generally ignores small dogs (though she did zoomies with a mini poodle for 15 mins the other day- they both had heaps of fun, the mini was chasing my dog lol). But I would never let her pester other dogs, especially when it is obvious the owner doesn't feel comfortable. I think your pug's reaction was normal although when he kept coming back to you- I would have ended the interaction with the other dogs the first time he came back. My dog is very submissive with other dogs, but is also very playful and friendly, however if there is ever a challenge or incident or she feels the play is getting too rough or not to her liking, she always comes running back to me and goes in between my legs. At this point I would definitely stop the interaction and sometimes I'll remove her or another dog from the play if i feel it is getting too rough or not to my liking. Though if you use off leash parks you have to accept there are all different types of owners, some are oblivious to the fact their dog is harassing another and some are overly protective. I think it is respectful to consider the wishes of other users- no matter how silly or irrational or misinformed they seem. I always ask the owner to tell me if my dog is playing with a new dog, to tell me if they think its getting too rough. Some people seem to think that dogs making noises during play is aggressive, when to me, it is clearly playful- but i still respect their view and would remove my dog. If I think play is getting too rough and the other person thinks its ok- I just make an excuse to leave and move to another area.
  9. oh poor thing with so many health problems early on. I am confused though- does he have access outside at night? If he does not, it is something you should seriously consider. I can now sleep in knowing my puppy will take herself out if she needs to toilet, where as before I was getting up at 6am every morning to let her out because I was paranoid she would need to toilet! If he has outdoor access but is still going inside, you need to go back to basics- taking him out every 30 mins rewarding for toileting in the right spot- this doesn't have to be food, it can be a game of tug, playing with a toy/ball, hugs/pats etc, basically whatever he finds most rewarding. Have his constant GIT problems been diagnosed yet? if it is IBD steroids/ immunosuppessive drugs and a strict diet actually can make it quite manageable. I think it is vital to get the GIT signs under control as it is obviously making toilet training a lot harder for you.
  10. I don't think Shar Pei's are actually meant to be that wrinkly but perhaps a breeder could clarify? I've seen photos of chinese bred dogs or dogs from chinese lines and they appear no where near as wrinkled as what you see in Aus. I think BYBers who don't know a lot about the breed probably think the wrinklier the better which is contributing to the problem.
  11. Why do you say that? Because at the end of the day the colour means squat, I love the blue merle BCs, but if the right dog comes up, at the right time, and it happens to be a B&W...so what? I could get my pretty blue merle, and it could totally suck at agility, where as I could get a B&W who is from sporting lines and it might become a champion...I know there are no guarantees when it comes to breeding, but the right lines are at the top of my list A very wise way to go about things. I hope your perfect dog is out there for you when you're ready. Thanks lol, I was hoping my post wouldnt come across the wrong way, I really would love a blue merle, but Im not holding out for it, and Im not going to buy a dog based on its colour...heck when the time comes I might be right off dog sports (not likely) and Ill be after a different breed...another consideration is an Aussie, but I really like my dogs to have tails lol, and I dont think Aussie breeders will like it if I ask for a blue merle with a tail lmao People asking for a certain tail status certainly isn't unusual. I think very few breeders would be offended. :p Yes when we were thinking about getting a second Aussie we specifically wanted one with a full tail only. None of the breeders I spoke with were offended at all
  12. Is she a veterinary behaviourist? k9pro is highly recommended here on DOL and has extensive experience with aggressive dogs. I know a few other behaviourists on the lower north shore and northern beaches but I am not really sure if they regularly deal with severe fear aggression. PM me if you want details though.
  13. aussielover


    it may or may not stop depending on why he is doing it... If it is purely sexual, then yes, it will most likely decrease (though desexed dogs may still have sexual urges, but hopefully less frequently!) If it is dominance or excitement then desexing is unlikely to have an effect. Have you asked your obedience teacher what they think you should do? From where we are, we can't tell why the dog is doing and and your relationship with him so I'm gonna play it safe and say get him assessed by a trainer or behaviourist if you're worried and this is an on going problem you can't resolve yourself.
  14. Balance. communication My dogs can communicate equally as well as one another. My NBT girl isn't keen on young dogs getting in her face and she communicates that extremely well to them without her tail. My boys both love meeting other dogs and both of them, tail or not, communicate their good intentions quite clearly to strange dogs. Of course, I did not mean to imply that dogs cannot communicate without a tail. But you cannot deny they do use their tails as one aspect of their communication. Someone asked what a tail was used for...... They are not useless appendages, whilst they may not be essential for the function of the animal they do serve a purpose in dogs that actually have them.
  15. Does anyone know if they shed? Interesting that you find them more energetic dancinbcs, as I have always found them to be much more relaxed and not as bouncy as a labrador at least. Were the ones you have seen working line, because i've heard they are way more full on than your show-bred or pet curly coat.
  16. I know several. Lovely dogs- very cute looking but i think they do shed? Their coat is different to a poodle so it would be wise to spend some time with one before you commit just to make sure you're not allergic. They are more reserved than the labrador and golden retrievers.
  17. A bit briefer than what I was going to reply! yeah I typed out a long reply but then accidently deleted it :D I'm glad you were able to fully explain it though
  18. How stressful for you! Does he seem to get pleasure from being cruel to animals or is it that he just doesn't realise or care he is hurting them? I also recommend seeing a paediatrician or psychologist.
  19. I would say your vet is referring to grass outside your home!
  20. aussielover

    Puppy Food

    what did the breeder recommend? Also, she doesn't really need the biscuits soaked in water unless she has some kind of mouth/teeth problem? She definitely doesn't need cornflakes! Are you giving that as a treat or meal? At 16 weeks she can probably go to 2 meals a day. Giver her a maximum of 30 mins to eat all the food, then take it away. But mainly, I would go with what the breeder recommends (within reason) and maybe contact them ifn you have any questions.
  21. Thanks, I will definitely raise it with steve. She has a good sit stay and we have practised this before in obedience where she will be in a sit stay and I will go and pat all the other dogs, so I know she can do it. She is already doing TOT- I am able to walk out of the room for several minutes and she waits for my command. I try to do NILIF but as you said, it is hard to remember all the time! She is a good girl but since she has been rejected as a guide dog, the rules have become more relaxed (now allowed on the bed) and additionally, I am away for 4 days out of 7 now and she is with my parents, who love her but are not at all strict with her! Which may be adding to the problem. My mum just loves dogs, but is way too soft- she even thinks making Minny wait for her dinner as part of TOT is cruel (but i still make her do it!).
  22. My dog has started getting jealous of other dogs when I interact with them or pat them. She jumps on me to get my attention and its a full on all feet off the ground jump which is quite naughty. To me, I think it is her way of saying 'hey what about me'? do you think this is the correct interpretation? I do let her jump up on me when I am playing with her, so I probably need to stop allowing this. She does not jump on other people only myself. I suppose it is also best to have her in a sit stay when I do go to pat another dog as well. What is the chance that this behaviour- possible jealousy, will escalate into aggression towards other dogs? She has never acted aggressively to another dog before and generally loves other dogs. The behaviour is not really directed at the dog but at me. We are booked in to see K9pro (not for this issue) in early June, so I am not really wanting to see another behaviourist in the mean time.
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