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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Thanks Denali and Ranga :) Well I'm still here lol A minimalist photo from me this week. I just loved the uncluttered feel of this shot. 26/52 Simplicity. Simplicity by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  2. Love love love that second pic. What a gorgeous face
  3. Just watched the trailer for this movie. Looks like fun. I love the Daschund and the mixer :D While I'm here can someone please tell me how to embed the video and not just have a link ETA Yay, today's video was brought to you courtesy of Lisa. Thanks Lisa
  4. I'm quick off the mark for this week's shot but I am so proud of them I had to share (Even though not many people come in here anymore :) ) I'd had this shot in mind for a while and finally my daughter was available for the shoot. I say 'shoot', honestly it was just a couple of minutes down the end of the garden but Shhhhhh don't tell anyoone I'm cheating and posting two becasue I really cannot becide if I prefer the colour or the black and white 25/52 Winter beauty by Tee Kay, on Flickr Winter beauty b&w by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  5. Me too. In fact I posted my first photo of my daughter there yesterday and the response has been phenomenal. Thanks for sharing the link Pers. I'm feeling really encouraged in my photography journey :)
  6. I'd say it sounds like you are doing everything right. My only tip would be to go sloooooooowly. Don't try to skip ahead. ie go straight from her being fine with putting her muzzle in to trying to do the straps up. Baby steps. I'm sure you already new this though :) Good luck, I'm actually doing this with my boy at the moment. It's only a just in case for us though. He won't wear it normally but just in case we need to visit a vet he doesn't know in an emergency or something, he would probably need to be muzzled. He does not like strangers. It always pays to be prepared.
  7. Poor Mickey, looks like his head is on the chopping block :laugh:
  8. Very quiet in here. This week is another one of Luka. It was a very rainy Sunday and I was bored. Solution? Take pics of the dogs. Once again Luka was the most cooperative :) 24/52 IMG_0040.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  9. 23/52 Back at the beach. :) IMG_0538.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  10. It sounds like Jasper had a fantastic life. Thank you for sharing your story on here. I hope it provides some comfort to know you are among people who know exactly how you are feeling. Take care, time does help. Run free Jasper and wait for your Mum. You will meet again
  11. The colour of the sea in those shots Canetoad is quite spectacular. My OH and I had a few days away this last weekend to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We stayed in a fabulous little cottage on a little lake. It was idyllic, so many photos :D The cottage was 30 mins outside of Toowoomba so I finally found my Autumn colours yay :) Here is a pic of the cottage with a little bit of colour included. 22/52 IMG_0371.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  12. Love the reflections Sheena Nature put on a fantastic display for us on the Sunshine Coast tonight. It's funny because I said to my son, at around 4 o'clock, " That sky is looking good. We could be in for a great sunset" and then I almost missed it becasuse I was busy organising dinner. At around 5:30 I suddenly noticed the sky and sped out to our local reservoir. I was possibly a couple of minutes too late but it was still a magnificent sight. Here are a couple of photos taken seconds apart. You can see how quickly the light was changing. Sunset by Tee Kay, on Flickr IMG_0397-Pano-Edit.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  13. Love the refection and the warm colours in that first one Pers, beautiful
  14. love this road shot Denali, the lines really draw you into the photo. I want to know what's round the bend :)
  15. Great shots Snook, I especially like the Brighton one. Lovely silhouettes
  16. When I emailed Luka's breeder I did send a bit of a novel. I asked lots of questions and told her all about ourselves. She actually told me she loved the fact I asked all the questions. It showed I was seriously thinking about things, ahd done my research, and not just, I want a cute puppy, have you got any available? I'd say keep trying, there will be a breeder out there happy to answer your questions.
  17. Thanks MDD. I love it because she looks like she is free. In reality my husband is just out of shot and she was still on leash, as she always has to be because she's a runner The wonders of photoshop :) ETA, missed the other posts :) Thanks Ranga and BC. Great froggy shot. Gives a whole new meaning to headbutt :laugh:
  18. Thanks Snook :) I love Jess's smiley face in all her shots Tay :D That ferret looks so fluffy MDD. I want a stroke :) My entry this week was another rush job. I suddenly decided, Sunday evening, i wanted to go out at sunset and get a photo I've had in my head for a while now. The sunset was very disappointing and I was a bit late, but I still like the shots. I'm cheating and posting two because I like them both :D 21/52 Mya, lone wolf Lone wolf by Tee Kay, on Flickr This one is slightly off on the focus but I loved it anyway Mya and my OH, not such a lone wolf after all. Man's best friend by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  19. Thanks Ranga, He's overdue a haircut and because it was raining he'd had his hoodie on just before this shot so his hair is a bit all over the place but that seems quite appropriate for a photo of him :laugh:
  20. No dogs from me this week. We went exploring and old disused railway tunnel the weekend. It was a miserable day and we got soaked but we had fun and i managed to get this shot of my son. I've been wanting to try out this sort of lighting for ages but never seemed to be able to find a suitable place :) 20/52 IMG_0269-Edit.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  21. Love the Autumn colours Ranga, very jealous :) Wow, what fantastic colours your rooster has MDD. He is very impressive. Another one of kids and dogs for me. This time my daughter with Luka :) 19/52 IMG_0062.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr and had to share this one too :laugh: Have some Luka lovin IMG_0049.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  22. Sunshine Coast Council is a one off application fee of $185 then just their annual rego renewals unless I move house or get a different dog. The permission is only valid for a specific dog.
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