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Everything posted by teekay

  1. What a beautiful soul Tynka was. So sorry she was taken from you too soon but I am glad she passed surrounded by love
  2. Snap DD. What wonderful news Rascal. Ill admit I got a little tear in my eye when I read Astro was coming home. :thumbsup:
  3. Hi. There was never a question of not testing for heartworm if that is what I needed to do. I was just checking that I'd read it right and was really peeved that the vet never advised us about this in the first place as if I'd known I would have never let the heartworm treatment lapse for 3 months. I am really annoyed and really worried about my pup now. I am as my username suggests a puppy novice. Perhaps not so much as when we first got our boy 7 months ago, as I've learnt heaps in that time. And I'm now a lot more in the know on heartworm treatment! As for the receptionist, I'm hoping it is my husband who misunderstood what she said. He is prone to do that! I will be grilling him closely later today! Oh I sent my one dog to the vets with my husband once. Never again, she bloody well ended up getting the heartworm injection. Grrrrrrrrrr she has never had it and I never wanted her to have it but the vets computers were down and my husband just said yes to everything they asked. If they'd have taken a minute to look at her vaccination card they would have seen she'd never had one before and you would have thought that might have given them a clue To be fair, they were very apologetic when I rang them, and offered a refund for the injection but that didn't help Jenna. Lesson learned, even if I have a stinking headache. I take the dogs to the vets
  4. Love this video of a very organised feeding regime that popped up on my Facebook
  5. This is taken directly from the Interceptor website. So, if it is less than 60 days you are fine to continue with a heartworm preventative. The wording has always made me wonder why we dose every 30 days. After a discussion with my vet, although she wasn't overjoyed ( she seemed a bit put out that I was questioning it at all - I now see a different vet at the practice, much more approachable) she agreed that every 45 days would be fine for my dogs so that is what I do now. If it's been 3 months, though, I would test just to be sure. Also wanted to say that one of my dogs hated the chews too so I buy Milbemax tablets now, much easier to conceal in food. Also there is a few mgs more active ingredient for heartworm in the Milbemax so it covers slightly heavier dogs and my Jenna was right on the cusp of the weight limit on the interceptor.
  6. Yep, that's exactly what I was going to say. Probably thought a short haired dog wouldn't shed as much. I admit I was one of those Labrador owners. I had no idea she was going to shed as much as she did. Not that i ever considered shaving her though. And now I have a huksy. :laugh: Labrador shedding has nothing on a husky
  7. Thanks CC, he was very patient for me :D Just wish I could have got closer
  8. Wish I had a macro. Would love to have got closer to this guy 06/52 Dragon fly by teejkay1, on Flickr
  9. Usual advice is two to three cups a day - its not so bad with honey and its pretty good icy cold - even the kids don't mind it like that but I cant come at hot with nothing to cover up the taste. Thanks Steve, will have to experiment I think :laugh: I did wonder about manuka honey but Icy cold with some lemon might work.
  10. Even though you know when the time is nearing. It does to make it any easier. Rainers. In time you will be able to look at these wonderful images and smile
  11. teekay


    What a stunning boy, Rainers. So sorry it was time to say goodbye. RIP Ryan, run free
  12. Reading this drinking my first cup of Calendula tea. Mmmmmm hoping it is a acquired taste. it's not awful but it's not great either :laugh: Do you know how much you should drink a day, to receive the heath benefits from it, Steve? I had quite a large cup and stuggled towards the end. Was wondering whether a smaller cup would suffice :)
  13. I am also fairly new to raw feeding and do not have the confidence to go it alone yet so I have been feeding Luka RMBs in the morning, either lamb off cuts (trimmed of most fat), chicken drumsticks ( occasionally a chicken frame although someone on here did point out the meat to bone ratio on a chicken carcass is not great, too much bone, so he rarely gets them anymore), turkey neck, and twice a week sardines ( not RMBS, I know) For his evening meal I have been giving him the ready made raw patties. He has the Leading Raw brand that the guide dogs use he didn't like the Dr Billinghurst R.A.W. ones. So far he is going great, and has put a little bit of weight on. If your dog is particularly active they do have a different variety for the 'active' dog We do agility training most days so he gets lots of treats to, which is usually left over meat from the previous family meal so I guess strictly speaking he is not on a "complete" raw diet but he's happy and I'm happy :D Good luck with your foster :)
  14. I agree, I love your photos Kirislin. The colours in that kitten shot are gorgeous. Here's my week's entry. Been practising our jumps :) 05/52 IMG_0943 by teejkay1, on Flickr
  15. Well, I'm happy to report Jenna's ear is looking soooooooo much better. It is now a nice pale pink colour and the smell is almost gone. I'm not sure what I'm aiming for with the smell though. Should there be no smell at all? I'm pretty sure they smelt a little bit before this all started I am going to continue with the inner health plus and yogurt daily for a week or so then probably reduce to a couple of times a week or maybe just once a week and see how we go. With regard to the Malaseb ear washes I was thinking of backing off to every two days for a week or so then back off again to once a week for a couple of weeks then leave it entirely and keep a close watch on her ears. I was considering giving her a complete bath with the Malaseb. She isn't scratching at all but there are quite a few tufts of fur coming off her. Not sure if this is a skin issue or just shedding because of the warm weather, but I don't ever remember her losing fur this way before. Problem is getting her dry in these humid conditions Or I could just give her a Calendula Tea rinse but again we have the getting her dry problem . Grrrrrr. I hate summer
  16. Added you Skyefool :) Can i please be taken off the list. The houseguest is gone and the black dog is right on my tail. Thank you. skyefool, hope you're ok.
  17. Awwwwww that's gorgeous Kuma, brought back happy memories. I loved hanging out all the little baby grows when mine were little. :)
  18. Welcome Canetoad. There was a Shar Pei waiting to see Steve Courtney after mine and Luka's session with him a few months ago in Brisbane, I wonder if that was you? Did a black tri Aussie Shepherd leave just before your session? :) Good luck with Jonah, how old is he? Luka is coming up to two and has improved vastly with other dogs, although I will not let him off lead when there are other dogs around yet. I'm still hopeful that one day we will get there. Thanks to Steve his recall with limited distractions is going great though. We, too, are always on alert when we are out on walks though, you never really relax do you. :) Hope you have a great trip BC.
  19. Thanks for the replies :) Jenna's ear seems a bit better this morning, a lot less smelly and not as red, but I will still take her to see the vets on Monday if it isn't completely better. If she seemed in any discomfort I would have taken her already but it doesn't appear to be bothering her, just the smell. I haven't really been 'flushing' her ear as such, just soaking a cotton ball and squeezing it as I clean the outer area so that some stuff goes in the canal. She is nearly 5 years old and has never had this problem before so will not be changing her diet just yet. If it returns then I will consider it, she has raw in a morning and only has a small prtion of kibble in the evening so it wouldn't be difficult to change that evening meal. I have been wondering whether the recent 5 week course of antibiotics she has been on, is to blame. A bit like us humans and thrush? So I have started giving her some inner health plus with some yogurt. I figure it can't hurt.
  20. Just a quick question. Jenna has what I believe is a yeast infection in her ear/s. They are not bothering her but the one is red and smelly. Is tarted treating it with a diluted Maleseb solution Wednesday. I have only done it once a day Wed and Thurs. Today it is looking far less red but is still a bit smelly. I was wondering how long I should continue the Malaseb treatment and is once a day enough? If the ear isn't vastly improved by Monday I will be off to the vets but, as it isn't bothering her at all, I thought I would try this first.
  21. Where was taken this teekay? I am seriously envious of the quality of everyone's photos I'm just a happy snap person, no matter how hard I try :laugh: It was taken at Gardners Falls ari. Had a fabulous day there on Monday. Will definitely be going again to try and get some action shots of the rope swing into the water. :)
  22. Quite pleased with this. It's the first time I have seen a location and actively thought to take a photo there, and actually set it up :) Thank you to my wonderful daughter for being my model 04/52
  23. If I try and physically move Mya like that, I get a very similar reaction. Seems like a common husky thing maybe. Like others have said though, if I mean business, she knows, and it would not need to involve man handling her, just a firm no nonsense voice.
  24. Ok found the correct link now :) http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2011/05/03/eating-these-foods-can-make-your-dog-itch-like-crazy.aspx
  25. Ok I found the link. It was on here in a different thread. Here it is http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2011/05/03/eating-these-foods-can-make-your-dog-itch-like-crazy.aspx Bugger ETA, that's not the link I was thinking of. I'll keep looking for it :)
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