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Everything posted by teekay

  1. The JPS procedure is relatively new, therefore finding reliable information about it is pretty difficult, believe me, I spent hours researching it. The recent thread the OP talks about was written by me about my, then, 18 week old Golden x Samoyed, Jenna. Having gone ahead with the procedure we are now about 7 months on. Jenna is due to have more xrays done at 12 months (19 May) but she is showing no signs of lameness at all. So far, I am happy. There does not appear to be any detrimental affects of the JPS procedure which was my worst nightmare. Jenna showed no signs of HD when we took her to the specialist. Our initial worry was based on finding out other dogs coming from the same breeder had developed HD. When making the decision obviously we were worried we were taking what was a healthy happy puppy and putting her through an unnecessary operation which could mess up her hips for life. (Believe me, I went there, I worried about all the things that could go wrong) On the flip side though, if we did nothing and she developed HD I would forever have to wonder if the procedure could have prevented it. It's a catch 22 situation and I'll admit it's a gamble. Hopefully one which has paid off for us. The operation itself was not particularly major, Jenna was desexed at the same time and she did not appear to be in too much discomfort. Exercise has to be strictly limited for a few weeks but recovery is pretty quick compared to the TPO. With regard to the PenHipp xrays having to be sent to America. I belive that is for an 'official' score for breeding purposes but a good orthopedic surgeon is capable of reading the x rays themselves. For your refenece Baker Girl Jenna's distraction index was 0.6/0.7 Good luck with your Pup BG and keep us informed of her progress.
  2. There are some beautiful beautiful labs on here. Sadly, I no longer have my labrador Holly, she died last year but I thought I would share her photos anyway. She was 5 when she died and people used to think she was a still a puppy. With regard people overfeeding their lab because of the 'puppy eyes'. Lets face it, it doesn't matter how much you feed a lab, they will still want more and give you the 'puppy eyes'
  3. That bought a tear to my eye, I wish there were more people like you, Jed. The world would be a better place
  4. Cute dogs you got there. Mine always seem to end up half on and half off their bed too.
  5. But is it normal for 2 dogs to suddenly not tolerate a food? A few weeks ago they could both eat all sorts of RMBs, no problems. Oh and Mason's Mom, where do you get the Protexin powder, does it have to come from a vet or is it sold in petshops? Cheers
  6. Sorry if this is a bit 'tmi' and a bit longwinded, but I am having problems with Mya and Jenna. I find it odd and potentially very significant that it is affecting both of them. They both are getting recurring bouts of the runs. I have started to keep a food diary as it appears to be after they have any raw meat. Here is the info from the diary - hope it makes sense: 25/3 ckn wings for brekkie, Eukanuba for tea, a few treats 26/3 Mya sick in morning, very soft poos x2. No brekkie, Euk for tea 27/3 poos ok today. Sardines for brekkie, Euk for tea 28/3 Ckn necks + wing tips - Mya Ckn wings - Jenna, Both Euk for tea, A few treats 29/3 Mya runny poo's througout the night, sick once in morning, Jenna runny poos in morning. No brekkie, cooked ckn and rice for both of them for tea. 30/3 ckn/rice for brekkie & Euk for tea - poos fine again 31/3 Sardines brekkie, Euk tea - poos all fine 1/4 Lamb off cuts (fat trimmed off) brekkie, Euk tea. Cooked ckn for treats. Up 3 times in night for Mya - runny poos again. Jenna up early for large runny poo No food so far today. I should add that throughout all this, the dogs are absolutely fine themselves. Playing, still wanting to eat etc. They have both previously eaten raw meat with no problems at all. Am I reintroducing the raw too soon, do you think? What probiotics do people use? I want to get some tomorrow when the shops are open again and try that. I don't really want to use yoghurt at the moment, in case the dairy upsets their stomachs more. Any other ideas?
  7. Most also have a 21 day period, from taking out the insurance, before you can claim.
  8. I find bathing their eyes with a bit of salted boiled water (cooled obviously but still warm) usually helps. I use those cosmetic pads, a different one for each eye and bathe twice a day. Should hopefully make his eyes a bit more comfortable till you can see the vet.
  9. I got mine from BigW. I think it was about $50 for a medium and was approx $10 cheaper than the Petstock one from memory. Now if I could just get my stupid dogs to use them that would be great :)
  10. Luki is looking great K9angel, it's so sweet to see him playing with your little ones, he's just the right size eh.
  11. Thanks for all the replies guys. I think we have made a decision. Well nearly, it's one of 2 options. Either we take them with us or If our 17 year old son decides not to come with us we are leaving them here in his care. He works 5 hour shifts but we have a secure area outside where I can put one dog and the other can stay inside so I know they are both safe. I will put them into kennels later in the year if we go away again but i just feel it is too early at the moment. Thanks again
  12. Thanks Shell, There isn't really a good reason why I was not happy taking them. I suppose I just haven't really even camped myself before and the logistics of taking 3 kids and 2 dogs seemed a little overwhelming. I will consider taking them with me or not go at all I think. As long as they get a good walk they do tend to sleep all day anyway. I could take their crates to make sure they are safe. Mya is a bit of an escape artist so we would have to make sure she was either tethered or crated but I guess that is ok. I'm such a worry wort Any tips for happy camping with dogs?
  13. Ok, so we have had Mya for about 4 weeks now. She was rescued by K9angel from Blacktown pound around New year, and we adopted her the end of Feb. We have been invited to go camping for Easter (3 days) and I am unsure what to do with my dogs. I don't really want to take them with us but is it too soon to board Mya? I don't know whether, coming from the pound, a boarding situation would be too stressful for her. Will she remember and think she is back in the pound? If so then i just don't want to go. Jenna and Mya get on ok, so I suppose I would house them together but they do have the occasional spat where Jenna hides under the table to get away from Mya and Mya then knows to leave her alone. Where would Jenna hide in a boarding situation? OK, I'm beginning to think I am answering my own question here. Am I being too paranoid? Please, any advice would be great. I want to do the right thing. If this means not going then so be it.
  14. I am thinking of going camping over the Easter School holidays for four days and cannot decide whether to take my 2 dogs with me. I'm thinking it will really restrict what activities we can do as, presumably, you cannot leave your dogs unattended at the campsite. Therefore I am looking at the boarding facilities in our area. Has anyone any recommendations in the Southern Sunshine Coast area ( from Maroochydore in the North to Caloundra in the South)? I could go further afield if necessary. Thanks
  15. Jenna is a Golden Retriever X Samoyed (before I knew better) and I'm thinking of getting a Mars Coat King for her. I have a furminator which does get alot of fur off her but I just feel her coat is too thick for the very fine blades to really get to the undercoat and have been reading that the Mars CK is better for longer haired dogs. Does anyone here use one? I'm a little baffled by all the different sizes and # blades. Would anyone have any idea what size to use on Jenna? I would describe her coat as mostly Golden Retriever but bushier, especially around the neck, that's where the Samoyed in her definitely shows. I've attached a couple of recent photos, taken this morning after I had furminated.
  16. Awwwwww what a darling. His ears look huge on that last one How you going to manage to let this one go K9angel. Have you room for one more permanent resident?
  17. That is excellent news K9angel. You must be absolutely ecstatic. I look forward to lots of updates on this little man when you have him home and can start to fatten him up. I know he will have to take it slow at first but I'm sure he will thrive with your love. I bet Jack is excited too eh? Oh, How do you like my new Siggy.
  18. Congratulations. Golden Retriever puppies are sooooooo cute. AND she's arriving on my birthday so I'll be thinking of you while I eat my cake. :D Can't wait for pictures
  19. Oh this is such good news. He ate some meat :D I might not be quite so scared to check for updates in the morning. :D Sleep well K9angel.
  20. Great news Hope you managed to get a good nights sleep.
  21. Yep we've got lots of the buggers here too AND mozzies by the bucketload. :laugh: I guess it's because of all the rain. Sunny Coast? Pfft
  22. Just thought I would check in before bed. No news is good news. Will be praying again for little Luki tonight and sincerely hope tomorrow morning he has continued to improve. Try and get some sleep K9angel. I imagine you need it.
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