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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I'm lost for words, reading that thread. It just goes to show that some people will never change and never admit they have done anything wrong. I used to think people who let their dogs off lead were just ignorant and mostly just didn't realise their 'friendly' dogs would be a problem, but obviously some people, even when confronted with the truth, are reluctant to admit any wrongdoing. I would certainly not like to own a reactive dog again but there are no guarantees with dog ownership, especially if you get a puppy. Luka was so chilled as a puppy, i socialised him, he wasn't nervous, he had no bad experiences and yet at about 10-11 months he just gradually started to change I thought I had researched well before i got him. I turned down a different puppy because I was not happy with the temperament of the parents. I thought I had done everything right and yet, here we are Having said that though, I can't imagine life without dogs in it, so I would definitely continue to own dogs. I have been thinking the next dog I would like to get is a Finnish Lapphund, not for a number of years yet, but I am loitering in the Spitz thread to try and get a feel for them. :D Had I done that with the Australian Shepherd I would have noticed there can be a tendency towards reactivity in the breed.
  2. So how, exactly does your dog walk with you off lead? Is he right next to you the whole time? Do you let him wander a metre away? 5 metres? 50 metres? In front of you or behind you? Are you watching him ALL the time. Is this on a path or in bushland? Just wondering exactly what your definition of 'effective control' is.
  3. I just read it too, love it. Very true about making you a better dog owner, and I particularly like No. 8. . :)
  4. Amen to that. I am so sick of encountering off leash dogs with their owners who have absolutely no control over them at all. Drives me complete nuts I wish we were able to hand out on the spot fines for all of them .I would have a field day :laugh:
  5. There is a wealth of information on the internet about MDR 1 sensitivity and lists of drugs to avoid but some of it is a little conflicting. Some say don't use moxidectin, some say it is fine. Some, I have just found, say milbemycin can be a problem but not in the doses used in heatworm tablets. I certainly haven't had any problems with Luka so far. It's a bit confusing. I would say do your own research and use what you are happy with. Researching it today made me realise I must get my arse in gear and get that test done. I've had the test pack for ages just haven't got round to it. This is where we got the pack from if you want to have a look Linky http://www.animalnetwork.com.au/ Sorry Nova, You're just so pretty, I just assumed you were a girl :D
  6. Ive just changed over from Interceptor Spectrum to Milbemax for two reasons. One, they're tablets rather than those chewy things. Mya would never eat those and disguising something that big in cheese isn't easy :) Two, there is slightly more of the heartworm active ingredient and as Jenna is 23-24kgs she is slightly over the upper weight limit if one interceptor spectrum pill. Not an issue for Nova atm, but worth bearing in mind when she gets bigger :) I also dose 6 weekly but I believe every 60 days is also safe. Packet instructions state that if it is under 60 days since the last dose just treat as normal. I still haven't got round to getting Luka MDR1 tested. I really should do it for peace of mind.
  7. Thanks BCNut, we do do 'It's Yer Choice" so think he would probably just ignore the treat,as you say. Thanks anyway :) Yeah Hankdog I think a different shape would be better. I've just realised I have some silver square coasters so I will use that for his left paw and just persevere. He has actually managed to touch with his left paw a couple of times and I have marked and treated but he then goes straight back to touching with his right or offering a whole lot of other tricks trying to work out what it is I want. It obviously isn't sinking in yet. Early days, I'll keep trying. :)
  8. Hi everyone, after a bit of advice. I am trying to get Luka to target my left had with his right paw and my right hand with his left paw. I have started with targeting a coaster and he offers his right paw reliably but how can I get him to use his left paw? I have a different colour ( is that a good idea or should I look for a different shape?) coaster for him to use his left paw but he is very relluctant to use it. He paws with his right and I ignore him, he puts his nose on it, I ignore again but he will not move his left paw? Any ideas
  9. RIP Shoep, run free. You were loved
  10. That's the problem isn't it, Raineth. Sometimes I wish I could just 'go for a walk' with Luka and not have to treat every outing as a training session. It's having to be constantly on the ball that is exhausting, especially when you have other stuff going on in your life. We definitely did a combination of BAT And counter conditioning, depending on the circumstances.
  11. I enjoyed reading about k9 nosework, I hadn't heard of it before. Sounds really cool. Thanks for posting the link Wobbly I just had a giggle though because I googled K9 nosework Sunshine Coast, just to see if anyone was doing this locally, and all I seemed to get was lots of links to plastic surgeons :laugh: We have put the vet experience behind us now. I ordered a muzzle and I am slowly introducing it to Luka with lots and lots of treats. So far so good. Luka graduated from the basic manners and life skills foundation class at training and now we are doing a mix of stuff. Some cyber rally, some C.L.A.S.S., and some Trick Training. I really enjoy the trick training. I was a bit nervous going to the first class because I knew it was different instructors and different dogs but Luka did great I took his special mat and he calmly lay on it when we weren't working. We went through a large amount of treats though :) So glad he doesn't get car sick :laugh: Hope the surgery went well Woobly and you have as pain free a recovery, as possible.
  12. I claimed with Petplan about 6 months ago for Luka, when he had eaten tonnes of dirt Claim process was slow and I rang up after 6 weeks and got absolutely nowhere with the person on the phone. So i emailed my disgust at the phone call and how long the process was taking. Got a call back within 24 hours and claim was processed the same day Recieved complete claim less the excess. I think further claims will be quicker because they now have a history on Luka. If I ever have to claim for my 5year old resuce husky i think I will be waiting about 6 months, while they attempt to get her history. Still wouldn't go with anyone else though. Petplan cover is too good.
  13. Yes I will need to feed treats as I get him used to it so I will go with a basket muzzle. I just thought they looked so stiff and uncomfortable but if some have used them with no problem I'll go with one of those. It's not like he will be wearing it long periods anyway. Thanks Dolers, for your help :D And we are going back to the vet visiting and treating again as I intend to get him desexed in the next couple of months so fingers crossed we can get through that without too much drama.
  14. So after Luka's recent trip to the vets and his aggressive reaction to the locum vet he didn't recognise. I think I need to get him used to wearing a muzzle. I would only use it in these circumstances. He doesn't need one normally but if ever he needs to be examined and has to see a vet he doesn't know or like, I need to be able to put a muzzle on him without too much anxiety. Just to recap, we have been working on Luka's nervousness with strangers and he has improved a lot. He had his yearly check and vaccinations a few weeks ago and so I had been visiting the vets once or twice a week, just to get him used to the environment and the people there. Lots of treats, a quick weigh in, more treats, hello to the receptionist, more treats. Hello to the vet, more treats He really likes treats :D His check and vaccination went off without a hitch. I was really happy. Unfortunately this trip, our usual vet was away and Luka did not like the locum. So can anyone recommend a muzzle. The K9pro ones have been recommended but they are very expensive. If he was to wear one regularly I wouldn't mind buying an expensive one but, given he may (hopefully) never actually need to use it I don't want to spend too much. Finances are very stretched atm, and I don't want to wait until I can afford a k9pro one, in case another impromptu vet visit is required. Likewise, I don't want to buy a cheap crap one :) Ebay is full of muzzles Can anyone recommend a good but not too expensive one? Is this one good or bad. I liked the idea of the velcro but I admit I know nothing about muzzles and I don't want to buy anything unsuitable. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/M-PET-DOG-MUZZLE-RED-Anti-Bark-Bite-Chew-Training-Soft-Mesh-Nylon-Velcro-/140941115756?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item20d0bec16c&_uhb=1
  15. Oh my oh my Rach, he is a stunner How old is he?
  16. Yes, I can definitely believe tha the brightened up right before the appointment! It's always the way, specially if it's the emergency vet late at night.. I immediately thought that it sounded like a neck or back issue too - but I'm glad that he seems to have brightened up. Do you think your vets would be amenable to you bringing him in there every week or so, without him actually seeing a vet? Just in the interests of more counter conditioning type thing? My vets actually suggest this for dogs that are really fearful, and are happy for people to bring their dogs in just for a pat and some liver treats to create positive associations with the place :) Yes, Alkhe, that is what we have been doing but then once he had his jabs I stopped going. Silly me, I should have realised I need to keep it up as a regular thing. Don't think it would have helped too much this morning though. He was actually really keen to go in the place. It wasn't till he saw the vet and, more precisely when she stood there looking at him, that he freaked out. Would have been very interesting to know how he would have reacted if it had been his normal vet. I want to get him desexed in the next couple of months so will definitely be going back and visiting lots. :)
  17. Wow, there's some long posts in here the last few pages. I haven't got time to read them all now, will catch up later, but wanted to share our disastrous trip to the vets this morning. There's a thread in general about the reason for the vet visit but I was so so so upset at Luka's behaviour this morning. We had worked so hard visiting the vets lots of times to get him used to it and had great success with his vaccination appointment a few weeks ago but all was forgotten this morning. Our usual vet was away so it was a locum vet. She couldn't even examine Luka, he barked growled, snarled. The lot I feel so deflated. It's such a uphill battle and just when you think you have made progress something like this happens to smack you right back down again. It didn't help that the vet was foreign with dark hair and dark skin. Luka is very sensitive to things that appear unusual to him. He even barked at me once when I had been running and I pushed my sweaty hair back so I had no fringe. He did the low growl and bark until I spoke to him and he realised it was me. I realise I need to desensitise him to a muzzle though, because if a vet needs to examine him if he is really ill, he will need to wear one and if I get him used to it, hopefully, it won't be as stressful. Is there a particular type that anyone would recommend? I have never even looked at muzzles before. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am that I have to look for one now. When I was searching for a puppy I turned down a litter because I was unsure of the parent's temperament. I thought I had done everything right with Luka but I have ended up with the kind of dog I never ever wanted Don't get me wrong I love him to bits and he is such a big softie at home but, I am just feeling so upset and out of my depth.
  18. Ewwwwwww nice timing. Couldn't wait til you got out the car eh? The last Bone he had was Saturday. He just had kibble yesterday because we had run out of bones. It's a mystery.
  19. Well, would you believe he brightened up about 15 minutes before the appointment? We went anyway and it was an absolute disaster. Luka is nervous of strangers so I have worked with him, visiting the vets for a quick visits, weigh in, treats etc. getting him used the place and the vet. He had his vaccinations a few weeks ago and was fine. Today there was a locum vet there and Luka would not let her go anywhere near him. Growling, barking at her Very disappointed and feel like all the months of counter conditioning has all been for nothing. I guess we'll keep trying, We talked about muzzling him but, as he seemed brighter she was happy to leave it for now and see how is the rest of the day. She did watch me examine him under her instruction and nothing seemed to be sore. Couldn't take his temperature though. At least she didn't charge for the consultation :) I guess i will give him his breakfast now and just keep a watch on him. I think I will invest in a muzzle and introduce it to him slowly though, as if he does ever need to be examined it would be a good idea if he was used to one.
  20. Vets appointment at 10. Just had a gentle walk round the garden doing poo patrol. Luka followed me round and every time I bent down he snuck between my legs for a cuddle. Poor boy is definitely not well. I did get a bit of excitement and bum wiggle when I came back from dropping my son off at school which was lovely. Twiddling my thumbs now waiting for 10. Will keep you posted. I do not know of any chiros DeltaCharlie, but will look for one if that's what's needed.
  21. Just posting while I wait for the vets to open. Something is wrong with Luka. He is very reluctant to move. When he does walk he is holding his head very low to the ground. It looks like he's terrified but it can't be that. I'm thinking he may be in pain? When I examined him he didn't want to lie on his side or lift his leg so I could palpate his belly, but he didn't whine or yelp at all. He was absolutely fine yesterday, we went training. All good. There was no jumping involved. He went out and had his dinner last night while I put my son to bed then came in and sat by my daughter on the rug while we watched tv. He was a bit more cuddly than normal but my daughter had had a bad day so she was just enjoying the cuddles. She gradually realised something was wrong. I was worried about a tick but have checked him all over and can't find one, doesn't mean there isn't one of course but when he does get up and walk he seems to be walking fine except for the holding the head low. He also has rushed to the front door and barked when someone came to the door late last night which, for once, I was pleased to see Keeping everything crossed it is something simple.
  22. That's great. Do you know what your council rules are, regarding numbers? Her profile says she's in NSW which means there will be no pet limits :) So it's not done on a council to council basis in NSW? I did not know that. Each council has their own rules and prices, in Queensland. In that case I would say, bring on the extra Bassett cuddles :D
  23. Thanks for posting this Lisa, Sam was a gorgeous boy. I have a friend whose dog is having similar issues. I will direct her to this thread.
  24. Could you please explain what is wrong with the stuff the OP feeds her adult dog? If you do not feed your dog any of the listed things. What do they eat? Ithought it was a pretty comprehensive list. I'm not minyvlz but I agree with minyvlz's posts. I wouldn't feed too many things off that list either. Chicken necks, turkey necks and chicken frames are awfully bony, have very little actual food (=meat) on them and are pretty much a waste of money because the dog gets hardly anything out of them. Ox tail fed sparingly and in big chunks is fine, but still quite bony. I don't feed mince for several reasons, one of them being that I like to know exactly what goes down my dog's throat at dinner time. Second one being there is no actual "eating" (teeth using) involved, mince just gets gobbled up. Red (I think OP means raw?) meaty bones, no thanks. Another waste of money because of the crazy bone content. Raw eggs are good tho. Dairy products are not something a carnivore needs and the dry food bit hardly needs explaining.I feed lots of different cuts, mainly pork, roo, lamb, beef, turkey and a bit of chicken every now and then as the bone is edible and easy. Forequarter chops and hearts are my staple and I have a great supplier for huge roo chunks. I buy whole chickens and the occasional turkey thighs from supermarkets when they're reduced. I feed organs weekly, mainly kidney and liver but whenever I find brains I buy them. Bone always gets fed covered in meat (I like lamb necks, turkey thighs, half/whole/quartered chicken) and I only feed bone maybe 3 times a week. As I don't include fish in the dog's diet (too pricey) I give a vitamin D supplement and fish oil capsules for general health and omegas. This list isn't everything I feed, just the things I can think of right now. Anyway the most important thing about raw feeding a dog (especially a puppy) is to make sure that they get enough food. Real meat (red should be preferred although poultry does have its place as it is reasonably priced), not chunks of cartilage or bone covered in a couple of meat ribbons but a lot of various animals and a healthy amount of fat. Fat is the main energy source for dogs so it is essential to include that (pork is a good fatty meat). Always keep in mind that bone is not food, it is only used for calcium and the excess is just a useless stomach filler/bulk provider for firmer poops. Thanks for the reply Hockz. Interesting stuff
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