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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I agree, very powerful image Snook, I can feel the despair I hope you found the process of creating the image cathartic. I'm a little behind again. Here is another panning image I took a couple of weeks ago. I was on my way out somewhere and noticed the pinks in the sky so quickly grabbed my camera and went for a slight detour to the beach. By the time I got there the ight was failing and I didn't have my tripod so a quick pan was called for :) 10/52 IMG_3976a by Tee Kay, on Flickr And this was one I took this weekend. I went out hoping to capture the cruise ship that was in at Mooloolaba but just as I got to the car park it started to rain. I didn't want to get my camera wet so I had to settle for a shot taken from the car park quickly before the rain really started to come down. The light was beautiful though. It was actually raining when I took this shot so it was a bit hurried but I'm still pleased with how it turned out. 11/52 IMG_4043 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  2. Yay, that is good news. Looking forward, somewhat patiently, to updates
  3. Oh my, she was beautiful Kirislin, so sorry the time had come to say goodbye. Rest easy Pagan.
  4. Looks like I've found this thread just at the right time. Not much waiting now by the sound of it. Rottie pups=instant pick me up. It's impossible not to smile when you look at pics of Rottie pups. I hope it all goes smoothly for the gorgeous Seven
  5. Good edit Snook, well done, that couldn't have been easy, not much to work with Personally, I like it without the cars as I do find them distracting. The second edit is nice and uncluttered, nothing to draw your eye away from the main subject. Edited because Roova posted while I was typing :D Lovely shot Roova, so sharp, great detail.
  6. Thanks for the lovely comments guys :) Love the style of that house shot Snook, looks surreal. I've done the drive round and round looking for 'the shot' too. I feel ya :D That's two years running I've missed the dog surfing thingy. It's not til you post a photo of it that I realise it's on. I'll bet it's a really fun day, albeit probably a bit crowded. Great pic of some gorgeous doggies. Keeping on top of things so here's my entry. Stormy day on the weekend. 09/52 IMG_3910 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  7. Another bit of portrait practice. 07/52 IMG_3513a by Tee Kay, on Flickr Cleveland Point Lighthouse at Sunset. 08/52 IMG_3656 by Tee Kay, on Flickr Yay, up to date now. I'll try and keep on top of it :D
  8. Apologies for the catch up. I have been so busy shooting but not uploading to Flickr so I have got a bit behind. A stormy day at Pt Cartwright 5/52 IMG_3374 by Tee Kay, on Flickr Noosa River sunset 6/52 IMG_3475 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  9. You make Marvellous look so real Gapvic. I can actually see her walking down that path in the last one Finally managed a dog shot. Luka looking at all the rain today. "Can we still go for a walk Mum?" 04/52 IMG_3307 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  10. Yay Snook. Well done with the panning shot. Love it, awesome colours. Sorry to hear about Sweep DC, Hope all goes well with the cardiologist. Still no shots of the dogs from me. They're just not very willing models. My daughter on the other hand. Always up for a photoshoot for her Instagram. I'm not complaining, it gives me chance to practice my portrait stuff. There was some lovely light at the beach a few days ago. Got some great shots but thought I would share this one. My daughter holding the pose even though a wave had come crashing into the wall. :laugh: Will definitely try for some dog shots for next week. :D 03/52 IMG_3250a by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  11. Love the emotion in that shot Huga. Thanks Snook, it is very much trial and error with the panning shots. Thank goodness for digital cameras :) Love the long exposure though, great leading lines with the jetty and love the soft colours I took Jenna to the beach today and was hoping to get some action shots but she was not cooperating. I did take some of my daughter though. So here is my second photo of the year. This was just before the rain came this afternoon and we had to hurry back to the car. 02/16 IMG_3162 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  12. I think Scottsmum has covered Flickr really well but with regard to books. The first book I read when I picked up a camera as a complete novice, about 2 years ago, was Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson http://www.booktopia.com.au/understanding-exposure-bryan-peterson/prod9780817439392.html?source=pla&gclid=Cj0KEQiA2b20BRDj4buduIG-y9EBEiQAhgMGFRnsnaOaERc159nJNOr_F5aF4iW5rjdObjVC_rN_-lwaAv7r8P8HAQ Everything is explained very well in there. My husband had tried to explain exposure, iso, aperture etc to me, many times but it just didn't sink in until I read that book. Good luck with your photography journey. It's so much fun and you never stop learning.
  13. I don't know how to say this without offending lots of people... you're much better informed. your love and best intentions and your care for your dogs are all better informed now and your choices in the future will be better. Doesn't that make you a better dog owner? And the opposite of "clueless" is "well informed/educated". If people were well informed about dogs in petshops and the designer crosses, the care or lack of it and health testing or lack of it... they wouldn't support that industry. If people were well informed about dog body language and social interactions, they would train their poodle crosses and not let them get in the faces of other dogs uninvited. I guess nobody is perfect but there are better ways of doing things. Simply Grand got nearly everything you'd want in a dog breeder except the health testing. And the health testing - to me it's a sign of the breeder being well informed and doing the best they can to reduce the chance of health problems in their puppies. Hopefully they get the other things like training right too but it's not a guarantee. It makes be a more informed dog owner but no, not a better dog owner. With regard to care for my dogs, that hasn't changed. Can I just quote the paragraph that I took issue with. Massive generalisation and wholly inaccurate in many cases.
  14. That's my point. you are probably right about them not ending up at pounds so much... or getting adopted soon after. However they do get neglected, untrained and impossible to live with. Maybe their owners have a little bit more money so can afford to find other ways to deal with their problem dog than dump them at the pound. My brother ended up with a GR x this way but he couldn't train it any better than the original owners who thought it would be a good companion to their autistic child. The dog was not supposed to grow bigger than a standard poodle. So my experience with the poodle x is really bad. The ones I meet at the park and the beach, very few are well trained. Tho with only 7% of dogs registered in SA receiving the "trained dog" discount - maybe I just have a conformation bias and they're all crap. And don't get me started on my neighbour's poodle cross. Sigh. One good thing - it barks so much that all barking within ear shot of its house - gets blamed on it. And I've seen photos of what ends up at the groomers with these non-shedding coats. Obviously only need clipping twice a year? And claw trim - why would we do that? The dog might not be in the pound but maybe it would be better off there where at least (the SA pounds) some questions are asked about the new home and support is provided. I wouldn't do it again now, not because I'm a better dog owner but because I am now aware of where most designer dogs come from so I'm not sure that was your point. All my dogs; designer, rescue and registered pure bred have all had the same love and care and commitment
  15. What could possibly go wrong? Wow, some serious stereotyping there Mrs RB. I bought a designer breed 6 years ago now. Obviously I wouldn't do it again knowing what I know now, but your descriprion of the 'kind of people' who buy designer breeds is insulting to say the least. I wil certsinly not defend indiscriminate cross breeding, for designer breeds or othetwise but I do disagree that designer breeds are high on the dump list. Having worked in a shelter, we very rarely saw designer breeds I'm there. The majority of dogs were bull breed crosses, kelpie crosses and bc crosses, all I imagine back yard bred.
  16. Thanks Snook, just give it a go, take lots of shots, experiment with the speed you actually pan. You get some funny looks from people but it's so exciting to look at the back of the camera and see what you got :) I love bumble bees, I had no idea you had them here in Australia until I went to Tasmania. Well done Scottsmum, they are not easy to photograph. I tried, and failed miserably. :laugh:
  17. It's a shame the 2015 thread came to a bit of a standstill. Would love to give it another go for 2016. Count me in. Although I usually post via Flickr and it has really not been cooperating lately. So here's hoping it get sorted soon. Eta managed to get this one onto Flickr. This is last night's sunset. It's a panning shot so I intentionally move the camera while I take the shot to get the blurry effect. Colours have been played with in ps. I do like to experiment with colours :) IMG_3052a by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  18. Yay a Ping thread. I am so in love with this little guy :D Gosh he actually looks big next to that little Black and Tan dog :laugh:
  19. Great post Snook. If you do decide to go down the RAW route, I just wanted to second the recommendation for Damien's courses. They're relatively cheap and you get a year of feedback from Damien to cement your learning. I've only started a few weeks ago and I have learnt so so much.
  20. and what's with this? from the same link "Ms Hungerford said her daughter is at home recovering from the bite today. 'She can't go to kinder so she's is a little upset,' she told 3AW." of course she could have gone to kinder, she has a sore knee, nothing more. Yep. girl made mistake, girl got a nip, girl learned her lesson. Hopefully owner did too. Both at fault. Not a big story. Social media, please move on.
  21. Live love love Jacaradas Denali, they make great backdrops. What a fantastic capture Sail away. I hope you are enjoying your new camera 42/52 My lovely Luka. My favourite shot of him at the moment. Luka by Tee Kay, on Flickr And one I tok of my daughter yesterday. Having a bit of a play with dappled sunlight filtering through the hat 43/52 Summer Light by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  22. Great shots MDD, I'm loving Koda's serious face, what a handsome boy he is and the head tilt on the ACD is so cute. I didn't realise I had got os far behind. I went to Toowoomba for the flower festival. It was sooooo pretty, so here are a few shots from there 38/52 IMG_1121.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr 39/52 IMG_1142.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr A very picturesque train station which got destroyed in the floods. Looking pretty again 40/52 IMG_1286.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr The Japanese Gardens, my most favourite place in Toowoomba 41/52 IMG_1150.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  23. 37/52 This was taken for a 'Red' themed challenge. I had great fun editing this one. Not usually a fan of selective colour but thought I'd go for it this time :) Lips by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  24. Zeph looks like he's having a ball Grumpette, oh how I wish my dogs liked water. Wonderful photos Denali, especially the first one. Spot on with the focus. Great job.
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