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Everything posted by teekay
Thanks Cat, yeah I can see the mermaid vibe :) Thank you trifecta, good to know people are still looking at the thread :) This week's share is a bit of a cheat but I love it so I'm sharing it anyway :laugh: It's an old photo taken back in 2013 but I didn't know how to edit then so just left it as it came out of the camera. Today I decided to have a go at editing it. I had a 'look' in mind and I have got pretty close to what I was aiming for. It may look a little familiar. It is the photo in my siggie :) 27/52 IMG_0129 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Thank you both so much :D
A bit behind but I'm still going :D Here's a few of my creations over the last few weeks 24/52 IMG_5964 by Tee Kay, on Flickr 25/52 IMG_5981 by Tee Kay, on Flickr 26/52 IMG_6005hq by Tee Kay, on Flickr
A massive for you Anne. Run over the bridge Olivia, free of pain
So sorry Anne, but certainly sounds like time ????
This must be so upsetting to watch Olivia go downhill so quickly. Hugs Anne, sorry I have no advice
Another pic of Mya because I can :D 23/52 IMG_5955 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
She looks not too dissimilar to my girl, who is a white husky. Maybe something else in there too IMG_0617-Edit.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Very quiet in here............ere.............ere.........re............re.............e.............e :) We are having some glorious sunrises/sunset lately. Here is one I took last night. The view from Mt Tinbeerwah 22/52 IMG_5915 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Lovely Pers. I had seen some of her stuff before but have liked her fb page now so I get to see more. I follow a few doggie photographers. Love it when my fb feed is filled with gorgeous pictures of dogs ☺
So sorry to read this Huga. Lola was such a star. It sucks that we have to say goodbye to our very much loved family members way too soon. Hugs to you and your family. Run free at the bridge Lola.
That's a fabulous mushroom Scottsmum, so colourful. We only seem to get the boring white ones round here. Mya isn't great Snook, thanks for asking. I'm hoping it's just the pills she is on but she seems to have lost her mojo. Walks were her favourite thing, especially on the beach, but I took her there a few days ago. I put her on a long line so she'd have some freedom and she just trotted along beside me stopping frequently. Not like her at all. She's a husky, she likes to run Good news is she has a roaring appetite at them moment, thanks to the steroids so she is eating well and I'm having no problems giving her her pills hidden in food. She is still thin though but I have just a few days ago started giving her a lunch as well as breakfast and dinner. Bad news is she keeps weeing on the floor, along with increased appetite with steroids is increased thirst. It's not a biggy though, we have tiled floors so it's easy enough to mop up. Anyway here is my weeks entry, not sure if I'm behind or not but never mind :D My husband, myself and my youngest went camping this last weekend. I thought I'd try and get one more trip out with the camper trailer before winter. We'd had a couple of mild nights Thursday and Friday so I thought we'd be fine. Urrrrrm no, cold spell came in. It must have been about 5 degrees overnight, brrrrrrrrrrrrr. We hadn't really taken enough fire wood to keep warm so it was an early night for everyone :laugh: I was fine in bed though. I had a singlet, a long sleeved top and my PJ top on, coupled with jogging bottoms and the all important woolly socks. I was in a sleeping bag under a doona and I had a hot water bottle. I was toasty :D Anyway the highlight of the weekend were all the kangaroos that appeared on the campsite to bask in the afternoon sun. Here's my pic of one checking me out 21/52 IMG_5827 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
OK catching up big time. I took a trip a few weeks ago down to Toowoomba to try and find some Autumn colours.There actually weren't that many. I think I was a week or two early (Typical I was a week or two late last year :laugh: ) but I found this lovely red leaf among the brown ones. 17/52 IMG_4641flickr by Tee Kay, on Flickr This next one was taken the morning Mya went on for her surgical biopsy of her liver. She has been diagnosed with chronic canine hepatitis and is now on treatment. Fingers crossed her liver recovers 18/52 IMG_4792flickr by Tee Kay, on Flickr The next two are from my recent trip to New Zealand. My oh my what a stunning place. A large panorama of the mountains over Lake Pukaki. We had so much rain on our trip but I was so totally excited to wake up to this view out the camper van window one morning. 19/52 IMG_5329flickr by Tee Kay, on Flickr And lastly. As I said, so much rain. This is a rather famous tree in Wanaka. I was so disappointed in the weather when we got there but totally stoked when I saw the image I had captured. It's so different to the normal shots of 'that tree' and I love it :D 20/52 IMG_5251flickr by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Thanks Pers :D I think I should have replied with multiquote instead of individual posts *DOH
Yep, I suspected hepatitis too Jules. :D We did discuss diet but the vet was happy for me to continue as normal for now and see what the blood test results are in 30 days. If they're still bad we will look at diet then. Mya is such a fussy eater and has lost a fair bit of weight so we really want to try and get that back on over the next few weeks. I do think getting the Metrogyl down her is going to prove difficult over time. She soon gets wise to hiding the pills in various foods so I have to keep swapping and changing what I hide it in. AT least the steroid pills are nice and small
Thanks Scottsmum, I did have a wonderful week. Didn't manage to do as much walking as I would have liked, the weather was not particularly kind but we clocked up 2000km in the hire car and camper van so certainly got around and saw lots of spectacular places. So many photos to edit and share and I've only managed to get one up on fb at the moment. :laugh: I'm hoping to get another one up tonight. One of 'That tree' in Wanaka. If ever you've been to Queenstown area, you'll know the tree I mean.
Sorry for the delay in getting back with an update. We got the results from the biopsy yesterday and she has chronic canine hepatitis. She has been prescribed steroids.(High dose to begin with) and antibiotics (metrogyl) and continue with the milk thistle. Repeat bloods in 30 days to see how she's going.I'm hoping that the liver damage isn't too severe as she wasn't actually showing any symptoms when it was picked up that something was wrong. Her weight was quite low last week 13.7kgs but yesterday it had already gone up to 14.5kgs so that's good. She still looks very thin to me though. She's alwasy be a skinny minny but I think it's the shave for the op making her look even worse and we haven't has any more nosebleeds Edited to add a picture of the furry diva, taken just now. Her fur is starting to grow back :) 2016-05-19_01-54-52 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Sorry internet here is very hit and miss. Good news. May has not had a nosebleed in over 24 hours now Have taken note of all suggestions and will certainly be looking into diet when we get back to Oz. At the moment she has just been having chicken and rice. She is on Milk thistle (which I'm guessing is what you meant bogsbesotted.) We should get the results of the biopsy Friday or Monday so once we know what we're dealing with we will be able to come up with a more precise action plan. For the moment I'm just so glad her nose has stopped bleeding and she is much better in herself AND she finally poo'd today which is the first since her op on Friday
Thanks for the replies guys, communication with home is very dodgy so I haven't managed to get too many details today. She is ok though atm. Still getting nosebleeds but I don't think she has had any major ones today. The sedatives have worn off so she's more alert but not happy. obviously in pain from the op but can't have any pain killers at the moment. She has eaten some chicken though. As I said communication is very limited so that update was this morning. I haven't managed to get in touch this evening yet. Thanks for the suggestion about portal hypertension Jules, I'll have to Google that. I don't think she has fluid in her belly but not sure. God I hate being so far away. I've never wanted a holiday to go so fast
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while but unfortunately I'm here to ask for any advice you may have for me regarding my husky, Mya. Some of you may remember K9Angel rescued her from Blacktown pound in 2009 and we adopted her early 2010. She is 8 now. She had a blood test done last week (I was worried her recently much worse stinky breath was an indication of an underlying problem. The test results showed higher than normal liver enzymes and a subsequent acid bile test gave worrying results (not sure exactly what they were) She had an unltrasound on Wednesday and the specialist said her liver did not look normal at all. No obvious masses but something wasn't right. She had a sulrgical biopsy done yesterday. They couldn't do one via an unltrasound or fine needle as they didn't have an obvious place to take the test sample from. When I went to pick her up yesterday evening, the vet said the liver definitely didn't look normal. One lobe was worse than the other but she said she had no idea what it could be as she had never seen a liver like it. (She has been a vet for many years so not inexperienced) The compilation was I had a trip booked to New Zealand, leaving Saturday (today) for a week. I have 2 grown up children living at home so after considering cancelling the trip we decided Mya was in capable hands with my two kids and we left Brisbane for NZ this morning. Mya had had a pretty bad night, she just lay in the same spot from when we got back from the vets at about 6pm til we got up this morning at about 6am. She whimpered on and off all night. But in the morning she seemed brighter, she ate a little chicken, she had a drink, she did a wee so I felt happier about leaving her. But I have just finally managed to get a phone sorted here in NZ and spoke to my son. At about 10;30 this morning Mya's nose started to bleed. My son immediately rang the vet and Took her straight in. The vet ran various tests (I'm not sure exactly what ) and said she didn't think the nose bleed had anything to do with the liver issues. Maybe it was coincidental. Take her home and if she gets worse take her to the emmerigency vet this afternoon as they shut midday. Unfortunately Mya had a much bigger nosebleed later in the afternoon so my son took her straight to the emergency vet. He also ran tests and said he couldn't find anything obvious but as the blood was only coming from one nostril he thought there may be something up her nose causing the problems. Either foreign or tumour. While Mya was there her nose would stop bleeding but every time the vet did some more examination the nose started again. He thought maybe blood pressure related and she was getting stressed so he has given her a sedative and she is back at home. We still don't know the problem. He is back on at 7am and said my son can take her in for more test, probably head and chest X-rays but she will probably need to be sedated as she got a bit aggressive when he tried to look up her nose. She's really not a happy girl at the moment. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to get it all down to see if anyone has ever had an experience of something like this. A few more salient points. Mya had a coagulation test before the biopsy and the results were fine. She was on milk thistle, pain relief and antibiotics after the procedure. The vet has said to stop ALL medication for now. But her temp was 40 degrees, which he said was high. I worried about infection if she's not on the antibiotics. This is all second hand coming from my son which is so frustrating. He's doing really well and has done everything right. I just wish I was there to ask questions myself. Damn this bloody timing. I really wish I had cancelled the holiday. Has anyone any advice at all. Could the nosebleed really be coincidental. It seems unlikely. My poor girl
Oh my gosh Raven is totally adorable denali, what a beautiful photo of her Nothing fancy this week from me. I have wanted to get his done for aaaaaaaages and I finally plucked up the courage today. My first tattoo :D 16/52 arm tattoo by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Thanks for that Snook. Yeah my pics are resized to 2048 px on the longest side for fb and I have been too lazy to go back to the psd, resize, then sharpen again, but maybe I will make the effort now I know. Cheers ☺
I hope Justice is better soon Snook. Missing your photos. Gapvic, great close ups of Marvellous and the goat. Here's my catch up :) ETA Flickr seems to have sharpened the sh*t out of these, especially the kite one. Apologies, I will bear that in mind next time :) So many kite surfers out. I never know how they don't get tangled :laugh: 13/52 IMG_4313 by Tee Kay, on Flickr I'm not great at astro photography. Definitely need to practice some more but here is one I took when I was camping last weekend. 14/52 IMG_4453a by Tee Kay, on Flickr A stormy day at the dog beach yesterday afternoon. 15/52 IMG_4522 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Didi sure is a magnificent dog, dididog. I have a real soft spot for big dogs :D Looking forward to seeing your Lighthouse shot Scottsman, I love Lighthouses, there aren't any good ones round here :) Well I've been having a play in photoshop to create this weeks image. When I took this shot, it was pretty boring conditions. Tide was out so minimal reflection, sun was low but there were no clouds for interest. I was actually checking out the spot for a Sunrise shoot, (which I will definitely be doing in the future ) but I did have a creation in mind and after trying various things in ps, I'm happy with what turned out. I think it has an otherworldly feel to it and also the tree looks like a dancing lady. It reminds me of when the new Groot shoot is dancing at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy. :laugh: 12/52 IMG_4126 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
Thank you so much Roova, I'm glad you found my FB page, I need all the likes I can get :D I'm severely lacking in that department lol. I don't know how people get thousands of likes on their page I really don't :laugh: All likes and shares are very much appreciated :D Same goes for my Instagram account which is Teekay_photography if anyone wants to follow me on there. ETA I just remembered my FB page is linked just below my siggie. I'd forgotten about that :laugh: