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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Thanks for the reply Kirislin. No, the vet is not an eye specialist. TBH I wouldn't know where to go for a second opinion, I do not like the other vets in the area. I have been at these vets for many years now and have been referred to specialists a number of times before so I know they are quite happy to refer if they aren't sure about something. As it is only on her third eyelid I am hoping, as is the vets, that her eye will be fine, obviously depending on the pathology. The one thing I do know we have on our side is time. She hasn't had the growth long so I am fairly confident all will be well. Dropped my girl off at 8:30 this morning and I pick her up at 4:30. Trying to keep busy
  2. Thank you so much everyone, for telling me to go to the vets. Jenna had her appointment today and the vet says the thing in her eye is a growth which will need to be removed. Jenna has her operation tomorrow and the growth will be sent to Brisbane for analysis to see if it is benign or malignant Please keep fingers and toes crossed for my Jenny Jen. I Will keep this thread updated :)
  3. Gorgeous shot, and your Flickr set of them all are really nice! :) Thanks CC, that's great to hear. I'm never sure if what I am doing is 'good' or not but if I like it, I figure that's good enough for me :D Never hurts to get a compliment though :D For the record I welcome any feedback on my photos (negative or positive :)) because I am only just getting into photography so I've lots to learn Love the kookaburra shot He looks like he needs a good feed though. The ones round here are so much fatter :laugh: Maybe they are a different kind? I know very little about Australian wildlife
  4. Oh dear, looks like my poor Jenny is going to have to suck it up and go see the lovely vet lady. Thanks for the input guys, I will ring the vets Monday, unless it miraculously disappears between now and then. I can hope :)
  5. Sorry there was no happy ending Sabbath, this has been my experience most of the time with loose dogs. There really isn't much you can do if the dog will not approach you. Hope the dog found his way home/back to his owners. I wonder where they went?
  6. Thought I would ask the advice of you good folk on here before taking Jenna off to the vets. I noticed this little blood blister type thing in the corner of Jenna's eye a couple of days ago. I though maybe she had scratched it during one of the rough and tumbles with the other dogs so decided to just keep an eye on it. It is not bothering her at all. There has been no change over about 3 or 4 days now. How long would you leave it till a vet visit was in order, bearing in mind Jenna hates the vets and examining her eye will be an bloody nightmare. Obviously if warranted I will take her anyway, but if it is just something simple that others on here have experienced, then great. Pics In sunlight Wow it looks huge in those photos It is actually only a millimetre or two wide Any ideas?
  7. Went to the beach early this morning, well not that early :D This is my first attempt at photographing surfers. So hard to choose which one to use but I went with this one 13/52
  8. Congrats KA. just gorgeous :D Love the flower pics Impatiens, very pretty 12/52 IMG_2309.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  9. I've been Googling all morning now, thanks Hankdog :D Found this article which, although not exactly about training out, it does make you think about what you may be accidentally training in and how crucial timing can be. There are lots of other articles linked on the page that look very interesting too but, if I want to get any work done today, I will have to step away from the computer now :D http://eileenanddogs.com/2012/12/18/classical-conditioning-positive-response-to-barking/ This particular bit made me think I am always scanning the environment for people/dogs/cats I wonder if I am getting ready to treat Luka too early and accidentally doing the above. I will be more careful in future.
  10. I agree Juice but I think what happens is, people see one part of the requirements and think, "My dog does that/ is good for that" and post about their own dog breed without really thinking about the whole scenario. From the barking perspective my Aussie totally fits the bill, very loud, but I would not recommend an Aussie in this situation at all. Not sure the OP actually stated the dog had to 'look' scary though. I got the impression they wanted a dog that would sound scary and put people off approaching the house at night. Just a possible explanation of why people recommend their own breeds :)
  11. Yep, me too. You are so right Hankdog, the training out, is so so so much more difficult that the training in. I guess counter conditioning is a R+ way to approach some problems, such as Luka's reactivity, but there is only so far you can go with that. If a dog gets too close no amount of yummy treats, toys or anything will get him back to focus on me. I suppose that is where the aversives have to come in?
  12. I'm tempted to say Labrador. My old Lab would certainly have fit the bill. Generally I find Labs don't bark too much but when they do, it's an impressive bark :D
  13. That bee shot is awesome and the ladybug shot looks like the eyes were painted on :laugh: Hope you enjoyed your walk :)
  14. It's Jiminy cricket. :D Love it Skefool, great close up shot
  15. Nice surprise in my wheelie bin :) 11/52 IMG_0693.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  16. JUst realized I posted this reply in the wrong thread, somehow. Confused a few people in the Coalition thread :laugh: Try agaian
  17. Oh PFL, I'm so sorry to hear this. How bloody awful for you. You loved your little man so much and did all you could for him. at this dreadful time. Run free little man
  18. "Jump and turn" Genius :laugh: Great video, great dog :D
  19. at the difference of opinion on pronunciation. The English/American thing kinda makes sense. I am English and automatically pronounced it Tee ter when I first read about it. Don't know why, possible because of Litre but after reading on here about titration I guess Tie ter makes more sense so I may change. :D Whenever I have talked to my vet about it I usually say both. I ask about the " tee ter, tie ter however you pronounce it, test "
  20. I haven't got my computer this week, having to use a tablet so can't upload any photos from my camera. I have picked a photo from my Flickr I took a couple of weeks ago, that liked. 10/52 Mya and my daughter at the beach beach walk by teejkay1, on Flickr
  21. Oh BC Crazy, it must be totally awful to see your dog in such distress. to you, I'm sure you need it. Hope you get Stella a bit more stable soon. Glad she has had a good day but I can imagine you just waiting for another seizure, I know I would. I guess you have to take it a day at a time. Can I ask how old she is?
  22. Just wanted to add to this thread. I emailed PetPlan about whether titres would affect cover if my dogs contracted any of the diseases normally covered by vaccination. I got a reply saying "if the vat says my dogs don't need the vaccination then cover would be fine" Although TBH if their titres are good they shouldn't get the disease anyway I suppose. :) I have saved that email just in case :D
  23. Possibly because it died a while a go? I don't know anything about puppies but I lost a baby with Hydrops. I worked with children and caught slapped cheek disease ( also known as parvovirus B15 - no relation to the dog parvovirus) at 18 weeks pregnant. The affect on the baby was severe anaemia which, in turn, causes the Hydrops. My body didn't automatically lose the baby though, it was only discovers at a routine check. Maybe the little pup died a while back but stayed in the womb, I don't know how these things work with litters.
  24. Hahahaha love it T, love it :laugh:
  25. Yes definitely and to sit no matter what position you are in. How many dogs would still sit if you were lying down when you said it Sorry to say, mine fail in that department :laugh:
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