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Everything posted by aussielover

  1. I have read about this product, has some great success. I will be very interested to hear how you go with it. Where did you purchase it from? I have just finished a course of this. It was very good, made her coat all shiny and stopped the dandruff. It has a distinct smell, which is not fishy thank goodness, it is rather nice but it is pretty strong. I got mine from where i work (at a vet). I'm starting Mindy on sardines once a week now though, will see how she goes, the product is very expensive, so want to see how she goes without it. I also got a smaple of those paws and claws capsules. She didn't like them much though.
  2. I saw another portugese water dog today! That means there are 2 in my area! This one was more recognisable as it had the more typical haircut (shaved tail and shorter rear end) and wasn't as big.
  3. Good on you for getting the help of a behaviourist I'm sure you will do the right thing for both your dogs and I hope you can get everything sorted!
  4. It was pretty serious if puncture wounds were the result. I'd put him to sleep but if that isn't an option, I'd be seperating them unless under direct supervision and get a behaviourist involved immediately.. Huh? That is a bit extreme isn't it? How about getting professional help first? and then if that doesn't work out- perhaps rehoming to somewhere where he could be the only dog?
  5. Haha, when i was doing some lab work, there were 2 vet pathologists there as well describing a case- neither knew what a "belgian malinois" was- i had to explain lol! I felt like such a dog nerd
  6. I agree with persephone. Mounting is a very undesirable behaviour which you should stop immediately for both his safety and that of other dogs. What if he mounts a dog with a back injury? I would do lots more obedience training with him, maybe also start TOT and NILIF (see K9pro website). When he does go to mount a dog make sure you stop him immediately, i woul put him back on leash and then do some obedience exercises. I'm sorry but I can't stand dogs that do this (had some bad exeperiences in the past) , especially when the owner seems to think it is funny and/or doesn't bother to remove the dog, though i'm not saying that is what i think you do You are obviously concercned and seeking advice here which is great I actually witnessed an attack and big fight the other day started by inappropriate mounting, so probably best to stop this behaviour ASAP. I hope some professional trainers can give you advice, there are a few that visit the puppy forums and help us out when we need it! If the behaviour persists i would seek the services of a professional.
  7. I think I would define aggression as a history of causing injury to another dog. My dog was like yours and used to tell off other dogs for inapproporiate behaviour, it sounded bad and some thought she was aggressive but no actual injury was done to the other dog. However, i still tried to avoid other people with dog i though might cause her to get annoyed. Obviously a dog can still be aggressive without having attacked another dog, but dogs with a known history of attacking and causing injury are definitely aggressive and should be exercised and controlled as thus. Dogmad- do you have a link to the article, i would be interested to have a read
  8. Yep my 4 month old sleeps in a crate next to my bed. She sleeps thru the night till 6.30am so i don't actually have to get up though.
  9. I have a lakeland terrier in my puppy class! My friend has just gotten a saluki pup and today i saw a fully grown saluki at the park just then, apparently the owner got it from the pound!!!
  10. I agree with this statement. I think you should be reasonably confident that your dog could APPROACH another dog without fear of being attacked. Obviously running up to and jumping all over another dog is a different situation. However, due to some people letting their aggressive dogs off lead and doing whatever, I am reluctant to allow my puppy to approach other dogs before I can assess whether they are friendly or not.
  11. Double post sorry. Though, I thought it was more for larger breed puppies that exercise restriction was particularly important for? Also, a young working sheep dog such as a BC or Kelpie would have commenced training by 5 months of age and exercising quite a lot. However they are exercising on softer ground and are able to stop when they are tired. I would think 30 mins would be ok for your sheltie- maybe ask the breeder again. 10 mins is not enough unless you are doing games and other things in the yard imo.
  12. We went for around 20-30 minutes with my 4 month old lab puppy at a recent guide dog training day. Older puppies >6 months went for an even longer walk. The instructor said that up to 30 mins was ok for her, we do a lot of stoppping for roads and stairs though, so the actual distance isn't too far. However, i usually do 3 x 10/15 min walks during the day on leash and also two short off leash sessions at a park.
  13. My dog went thru a stage of being a bit DA- not actually causing iunjury, but still a very undesirable behaviour. We did long leash walks during this time. We also went to parks that hardly anyone else went to and at times when people weren't there. The dog was well trained and under control though and had never actually injured another dog. She was also only aggressive to some dogs, usually ones that ran and jumped up in her face.
  14. I wish I had seen your lappie corvus!!! Must have been another vallhund I saw (unusual for there to be 2 there that day!)... I didn't get there till 1.15 though
  15. I appreciate it when people actually bother to warn me their dog is aggressive or doesn't like puppies etc. I actually asked someone the other day if the dog was friendly before letting Mindy off lead the lead say hello. She got within 1 meter of the dog and was basically told to F*** off by the other dog, the owner then saying "oh yeah, she doesn't really like puppies and has to put them in their place". Then why did you tell me she was fine with other dogs, I wouldn't have let her near your dog if I had known!
  16. Thanks, will put her on lead when people approach. She usually is well behaved and sits nicely when people approach, however it is just if she is playing or doing zoomies that this will happen. I think it requires some extra effort and vilgilance on my part, i've probably been slacking a bit I have tried saying no, but in her state of hyper-excitement, it doesn't really seem to get through.
  17. Be honest.... My sister asked if we could return Mindy after about 15 minutes in the car after leaving the guide dogs center, after she had pooed and vomited and was then proceeding to scream/bark/howl etc for the rest of the trip There have been a number of other incidents where I have thought "what have i done???'' mainly involving barking at night or hyper behaviour/zoomies at 6 am in the morning But it is worth it ;)
  18. Just wanted to get people's opinion on this issue. Whilst I feel for the owners of aggressive dogs, and can understand how stressful it is and I know a lot of them are putting in A LOT of effort with training etc, I don't really feel it is appropriate for them to be off lead at an offleash park if they are not muzzled. And even if they are muzzled, unless under the instruction or supervision of a trainer, I don't think it is a good idea as the dog may start a fight and be attacked and then injured. Today there was an aggressive dog at the park, it was very early and there is usually no one around at this time which is probably why the dog was off leash. The owner gave me a very dirty look when I showed up, like I had ruined their day, but at least did they right thing and put her dogs on leash and left the park However, some people seem to think it is their right to have an aggressive, barely under control animal at a park and that everyone else should avoid them If my dog is the aggressor, I leave the park! We recently had to leave, not becuase my pup was aggressive, but she was playing too rough with a smaller puppy. Also, not related but a seperate incident- A greyhound broke free of its leash and started chasing a smaller dog, thankgod it had the muzzle on or else i think it would have killed the dog. The dog eventually escaped by jumping into the sea! The dog was not overly small, looked a lot like a wire haired dachshund, but I guess the prey instict was just too strong for the grey. Is this the reason why ex racing greys have to be muzzled? or can they be trained not to chase small dogs etc?
  19. The worst are people that brings cats to the vet unrestrained. They are literally just holding them in their arms and some even put the cat down to have a wander around. We always ask for cats to be in a carrier and for dogs to be on lead. If the client does not have one of these items, then we lend them one. We are located on a reasonably busy street and it shicks me when people walk out of the clinic with no lead for their dog or their cat in their arms. What if they take fright??? Maybe they think because they are close to a vet, help will be nearby?
  20. My puppy has finally discovered what jumping is, and found it is quite to her liking. She only does this in times of excitement, so i'm pretty sure its not really for attention, but more just out of happiness. For this reason, ignoring her, does not seem to have the desired effect. She may only do it to one person every now and then, but still, this is obviously unacceptable. Her puppy school teacher suggested ignoring her. However, she mainly does this to strangers when she is off lead at the park or at work having some playtime. So it is really hard to know when she is going to do it. Also, there is another dog at the park that is a really bad jumper, a full grown lab which weighs 35kg so it is impossible to ignore when she jumps on you! I want to stop this behaviour before mindy is too heavy to ignore! I am thinking at the moment that keeping her onlead would be the quickest solution, however, i do want her to get some off leash time as she is expected to sit quietly for a long time during the day at work with me.
  21. We got our aussie around 15 years ago, when the breed was pretty new to the country (ironically, seeing as they are aussie sheps lol). Of course now there are plenty of breeeders around Though I still don't see many aussies in my area We also got a few contacts for breeders in victoria and QLD but can't really remeber how. We enquired about some flatcoats in VIC as well as some brittanys and tollers.
  22. You poor thing It is so sad when these tragic accidents happen RIP baby puppy
  23. Really? I was there with my Swedish Vallhund briefly. Was it wearing a red vest-like harness? ETA: Like this little vagabond? I get to see Leonbergers at training sometimes. There is a Berner and a Chow that we occasionally see at the park. Otherwise, just a hoard of Labs, BCs and Staffies here. I can't really remember if it was or not, I think it might have been, but only saw it in passing as I was trying to get my monster to ignore other dogs at that point. Very cute, the only reason i know what they are is because Clover's breeder also bred them, as well as aussies. I didn't see any aussies though, which was surprising. There was one blue merle dog that could have been an aussie except we didn't ask. Do aussies count as being rare ? Mindy had a really good play with a portugese water dog the other day as well. It looked exactly like a lot of labradoodle type dogs and I embarrased myself by asking whether it was a poodle cross
  24. Saw an anatolian shepherd puppy today at the dogs day out!!! Cute, but it was aggressive towards kids and and other dogs. Also, a swedish vallhund at the same place.
  25. Rover and Riddick are so cute! It was nice seeing them again today, Riddick has gotten a lot bigger and is really starting to fill out. I didn't see any other DOLers though. Puppy was reasonably well behaved and liked all the attention she was getting.
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