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Everything posted by aussielover

  1. Well i think one long one is better provided they are stable. The biggest risks of anaesthesia are induction and recovery. During induction most of the drugs we use cause decreased blood pressure and cardiac output and inhalation anaethesia initially causes respiratory depression ie. breath holding.
  2. diazepam+methadone (or another opioid such as morphine, fentanyl etc) can be used as a premed. Diazepam alone can cause excitement in healthy animals.
  3. Diazepam should not be used as a sole sedative in healthy animals. You could use ketamine/diazepam combo or zoletil or medetomidine (domitor, reversible) as a pre med if you dont want to use ACP. I quite like ACP + Morphine/methadone combo for a spey as I think they are quite painful, but medetomidine also has analgesic properties so would be ok in a healhty patient. If unwell then ketamine/diazepam might be a better choice or diazepam/morphine.
  4. And that is a loooong time if you live in apartments with thin walls . I agree with you about a lot of poodles not being couch potatoes Totally!!! I wanted to give mine back after 2 days I did actually go and speak to the neighbours when i realised it was going to be an issue (my prevoius dog didn;t bark and being clueless about puppies I didn't think of it before )and apologised in advance for any noise they might hear and asked them to be patient, hopefully it would stop in a few weeks. They were nice and understanding about it, especially considering that she would bark when put to bed at night and said they couldn't hear her barking anyway (probably lying, she was sooo loud!), although we don't in an apartment...
  5. to you guys Harper may be the kind of dog that needs to be with people all the time and is less suitable for a working family. What hours do you work and how long will he be on his own for? Obviously a really hard situation for you, and it is obvious that you have his best interests at heart. How old is Harper? This is a common problem in the first few weeks and a lot of puppies settle down after that at around 12 weeks old. My puppy barked for around 30 mins at a time if we attempted to leave her. However this only lasted 2 weeks. If your pup is barking for 1hr +, it does seem like a rather long time and perhaps indicates he may be more prone to separation stress. It is certainly a diffucult situation because you want to give the pup a chance to settle down, but also give him the best chance of finding a new home. I second the recommendation to have him assessed by a behaviourist, to put your mind at rest at least. Maybe an older puppy or dog would be more suitable. I know when I got my aussie pup (my previous dog) at 5 months, she was a lot easier than my 8 week old lab who i got last year. So even a few months can make a difference. Also i know a lot of people recommend poodles as apartment dogs, and I'm sure that many of them make great apartment dogs, but I think in general they are a higher energy, higher drive breed than many expect, which can translate in anxiety if these needs are not met. Good luck with whatever you decide
  6. Where did you get this info from? just wondering if I can quote it in my exam answers etc :D Alfaxalone is a good induction drug and has no known contradinications as yet so it wouldn't surprise me, but it is relatively new. However the safest anaeathetic depends on a number of factors including the patient's condition at the time, what drugs the anaesthetist has experienc with and what they are confident with. But propofol and alfaxalone are the favoured induction drugs in healthy patients these days with a lot of vets.
  7. chocolate toxicity calculator Just did a quick calculation on this (put in 150g of dark choc for the 10kg dog) and it says severe toxicity- I would be at the vets if I were you. ETA= the 26kg dog should be ok, but i would be worried about the 10kg dog. my 25kg dog has eaten a whole block with no harm done to her.
  8. Depends on what you call "expensive". I pay waaaay more for my dog's shampoo than for my own! Glad to see I am not the only crazy out there My shampoo costs like $5 and my dogs is around $30 and she even gets conditioner!
  9. spoilt! My dog is actually so greedy she couldn't care less what treats I use, in her mind, if its edible- its a treat! I doubt she even tastes any of the food i give her....
  10. On the rare occaison she does something useful... just kidding, she is good, she closes doors, brings me my shoes etc HOwever, should I really be thanking her for bringing my shoes to me so I have to go take her out for a walk
  11. I also have a grovel dog- she is really submissive to a lot of dogs. In terms of dog fights I think bull breeds are over represented in the number i've seen involved in fights. Quite frankly if i was a small dog owner I would be worried about labs/GRS/big goofy playful dogs- they're just too clumsy and big and although they mean well can often trample a little dog. Although my dog loves playing with a JRT and a mini poodle- both are very hardy little dogs that enjoy playing with a crazy lab- they often get the better of her too! I also find poodles and schnauzers quite noisy, there are quite a few that rush up to other dogs and bark at them in my area.
  12. Why would I respect the opinion of somebody that doesn't want dogs in their vicinity? Would you respect my opinion that I don't want people's children near me? I understand that I have to obey the requests of shopping centre management, or risk never being allowed back in K-Mart again, but there is no respect there. I do think dogs should be allowed anywhere except for food preparation areas, and only dogs that are inadequately controlled be asked to leave. My dog won't affect you, and so it is irrational for you to demand I don't have it near you. what about people that are allergic?
  13. I am intolerant of iressponsible dog owners... not the dogs themselves but unfortunately you can't really separate the two!
  14. That's interesting, I don't know when you were there, but Paris used to have a reputation as being the dog poo capital. I've just done some googling, and the council forked out a lot of money in 2002 for a campaign to try and get people to pick up their dog's poo (and from what you say it seems to have paid off, although I have different memories). 200,000 dogs produced 16 tons of poo. A day!! The new dog poo central of Europe is definitely Berlin, though. That is because they actually employ people to pick up the dog poo in Paris I would not allow my children to intrude into others space. But then again, you can't really compare dogs to children and it worries me that people are. I also wish dogs had more access on public transport (trains particularly) and in public but when people break the law or are seen to be obnoxious with their dogs then this is decreasing the chance this will happen. I've lived overseas and while you do see a lot of dogs on public transport, they are not in big shoppping centres. Yes, they are at village shops which is great but I don't see any need for dogs to be in shopping malls? I take Mindy up to my local shops but I wouldn't take her to the mall now (i have as part of her guide dog training). If dogs were to be allowed in shopping centers, I am sure most DOLers would be responsible but we are a minority. How many people can't even pick up their dogs poo in a dog park, or even have basic control and courtesy to others? I live in a dog friendly area and I see people everyday abusing the relaxed attitude towards dogs- not picking up, allowing their dog to approach other dogs without asking, allowing their dog to bark at other dogs at cafes etc. Unfortunately there is a big difference in attitude toward dogs in europe compared with australia. In europe there is the expectation that dogs will be well behaved and there are many, many more training clubs and more dogs that have a job to do eg. a lot of family labs are also part time gundogs on weekends etc.
  15. When she starts to get naughty put her in the crate or back outside. Or get a puppy playpen and set it up inside for her. Puppies are usually full-on or dead to the world, no in between. By putting her in a quiet place place when she gets to boisterous you are teaching her to be calm and that naughty behaviour is not acceptable. Then when she is being quiet/relaxing in the confined area, you can reward her.
  16. My dog goes and gets every one of my shoes that are left lying about and puts them on my bed in the morning until I get up and taker her for a walk. She has me well trained
  17. Um, if they take them into shops and shopping centres- YES If they feel the need for the dog to accompany them all the time, everywhere- YES Why would you need to take your dog to a shopping centre- surely it can be on its own for an hour or so. For goodness sake a dog is not a baby that needs 24/7 care I think the problem is that some "dog people" sometimes do not respect the opinions and requests of non dog people. Do you actually think dogs should be allowed everywhere?
  18. Well I love my dog and consider her part of the family but I certainly don't expect her to be welcome anywhere and everywhere. I think it is rude to just bring a dog into a shop or cafe and assume it will be ok. I love dogs, but they are not little people and should not be treated as such, and I certainly don't expect everyone else to share my love of dogs. I always ask the owners of shops if it is ok, even in pet supply stores. I do not see the need for dogs other than assistance dogs to have access to shopping centres, so I find it odd that some people seem to want dogs to have almost the same access as humans? In regard to small fluffies- one thing that I do find very irritating is when they are at cafes and are downright aggressive and carry on when another dog walks past. No wonder people complain about dogs being at cafes. This sort of carry on and behaviour would not be tolerated in a larger dog and would most likely result in the larger dog being labelled as dangerous. If your dogs are in public they should only be in areas where they are allowed- legally and also at the owners discretion and they should be well behaved.
  19. Thanks aussielover. The younger pup is now 4 months old and he was just 6 weeks when we introduced him to Shiloh. There is about four and a half months aged difference between them. I guess we were feeding Shiloh first to avoid any jealousy problems (on Shiloh's part). They are fed at the same time on our back decking, but away from one another and we haven't had any problems over food, only the play issue. We do separate them when the young one, Hunter, gets too rough, but of course we are not always around and they spend the day together. They do seem to love each other, and cuddle up together at night in the laundry, and often in the day also. But the younger one does seem to have more of an aggressive temperament (not towards people, just Shiloh). I forgot to mention that Shiloh has been desexed (with an implant) but Hunter not yet as he's still too young. But we will definitely be getting him done at six months. I am wondering if that could be a factor also. I doubt desexing has anything to do with it- Hunter probably has a more boisterous play style. Do you mean that you brought hunter home at 6 weeks? Because at Persephone said, they learn importnant social skills from their mum and siblings up until around 8 weeks, which is why most breeders dont let pups go till 8 weeks. Or did you just introduce them to each other at 6 weeks at the breeders place? If you did bring him home earlier, it could account for his lack of social skills- most pups would stop or at least become more gentle when another pup yelps. Desexing is not going to greatly change a dogs personality.
  20. yeah I was about to reply to some earlier posts but realised they were from 2010!
  21. not to mention the amount of dog s**t that seems to appear (and stay) in the small fenced parks- even though there are bag dispensers and bins literally next door to the park.
  22. I use pre cut cabanossi that you get in supermarkets. It is tasty and smelly for the dogs, yet not messy on your hands like some yummy treats (like chicken). Also the fact it comes pre cut is a big bonus for me as i cant really be boethered cutting it up myself.
  23. Hi Blinx, what puppy school was it? (PM me if you wish). I can recommend some good ones in the hills area if you like Did the instructor make any attempts to control the puppies playing or was it just a free for all? I do not like to see baby puppies bullied Also, I have a one and a bit year old lab who would be happy to socialise with your puppy. She is not really that interested in young puppies, but she is friendly. It is good (in some cases better imo) to socialise your puppy with boring older dogs as they can learn appropriate behaviour with adult dogs and it can help you show your puppy you are more fun to be around than another dog. anyway, you are welcome to PM me
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