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Everything posted by aussielover
If a dog is carrying on for hours, then the level you're attempting to train at is too high. Same as if you're training a stay and your dog consistently breaks the stay. You don't start yelling at her or squirting with water whenever she moves, you take it back a step to where she will understand whats going on. what do you mean by that? do you mean you should wait for a one second break, or in try in a different enviroment? I admit, that at the vets is a pretty stimulating place and there are always people and animals coming and going. Thw owner doesn't mind the barking apparently... (wonder if the neighbors do?) On a happier note, mindy's barking has basically stopped completely. yay I don't really know if its because of the "training" we did with her- leaving her in the crate and then rewarding her for 10 seconds of silence (method described by LMS) or the fact that she is a lot more mature now and trusts us enough to know that we won't leave her forever! I suspect a combination of the 2 The other day we had to put her in the car crate which she hates (last time she was in it she crapped herself and howled for 30 minutes and did this pretty much everytime she was in it). She was SO GOOD, she just lay down and went to sleep- no fuss at all, no barking , no pooing (thankfully). I was amazed because i haven't been doing any extra training with her in the crate because she usually goes in another position now. What a good puppy
A Good Enough Reason Not To Feed Dogs A Commercial Diet ?
aussielover replied to Moselle's topic in General Dog Discussion
Sadly, a lot of people do and more and more are starting to follow as well. -
'glyde For Dogs' - Arthritis Treatment
aussielover replied to FB Rescue_Adoption's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
It is very expensive. its $100 bucks where i work I tried it on my old dog who had advanced arthritis and it didn't do anything But for a dog with less severe arthritis it might work. I have heard some good results. -
Big, soft and squeaky really does it for Mindy I also like interactive toys like treat balls, kongs etc. I really want to get Mindy one of those bob-a-lot things, they look like fun!
what was the GR doing off lead anyway??? aren't they meant to be on lead on a footpath? How friggin stupid would you have to be to let your dog run up to an aggressive dog, especially when you have been given many warnings? Obviously she doesn't care about the welfare of her poor dog. You definitely have my sympathy. We also had an incident this morning at the park. My pup was playing with a friend of hers, a GR puppy and this lady brought her off lead staffy into the park which went straight for the GR puppy. It wasn't a full on attack but definitely not friendly play and i reckon it was about 2 seconds away from escalating into a full on attack. The lady continued to walk on, calling the dogs name ineffectively. I went to kick the staffy away and the woman called out "she'll come eventually". Yeah after she has traumatized the poor GR puppy. Thankfully, the puppy was fine and didn't seem too fussed, after a second of sulking with his owner he was back trying to play with Mindy. Apparently this staffy has attacked other GRs before, yet the stupid lady still lets it off lead and has barely any control over it
As depressing as it is, i agree with frufru. Once puppies are up in the morning- they are UP. My puppy wakes at 6am EVERY SINGLE MORNING so no sleep in for me!!! I actually will toilet her, then walk her immediately and then come home and give her a chew- a pig ear, liver chew, greenie, bone etc Then I can sometimes get back to bed at around 8am if i need to (if i don't have work or uni), she is quite happy to settle after this.
Unfortunately some dogs can carry on for hours without so much as a 5 second break. I intended to try to train a dog at work this way, but the dog had not stopped barking/whinging by the end of my shift You could try to teach "shhh" usually they will stop and stare at you, reward them for silence after you have said shhh Mindy knows shhh (and speak) I have found it useful, she doesn't really bark anymore though but sometimes if i ask her to speak she gets a little excited whihc is where a "quiet" command is useful
Opinion Piece In Sydney Morning Herald - Puppy Farms
aussielover replied to Curlybert's topic in In The News
This was one of the lowest acts the R$PCA have done, poor Clifford a Pitbull never had a chance. Poor Clifford was thrown from a car in Sydney in 2004, emaciated and injured he was taken to the R$PCA the society that claims to care for all creatures great and small. The R$PCA said please donate as much as you can to help poor Clifford and raised about $3500, then announced this poor dog had suddenly become aggressive or some BS to that effect and PTS poor Clifford and kept the money. Why was poor Clifford PTS ? Because the R$PCA does not rehome Pitbulls that's why. Shame, Shame, Shame R$PCA. Why did they not euthanize as soon as they recei ed him, if that is their policy??? :) Not that I'm saying I agree with the policy (which imo is ridiculous), but why make poor clifford suffer if he was to be PTS anyway? -
Well, if you have tried one technique for a while and it hasn't been working, the obvious thing to do is to change tactics and see if anything else will work (within reason). You could try saying a firm "no" or spray bottle as Nekhbet suggested, once you have made sure she doesn't need to toilet and is comfortable. Sometimes puppy needs to be told that a behaviour isn't acceptable.
I can't believe your puppy is drawing blood! You poor thing! Mine was a pretty crazy biter when she first came home, but never drew blood or anything. Being a lab she does have pretty "soft mouth" though. If she put any pressure on me with her teeth, i said "ow" in a really high pitched voice and she stopped. If she did it again, I would get up and end any interaction with her. If she then continued to try to bite, she would be put in the laundary for 5 mintues (or until she stopped barking if she did start to bark). So I was probably a bit too gentle- giving her three warnings before she was "punished" in the laundary. She is alot better now (17 weeks) but still not perfect yet
Yes, it does work the other way as well. I have had big dogs bound over to my puppy and try to jump all over her. When I ask the owner to remove the dog, the answer is always "oh he/shes just playing". Erm have you thought about the fact that not everyone wants their dog to play with yours no matter how "friendly" he/she is??? And many of them are NOT approaching in a friendly manner at all- in fact, imo, many of the dogs are displaying quite dominant behaviour- standing over pup, direct eye contact, staring down at pup etc. That is not "playful and friendly" in my view. I would never let my dog interact with a dog that is on lead. So really it is not about the size of the dog, but the stupidity of the owner What annoys me most about the silly owners of both big and small dogs, is that they often don't realise or acknowledge there is a problem, so it is always us responsible people that have to leave the park/area (for the saftey of our own dogs), while their dogs continue to be out of conrtol and terrorize every other dog present. So are reinforcing their behaviour. Even if you give them a lecture about ow dangerously their dog is behaving etc they refuse to see a problem and in the end, its not worth fighting and risking potential harm to your own dog. So they probably just think anyone who doesn't like my dogs behaviour will just leave anyway... so i will continue to let my dog do as it pleases
My Pups Breeder Makes Me Feel Bad
aussielover replied to loveisashihtzu's topic in General Dog Discussion
I actually think the crate is better for short periods of confinement, because the pup isn't isolated from you, he can still see you he is not under your feet or doing anything potentially naughty. Where as in the laundary, pup can't be included/see the activities his humans are doing and may stress. As long as you are changing the diet gradually, to a food that is equal or better than the breeders food, I see no problem. However, perhaps she has found thru experience that advance works best for her dogs. Some dogs do better on different brands of food, so I wouldn't change the diet unless you have noticed puppy is not doing well on the existing one. ETA: he looks very cheeky -
There was a lady yesterday with a small foxie type thing, who is aggressive. She however, lets it off leash her excuse being "oh he just needs to show the other dogs who is boss" He actually attacked a tiny 8 week old spoodle puppy while we were there poor thing (though i dont't know what it was doing there in the first place at such a young age). The lady walks around with a spray bottle as if this is enough to deter the behaviour. Aggressive behaviour from any size dog is unacceptable. I don't know how anyone could let their small dog run up to a great dane or any medium/large dog and start attacking- wouldn't you be fearful of your dogs life????
A Good Enough Reason Not To Feed Dogs A Commercial Diet ?
aussielover replied to Moselle's topic in General Dog Discussion
Have you tried grinding up the meaty bones first? That way there wont be big chunks of bone to swallow. For smaller dogs chicken necks or wings are fantastic. If your dog doesn't chew them properly try grinding them up too. I always recommend that when feeding bones that the caregivers are present, just incase. Better safe than sorry. No i haven't, how do you do that or do you have to ask the butcher to do it? I always supervise bone eating, but because she bites and swallows so quickly it is pretty hard to catch her in the act! she is a lab so chicken necks and wings are not suitable. -
I think those luncheon roll things are a bit gross and make my hands all smelly. If it is hot, all the fats melt in bag and the pieces go all gooey. They are also not the best nutrition wise. I used to use tucketime but stopped for the above reasons. I've also used cubes of cooked chicken, but it does get messy and you will be a beacon for all the dogs in the vicinity! at the moment i am using something called puppy treats which are tiny biscuits with tiny pieces of liver in them. My pup seems to enjoy them very much and they are very neat and easy to give. They arr pretty new, made by the same company as vets best rewards (liver treats) I htink. The price is quite reasonable $4 for a largish bag so lasts about a week for me. i am lucky to have a greedy labrador who even thinks her dry biccies are tasty though!!!! I guess if your dog is more fussy you will need some higher value treats (in my puppy's mind all food is of the same value- edilble lol)
A Good Enough Reason Not To Feed Dogs A Commercial Diet ?
aussielover replied to Moselle's topic in General Dog Discussion
Poor Orbit and all the other doggies suffering from severe allergy I think raw has its benefits as does commercial dog food. For example, i wouldn't feed Mindy a raw diet (not that i have a choice) because she will break big chunks off bones and swallow them. every time I have tried a bone with her, she has vomited up a big piece of bone a few hrs later. It is lucky there was no obstruction, and i don't want to push my luck, especially with her not actually being my dog! However, i feel my previous dogs would have done well on a raw diet had i known about them at the time. -
Strengthening A Dogs Immune System
aussielover replied to Mas1981's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Has mason been on and steroids such as prednisolone, cortisone etc. They will suppress the immune system. I think oral papillomas aren't really all that rare, I saw a case yesterday and have seen quite a few in the last few years. Mainly in young puppies though. -
I had several. Border Collie like the one in babe Collie (Lassie) Lab/GR Maremma (random, don't know how that one came about, probably because they are big fluffy white dogs lol) However, Clover (aussie) turned out to be the dog of my dreams
Thats exactly how i feel! Missy is all perfect and docile while at obedience and puppy school. She walks like an angel on lead while there and all the instructors dote on her lol At home it is different story! She is little miss stubborn. Sorry I am of no use to you! But I share your pain
I Want To Do What Is Best For My Puppy - Am I Leaving Him Alone Too Mu
aussielover replied to Rosalie's topic in Puppy Chat
ehh double post -
I Want To Do What Is Best For My Puppy - Am I Leaving Him Alone Too Mu
aussielover replied to Rosalie's topic in Puppy Chat
NO i don't think it is ok to lock a puppy in the laundary for 20 hrs I though it sounded more like, the puppy would be in the laundary while she couldn't supervise like at mealtimes or computer time etc. Which would only be for a total of maximum 2hrs (imo). She did say she plays with puppy in the morning and for a few hrs in the evening I hope she gets a crate though. -
Gsp Behavioural Problems / Exercise!
aussielover replied to Keyarna's topic in General Dog Discussion
He is just so cute! raineth your dane is gorgeous, it was a bit scary how quickly he dug that massive hole though! None of my dogs have been diggers, clover was terrible at digging, very slow and uncooridinated lol.