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Everything posted by aussielover

  1. What a strange cross- I can't even imagine what that would look like?! What is the justification behind that cross? or did they just want to give it a funny name- schnoodle or something equally as ridiculous!
  2. If you're going to feed stock, do this. It is very easy and cheap. Commercial stock is full of crap (many still contain MSG and chemicals that are very similar to it). so thats why it is so yummy!!!!
  3. It is annoying when people with pet shop dogs tell me they have a "rescue" dog because they rescued it from the petshop. It is hard to leave them there, but if you paid for one, you're just perpetuating the cycle. You may be helping one puppy, but you are indirectly contributing to making the lives of many more dogs miserable.
  4. I've heard it is not great for their teeth. The biscuits become too soggy- it is better if they have to chew and crunch the biscuits. However, if you're feeding bones regularly, it may not be too much of a problem.
  5. The pup was 11 months old when first diagnosed? That seems older than expected. I agree with Whippets and wonder whether the entropian is a secondary complication to the dermatitis. I also agree with everyone else who said that it is reasonable to offer a refund- even if they want to keep the pup. It is quite rude of them to expect you to pay for the food and toys as well! It seems times have changed- I wouldn't contact my breeder and ask them to pay for a surgery 10 months after buying the dog. It does annoy me that some people are not willing to take responsibility for their own animal- do they expect it never to get sick? Obviously if it was a known inherited condition within a breed, then it might be reasonable to get a refund for the animal but I would never expect the breeder to pay for the whole cost of surgery (unless it was something that could have been prevented through testing of the parents). I have another question for breeders relating to this- if a dog develops hip or elbow dysplasia as a young animal (say <2 years)- would you pay for the costs of surgery and medications assosiciated with this?
  6. I hope they didn't charge you for the whole bag of fluids! And I also think you shouldn't be charged for overnight hospitalization as she was running wild for the majority of the night. It seems pretty insensitive that the receptionist was making a joke out of it. At least they were honest enough to tell you that it happened. I am also reluctant to leave my pets at the vet overnight (unless they are really sick and need to be at a 24hr clinic). I hope your doggie feels better soon though!
  7. sorry, misunderstood you! I heard big w was also selling flea/worming products such as sentinel? I don't see why Big W couldn't have all brands of dogs food. don't know how successful that would be as most of the staff there would have no idea about the difference.
  8. My girl had a white ear and half a white face- does that mean she was a mismark too? I'll try to attach a photo.
  9. What is a spinal vet? I believe there is only one registered neurological specialist in australia? Do you mean a chiroproactor vet?
  10. I wonder how many people think Teddy is too fat? To me he doesnt look fat because he has a waist but maybe others would disagree with me? I agree, you can clearly see that he has a waist. She looks healthy, just more "sturdily" (is that even a word? ) built. Unfortunately there are many labs out there who have no waist at all and are obese.
  11. So sorry to hear of your loss. The same thing also happened to my dog, she was 13 years old. Its so hard and we miss them so much, but they had a full and happy life and didn't suffer at the end.
  12. As previously stated, you need to do imaging to confirm the diagnosis of a "prolapsed disc". There are actually two types of prolapse that can occur and surgery is only a good option for one of them. Type one is where the nucleus of the disc protrudes and impinges on the spinal cord and surgery is an option to correct this. Type two is where the whole disc protrudes (usually more common in older dogs) and surgery is not so good for this. with strict cage rest and pain relief, there can be quite a good response. I hope the dog recovers ok.
  13. Hills Presscription diet can only be sold at veterinary clinics, where as the hills science diet can pretty much be sold anywhere. I doubt they have downgraded their product to sell in big W. All commericial dog food should be nutritionally balanced, the difference in quality is due to the type of ingredients used. Additionally, premium dog foods such as Hills, Eukanuba, Advance etc have been through feeding trials.
  14. you've done a great job with him! He looks so happy now
  15. Customs sourced their foundation stock from one of Australia's top field line kennels. Would you be able to tell me which kennel that was?
  16. how very strange. Just out of interest, what breed is the pup?
  17. Your dogs are in great condition! Nice long legs too . Where did you get them from?
  18. I am going on the 5th as well to see the aussies! Anyone know if you can find out what time different breeds are on for the day?
  19. I am surprised. I know heaps of people who have young kids and Cavvies! I personally think you would be hard pressed to find another dog breed that is so perfect for kids!
  20. How scary for you! Obviously the dog should have been on the lead. However, I am surprised that the dog did not cause any serious injury. I would have expected at least a few puncture wounds. How long did it take you to get the dog off? I once saw an incident where it took over 30 mins to remove a pitbull from a staffy. Once they latch on, it can be pretty hard to get them off. I suppose that applies to any breed of large, strong dog though but I have only ever seen it with bull breeds. I have met some lovely bull breed dogs as well as some really scary ones, so I can't say I support BSL. As many people have already mentioned it is the idiot owner who is really at fault, not the poor dog. Anyway I hope your puppy is ok.
  21. I second this!!! I got my Aussie girl when I was 11 years old, she was an absolutely awesome dog- very easy to train and a lot of fun. They don't really need that much grooming but they do need a couple of hours of exercise a day. But i suppose the decision is best left to her.
  22. Our first dog was from a pet store :-( They told us he was a bichon but he grew quite a bit larger than that and had really long legs. He died under anesthetic at the vets when he was only 2 years old, not sure if there was a hereditary condition behind that. He also wasn't the smartest, was an extremely fussy eater and had goopey eyes (and his coat was very hard to manage). He did have a nice personality though. We learnt from this experience and thoroughly researched the breed of our next dog and brought from a registered breeder. She was a perfect companion for 13 years and we never had anny issues with her. She only passed away recently. I would definetely not hesitate to get another purebred from a resigtered breeder.
  24. EWW WHO WOULD LET THIER DOGS PEE IN SOMEONES ELSES HOUSE? HAS SHE NO RESPECT? And whats her house like- it must be pretty gross...
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