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Everything posted by teekay

  1. So distressing to see that poor poor dog. He's terrified. After Googling it appears this is legit and so sad. Needless to say I will not be going to see the film. I hope charges are brought against the people responsible for this. Extract: In leaked footage obtained by TMZ and reportedly filmed on set in Canada in November 2015, a terrified German Shepherd is seen struggling to escape as a handler forces the dog into a turbulent body of water. http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/movies/upcoming-movies/animal-cruelty-disturbing-leaked-video-from-film-set-horrifies-viewers/news-story/98be114add016b7fbf312875226ab791
  2. Lovely Denali, such great colour on those flowers. Who are you doing the pet photography workshop with? Charlotte Reeves? If so I'm very very jealous
  3. Thanks Scottsmum Week 3. Category: artistic Theme: land So dry round here at the moment
  4. Ok let's see if I can work this out. Week 1. Theme: rule of thirds. Week 2. Theme:sooc. Straight out of camera, zero editing.
  5. I'm doing th dogwood 52 week challenge so I may share my weekly images in here. That is if this new look forum means I can upload easier. I don't want to have to put everything through Flickr just to upload. I need to have a play and see how to do it
  6. You're liking the new toy then ???????? Great shots Canetoad
  7. Another one here who is grateful for you posting this Rebanne. Save me typing this all out again here is a copy and paste of what I have put on my Facebook page, sharing this article: This is an interesting article around the decision about when to euthanise our beloved pets. I will admit sometimes I have wondered if we let our gorgeous lab, Holly, go too soon. She had been going downhill for a while and we had decided the time was right, and then that morning she appeared a little brighter. The vet had told us whatever she had, we never did find out what that was, was not going to be curable. It was nerurological and we had done all the tests for anything curable. Vet sad we could do more invasive tests but all you would be getting was a diagnosis not a cure. When having the difficult conversation with My older son, who was 16 at the time, I remember him saying, "surely, if she was given the choice, Holly would choose to live no matter what the suffering? The will to survive is the number one drive for all animals" This has played on my mind and reading this has helped me come to terms with our decision. I sit here this morning, with tears in my eyes reading this. I know there will be difficult decisions to be made in he future but I will try and remember this article when the time comes. Love you always Holly. A better first dog, no one could ever ask for xx
  8. Thank you all so much, nature sure put on a show that evening. :) We took Luka camping for the first time last weekend. He was an absolute star. Will have to do it more often. This pic is of him and my son while we were out exploring, they are such best buddies 47/52 IMG_7393 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  9. So we had some terrific storms here a couple of weekend's ago. Probably not the best day to go for a drive but hey ho, that's what we did. We had no idea what we were in for when we left home and actually we were pretty lucky. We just skirted round the edge of the storm as we were driving but there were so many trees down after it had passed though. After one road blockage and a turn around, we made it to Borumba Dam. The sky cleared and we were treated to a stunningly colourful sunset. Bad news is I dropped a very expensive filter which smashed. Good news is I did manage to get some good shots :laugh: 46/52 IMG_7252 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  10. Yep, pretty much my reason for choosing Nexguard too. We've used it for 2 months now. Not long I know but no reactions so far.
  11. I created this the night I found out Donald Trump had won. I needed something cute to cheer me up. 45/52 The important things in life. IMG_0013 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  12. Not that many weeks to go now. Glad you're still with me Scottsmum, we can make it :laugh: 44/52 IMG_7086 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  13. Cheating slightly again, as these photos were taken from the same shoot but I love them both and couldn't decide. So here is my sister's latest Smart Pup who thought it was all so much hard work being cute :laugh: 42/52 IMG_7137 by Tee Kay, on Flickr And I just couldn't resist including a herp derp face :laugh: :laugh: 43/52 IMG_7139 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  14. Thank you so much Roova. :)
  15. Ok, just went to check the first post for dates and I think I have one more to get up to date. Cheating really, because they were taken on the same date but here's another one of Luka's blanket shoot, just 'coz. :D :D 41/52 IMG_6955 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  16. Ok Biiiiiig catch up. My daughter's succulent flowered a few weeks ago and I took a close up shot of the delicate pretty flowers. Each flower is less than a centimetre across. 37/52 IMG_6838 by Tee Kay, on Flickr I bought some Nisi filters a while ago now and only managed to get out to try them out for the first time a couple of weeks ago. This was actually an 11 minute exposure 38/52 IMG_6874 by Tee Kay, on Flickr The week Mya was ill, hubby and I were supposed to go away camping. Needless to say, it didn't happen. We did manage one night away once we knew Mya was getting better but she was still staying at the vets. We had a lovely day walking around the Boolumba Creek area. Very pretty. 39/52 IMG_6887 by Tee Kay, on Flickr I have no idea what week I should be on but I took this shot yesterday and I love it. My cheeky monkey being very cooperative while I bury him in blankets 40/52 IMG_6959 by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  17. Well, Mya continues to improve every day. She is still not walking 100% right but it's so good to see her getting better. She reminds me of a very young foal that just can't quite coordinate their limbs yet :laugh: She did manage a little run in the garden yesterday because someone opened the meat drawer in the fridge and she sprinted to get inside She is very hungry atm, but unfortunately her poos are still not right ( which is what started this whole saga off in the first place) so I still don't want to go overboard on the food. . Not sure what, other than probiotics, to do there On a side note, my son fractured his wrist yesterday, spent all morning in the emergency room. Fun times I need a weeks Thanks for popping in here and clarifying Rappie :) Well, I don't remember them talking about side effects but she was originally put on these pills back in May. I still think I would have remembered though and when the dose was increased it certainly was not mentioned. However, I found the receipt for the medication and it does state on there the warning signs of ataxia, flicking eyes etc. I probably did read that when I first got the pills but obviously didn't think of it when all this happened. AND obviously neither did the vet!! It's one thing to have, possibly inappropriately, put her on too high a dose but not realising that could be the problem when presented with Mya's symptoms certainly compounded the problem.
  18. She has been on 225mg twice a day since May and they recently upped it to 500mg twice a day because of her upset stomach. She's been on that higher dose for 5 days when it happened. She is 17kgs. From my Googling it seems that later dose is top end of normal but with her liver issues, I don't know. I'm just so confused. This latest Specialist certainly sounded like she knew what she was talking about and she said it was a toxic ( or very close to ) dose. I've checked with my OH and he said yes, she definitely did say that. But I came out a bit bamboozled after talking to her and tbh I just wanted to get Mya :) :) She actually said that the blood test they ran at the end of Mya's treatment came back normal for liver enzymes and questions Mya's original hepatitis diagnosis????? She is going to ask for a copy of the original liver biopsy report and we go back to see her in 2 weeks, so I can ask more questions then. 500mg twice a day? As in 2 x 500mg? Not 2 x 250mg to make up 500mg? From my googling 400mg a day would be top dose! Amber is on 200mg a day and is 15kg. Yep, 500mg twice a day. 1000mg a day Her maintenance dose has been 225mg twice a day, so 500mg a day. Which the specilaist also said was double what she should have been on. I got so confused Googling because many sites didn't seem to clarify if they were talking about dose levels or daily levels Is Amber on the Metronidazole for liver issues?
  19. She has been on 225mg twice a day since May and they recently upped it to 500mg twice a day because of her upset stomach. She's been on that higher dose for 5 days when it happened. She is 17kgs. From my Googling it seems that later dose is top end of normal but with her liver issues, I don't know. I'm just so confused. This latest Specialist certainly sounded like she knew what she was talking about and she said it was a toxic ( or very close to ) dose. I've checked with my OH and he said yes, she definitely did say that. But I came out a bit bamboozled after talking to her and tbh I just wanted to get Mya :) :) She actually said that the blood test they ran at the end of Mya's treatment came back normal for liver enzymes and questions Mya's original hepatitis diagnosis????? She is going to ask for a copy of the original liver biopsy report and we go back to see her in 2 weeks, so I can ask more questions then. It all a bit of a mess and for now I just want to concentrate on looking after Mya. I'm exhausted. I will talk to my vet but want to be absolutely sure of the facts before I do. Here's a couple of phone pics of my skinny girl this morning. Goodness she has lost weight quickly, it'll be hard road to get the weight back on her, she's not a great eater at the best of times, but we'll get there. 2016-10-15_09-36-30 by Tee Kay, on Flickr 2016-10-15_09-35-59 by Tee Kay, on Flickr And a little video of her walking ( and almost getting pee'd on the head by Luka. Thanks Luka, you doofus :laugh: ) Mya's recovery from Metronidazole toxicity. She is walking so much better but still not quite right. by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  20. Mya is home She is still wobbly and is struggling on our tile floors so I have found some old carpet and teamed it with my son's car playmates and a couple of yoga mats I have, so she can pretty much get around without having to step on the tiles. She's already tried to jump on the couch, the little bugger. We stopped her just in time but I'm going to have to be extra vigilant until she has complete motor function back. Now the immediate crisis is over and listening to the specialist today it would appear my original vet prescribed her way too high a dose of the Metronidazole. The specialist said the dose would have been toxic to a normal dog let alone one with a compromised liver!!!! Once I have calmed down I guess I need to go talk to them. This whole things has cost over $3000 because they stuffed up And I need to find a new vet
  21. This morning's update form the vets . Mya is walking She's still very wobbly but the vet says if she improves as much in the next 24 hours as she has in the previous 24, she may be able to come home tomorrow What a roller coaster of a week
  22. Thanks again everyone. We've just been to visit Mya and she is looking much brighter. Physically she can't move much but she can lift her head and she wagged her tail when she saw us and gave us both kisses ☺ She was far more with it than she was on Monday. Fingers crossed she continues to improve.
  23. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. So, the latest update on Mya. There has been some improvement in her condition. She still cannot stand without assistance but any improvement at this stage is fabulous. They will continue to administer the Valium for 3 days and see how she goes. I am cautiously optimistic at this stage, that it was the Metronidazole toxicity. OH and I are going to Brisbane today to see her, so I'm hoping we will be able to notice an improvement. I know there will be tears when we see her I can actually cope when they are ill, it's like I switch off all my emotions and act on autopilot, but when they start to get better it all comes flooding out :cry: And Shoelace, a special thanks has to go to you for posting when you did about the toxicity And of course a thanks to DOL, I may not post on here often, I read a lot but am a sporadic poster. Thank you for being here for me when I needed you
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