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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I can't find it on FB Denali. Can you post a link?
  2. "Bottoms up chaps" I love ducks too SM, they're so comical
  3. @Scottsmum Eeeek, do you know what's in there?
  4. 3 positive reviews and 57 negative reviews on Amazon. says it all really.
  5. Week 9 This week's challenge definitely took me outside my comfort zone. Still Life Not something I am used to doing at all but I actually really love what I ended up with. I love how this challenge is making me try out new things.
  6. I think the reason vets push for the annual injection and maybe the explanation for the poster is, people forget to do the monthly worming so protection is compromised. As long as you are reliably dosing with the monthly tablets ( although I don't do monthly. I do every 45 days. Dogs are still protected for heartworm with that schedule. ) you will have nothing to worry about. Sorry I don't have any advice on your initial enquiry about doubling up
  7. Well, I'm bathing her eyes daily but, as I said, her eyes weren't too bad anyway. As far as the staining goes it was more the discolouration around her mouth and chest that was concerning me. Too soon to tell whether any of the changes I have made have made any difference. I want to go and get some Glowhite horse shampoo to see if I can get some of the staining off that way. And then once it's a little whiter ( If it works at all ) I will be able to see if it reoccurs as bad as it is at the moment. She's loving the new food anyway so no problems continuing to use it. Good to hear Sarah's eyes are so much better though
  8. I've started the eye wash, although her eyes aren't actually that bad but it can't hurt I've also bought some better quality food, still grain free and I've bought a new ceramic water bowl as I read that the scratches in plastic bowls can harbour hacteria. Again, may be nonsense but won't hurt.
  9. Love my 70-200 (which was what the above shot was taken with) but, yep it's heavy, and I do struggle with camera shake. (unfortunately mine doesn't have the image stabilization ). I do tend to try and keep the shutter speed nice and high, raising ISO if needed, which helps. I also get quite out of breath when I'm doing a shoot with lots of shots because I hold my breath as I take the shot And thanks, Roova, for calling me an expert. Made my day
  10. Week 8 - theme was Technical - One Shot. As the name suggests take only one shot, choose your settings wisely and try and get The Shot in one shot. I probably should have gone for an inanimate object so I could be sure it wouldn't move but I decided to shoot my favourite model instead For Roova and anyone else interested in settings I'll try and remember to add details to my posts. F2.8 1/500s ISO 200 105mm
  11. So I am completely ignorant of the reasons for the trend of the sloping back in GSDs. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this is a desired trait and is there any other breed where this trait is appearing/desired? If it is only GSDs, what is it about their working life that means this is advantageous? Honestly curious, not after an argument, just don't understand it.
  12. Thanks BJ. I did try some pro biotics a while ago but they didn't seem to help.
  13. Thanks DDD, I will definitely do that for her eyes. My concern is that there is something going on internally that is causing this. It must be coming from her saliva and something must have changed because she hasn't always had it.
  14. Jenna is nearly 8 years old now. Many years ago she used to have rusty coloured staining around her vulva and on her paws. I changed her food to VIP grain free and all the staining disappeared Fast forward to last year and the staining returned with avengence, and it's round her mouth and neck area, as well as her eyes. See photo. I don't know whether it's coincidence but it's worth mentioning that it reappeared around the time she we had an ear infection ( nasty - both bacterial and fungal) The ear infection was cleared up with medication but the staining has never gone away and her vulva area is really dark. The vet said it was just a cosmetic problem along with her blocked tear ducts that cause staining round her eyes too. Said it may be allergy related but didn't really offer any other advice. I thought I'd ask the collective mind of DOL if they have any advice. Oh and she isn't itchy. Ok having problems uploading a pic. I'll try again in a minute.
  15. Week 7 This weeks theme was Story - Forgotten I had this photo in mind but couldn't get out to the station at night so I went during the day and had some fun in Photoshop to create a night time image. Poor teddy, left behind at the station. All alone and forgotten ( Actually it's hubby's teddy from when he was little, so he went home after the shoot )
  16. Week 6 of the Dogwood Challenge. It was a tough challenge this week. The theme was Artistic - Candy. Sounds simple enough right? Buuuuut you can't use candy. Ah right....................Lots of head scratching but eventually I came up with the idea of candy coloured lips. Thanks go out to my daughter for being my model
  17. Great action shot Denali, hope you have a fabulous time in Costa Rica. Can't wait to hear all about it and see some shots
  18. Great to see another poster in here Anne, more the merrier. What cutie pies those cats are. Love the yin and yang shot.
  19. Week 5 Technical - 10 shots Take ten different shots of the same subject using different angle, distance and focal length. Pick your favourite shot. I had a couple of days away camping this week. Found a stick structure that someone had built on Fingal Head Beach. I liked the close up shots the best, this was my pick.
  20. Thanks so much Canetoad. It was fun
  21. Bribie looks gorgeous Canetoad, so pristine. Week 4 This week's challenge was to tell a story with a mirror. My daughter bought new connies so I thought I would use them
  22. That's an awesome shot pers. Love the negative space. Makes for a great image.
  23. It's just so awful. I've always taken it for granted that "no animals were harmed in making in this movie" Now I'm beginning to wonder.
  24. Charlotte Reeves AND Costa Rica. How absolutely fabulous. Now I'm even more jealous. Good on you for just doing it. I'm such a procrastinator with things like that I never get round to doing them. I'm sure you'll have a ball and learn so much
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