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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Everyone has said it all so well. All I can offer is a big You are very brave Jelly, I admire you so much for trying so hard.
  2. We also used a comfy cone when Luka was desexed recently. He got used to it quite quickly. You just put it round his neck and velcro it as tight as it needs to be. Hardest thing for us was Luka didn't like the noise of the velcro being undone, so if you do have a noise sensitive dog this may be a problem. Although at least the noise precedes the cone coming off :)
  3. Awwww Hankdog I feel for you. We have all probably had those kind of days where anything that can go wrong, pretty much does Hopefully as the problem happened in the car not the actual vet, Jake will be fine next visit. I was surprised after our disastrous visit with the locum vet at our local practice that Luka was ok next time we went. Well done for going for a bush walk afterwards. I probably would have just gone home and cried.
  4. My two favourite animals having fun :) http://www.wimp.com/elephantdog/
  5. Saw this on FB this morning. Had to share. So funny. Totally worth raking those leaves back up again
  6. For your interest Westimum, it appears Manuka Honey works in a completely different way to antibiotics and they have been unable to make an infection resistant to Manuka honey. It is scary to trust something so 'natural' and I admit I would still be hesitant to completely trust it (Personally I haven't had to use for anything) but the evidence is out there. Here is a couple of quick links to studies on Manuka honey and pseudomonas infections http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23082035 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23594187 Not sure how effective it would be in this case as the infection site is probably difficult to get to, as it is in the nasal passage. Wishing you the best of luck with you boy Jessg
  7. If you are out options could you give Manuka Honey a try? There was a thread a while ago about a cat with a resistant infection and the vet had basically given up but the owner used Manuka honey and the infection cleared. Slowly, but it did clear. ( Actually I can't remember if the thread was on this forum or another I used to be on) Good luck with your boy.
  8. LOL...Thanks Teekay. I'm loving the range of emotions Luka is able to give you with those ears. Is there hope for you? They are very expressive. I sometimes wonder if he is trying to make up for having no tail. His ears are always the tell for if how he is feeling :laugh: As for any hope? No I don't think so, doesn't stop me trying though, although I don't bother with the glue anymore, just massage them down when I can. I'll probably still be doing it when he's 10 :laugh:
  9. Although I would never repeat myself as often as the person in this video for obvious reasons, I love the husky noises. Sounds just like my Mya. :D
  10. Awwww she's gorgeous. Lots of sympathy here Dory. As people in the Aussie thread already know, I have had a frustrating battle with Luka's ears. So if it does bother you (and I totally understand if it does. Of course you love your dog no matter how wonky his ears may be but they just look so darn cute when their ears are as they should be. You bought a purebreed because you wanted it to look like it's breed presumably. Sorry getting off track :)). So, my only advice, and my experience is limited to one dog so I am by no means an expert but I would agree with Wreckitwhippet, glue or tape for as long as you can continuously. I made the mistake of not using enough glue, i think, and Luka's ears kept coming unstuck. I am left with upsy daisy ears now he is 19 months old. I have accepted them now, although that doesn't stop me massaging his wonky one back into place when he is resting, I can't help myself :laugh: Just so you don't feel so bad I will share some pictures. How they are a lot of the time Sometimes he just likes to wind me up :laugh: Me happy :D
  11. Great photos, Rach, so glad she is doing so much better. Have to say that last picture looks very familiar :D
  12. Just got home from my one on one with Steve I think you get the idea :)
  13. This thread always brings a smile to my face. :D Loving the updates especially like the photo with the little boy :)
  14. Luka was desexed last Friday week so we are now 10 days post op. He had his wound check 3 days ago and the vet was happy with the wound site, but given Luka is a nervous dog she didn't prod around too much. I was inspecting the site today and noticed there is still quite a spherical lump where his testes used to be. Is this normal? It's not like I think she forgot to take one out but thats's what it feels like :laugh: I opted to not have the scrotal ablation done so is this just fluid build up that will dissipate with time? It felt quite firm but did not appear to be sore at all. Anybody else had this with their dogs after desexing.?
  15. What an awesome vet you have Rach So pleased to hear Cody is on the mend. :)
  16. Thinking of you Rach, I know just how sick you must be feeling. Keeping everything crossed for some good news this afternoon
  17. Hi Teekay, sorry for the delay! Our office manager who manages all of the bookings has been away sick but she's back now and will touch base with you ASAP :)
  18. Hey Huski, any idea when I can expect to find out when my time slot is and on which day I will be seeing Steve next week? Should I be worried i haven't heard anything yet?
  19. Wow Lisa, they are gorgeous, but so many. Do you have to pick one or two out? That's an impossible task :)
  20. Sorry to see you go Corvus, but totally understand you wanting to do it. I walked away from another dog forum a while ago and it was difficult in the early days, to not pop in to 'just see what's going on', but I managed it and rarely give it a thought anymore. Good luck with everything you do x
  21. Great Idea and gorgeous photos, gotta love a Goldie .
  22. I've just bought a Comfy Cone for Luka. He's being desexed tomorrow. Fingers crossed he doesn't hate it too much. Looks comfier than the plastic ones anyway.
  23. Maybe try a Lickety stick. I have the same problem with Luka and keep meaning to give these a try. Although the flat hand thing works too but it depends what position he is in, whether I am coordinated enough to manage the flat hand delivery. Great when he is beside me but not so good when he is in front of me :) https://petsafeaustralia.com.au/products/lickety-stik-1.html
  24. That is awesome Lucky pup, well done. What a fantastic award
  25. LOL. Took me a while to work some of those out
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