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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I watched The film Marmaduke the other day. Wasn't that a beauceron in that? I had to Google to see what it was, lol. It did have cropped ears which is a shame. I think it's a much better looking dog with natural ears. Not as nice as the Auusie Shepherd though
  2. I was reading something the other day that was talking about licking at paws indicating a yeast problem? Unfortunately I can't for the life of me remember where I read it but it must have been a link from amthread on here. It also mentioned rust coloured fur on the paws. Does Nova have that at all?
  3. So I've bought some Calendula flowers from my local Go Vita shop and am keen to try it on my Samoyed x GR tomorrow but just want to clarify. I don't shampoo her first? Just use the rinse? Do you just pour it over or rub it in? Sorry if these are dense questions but I want a clear picture in my mind before I do it. And how much do you think I would have to make up?
  4. Yeah, and then they play with it with their tongue ewwwwwww. :laugh:
  5. Ewwww Huga, I always hated the wobbly teeth stage :laugh:
  6. Oh I saw that but didn't realise it was you Mup, well done
  7. Wow, love that kangaroo RallyValley Here's my week three. Wasn't sure what to do with this shot with regard to post processing. This is pretty much how it came out of the camera. I played around with it a bit, but ultimately thought the original looked better. I wasn't sure whether to crop it to put Jenna's eye in the rule of thirds, but that would have chopped off part of her ear, so left it as is. Any feedback would be appreciated. :) Loving having a reason to get the camera out again though 03/52
  8. Oops double post. I give up on using my mobile. It keeps doing this
  9. I understand her not wanting to share other puppy buyers details but don't understand why she won't give them your details and leave it up to the individual buyers if they want to get in touch. Seems harmless enough.
  10. No, you're not, I do it all the time for Jenna. Hahaha I love Dug
  11. I'm a week late but hope it's ok to join in. I, too, loved looking at the photo threads last year and this will be a good incentive to dust off the camera again. I'm a bit of a noob so there won't be enything fancy but maybe I will learn a bit more about photography on the way. I shall probably stick to my dogs but there may be a few other animals thrown in. First one just taken on my little point and shoot because the battery was flat on the big one. Shows how long it has been since I photographed anything So here's Luka looking very posh. Ever since I taught him cross paws it seems to be his default position :laugh: 02/52
  12. How about Seren, short for Serendipity. I used to look after a girl at kindy with that name, always thought it was lovely.
  13. That is awesome BCC, I totally understand the tears of joy, not silly at all :D I'm looking forward to this magical age. Only a year and a bit to go :D
  14. Yay, that's awesome! :) I wonder if your vet would consider doing an excisional biopsy (removal of the whole lump) under a local anaesthetic? My vet has removed a few of my Pug's lumps that way. It's a lot cheaper and you don't have the hassle of a general anaesthetic. eta I mean, if the lump doesn't go away by itself. Thanks Maeby, Jenna is pretty nervous at the vets and because the lump is on her muzzle she really doesn't like people touching it, hence the need for sedation for the fine needle aspirate. I'm afraid if it does end up having to be removed it'll have to be a full anaesthetic. We do have insurance so it should all be covered if it is necessary. My poor baby has been a bit sleepy today but we have just been for a nice walk with my 9 year old son to look at the Christmas lights and she seemed to enjoy that. :)
  15. Hope your pugs are ok Anne and Maeby. Bloody lumps and bumps, I hate them Vet just called and she did a couple of FNAs and is only seeing inflammatory cells so she is fairly confident her diagnosis of an infection is correct. She did say she cannt be absolutely certain without a biopsy what it is, but she did say she could rule out an MCT. She did give me the option of doing a biopsy while Jenna is still sedated which would cost about $700 Given she is confident it is not an MCT I decided to give the antibiotics longer to do their job and if we are not seeing an improvement in a couple of weeks we will biopsy it then. Feeling a lot happier and looking forward to picking her up later. :) Thanks all of you
  16. Thanks all. I've just called the vets. Jenna is going in tomorrow for the FNA. I need to know one way or the other.
  17. Did they test it WSM, do you know what it was?
  18. Thanks for the replies. Bloody MCTs, they can differ in appearance so much, buggers Because of where it is, it's going to be impossible to get a good margin on the thing. I think that's why I'm freaking so much. I feel like everyday I am waiting it could be getting that big bigger, deeper etc.
  19. I have posted in the Health forum but didn't get too many replies so thought I would start a thread in general, hoping to get a bit more advice. Jenna has a pink lump on her face. She has had a flat pink spot for a number of weeks but recently it has started to swell. I do not think the diameter has changed but it is getting more pronounced. Went to the vets yesterday morning and she has given Jenna antibiotics for folliculitis. She said to wait a week and if there is no improvement then she will do a fine needle aspiration and or biopsy of it. Here are a couple of pictures of the spot. The first was taken Wednesday, the second today. http://i922.photobucket.com/albums/ad64/tkay67/P1010157_zps6d99b91f.jpg http://i922.photobucket.com/albums/ad64/tkay67/P1010163_zpsbe0af177.jpg It looks to me like it is getting angrier. Not sure whether to wait and see or just ring the vets and get the FNA done sooner. I know the vet will be fine with this and given that I am freaking out I think this may be the best thing to do Just looking for any kind of advice, thoughts, similar stories?
  20. Back from the vets. She seemed to think it may be folliculitis? Jenna has a weeks worth of antibiotics. If no improvement or if it gets worse then they will do a fine needle aspiration and possibly biopsy but Jenna will need to be sedated. I'm not convinced, but the vet said a week will not hurt, even if it is a MCT so we wait a week, or less if it gets worse. It did seem to be getting a sore on the top of it this morning. Ive promoised myself I will not Google anymore :)
  21. Thanks Karly. Yep that is what I am hoping it is. Looking at google images of histiocytoma and mast cell tumours, they can look so so similar. It's going to be a struggle at the vets though, Jenna hates it there, especially if they are messing any where near her face
  22. So my daughter noticed a small pink spot on Jenna's face a few weeks ago, less than a 1cm in diameter. I mentioned it to the vets when she went for her titre test week before last and the vet didn't seem concerned and just said keep an eye on it. Well it has definitely got bigger. Not in diameter, i don't think, but it is more raised. We have a vets appointment tomorrow morning and in the meantime I am trying not to fear the worst. I have been trawling through old posts on here about mast cell tumours. Some positive stuff, some scary stuff. I know I shouldn't worry prematurely but I can't help myself. If it is a mct, because of where it is, I'm guessing they will not be able to take much of a margin around it. Trying to keep busy but feel sick to my stomach. I lost my Labrador a few years ago aged 5. Her symptoms were pretty innocuous to begin with and 6 months later she was dead. I do have a tendency to worry myself sick over everything now. Please keep your fingers crossed for Jenna tomorrow morning. Here is a pic of the nasty
  23. Thanks Mystiqview, for your lengthy reply. It was very helpful.
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