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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I love the warm colours on your shot Leah :) and I really like the railway line shot LFF I'm cheating a little this week, this is a shot I have used on the Aussie thread but I like it, it makes me chuckle :D 19/52 Windblown Aussie Butt :laugh: IMG_0175.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  2. Oh no Puddle duck, keeping everything crossed for Doof
  3. Thanks for the input CC, do you mean like this? IMG_0071.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr I don't mind the suggestion at all, the exact opposite. I welcome all suggestions. :) It shows I'm only a beginner, as I should have noticed the light patterns at the bottom when I took the photo but I didn't. Still, I satrted my photography course last weekend so hopefully I will become more aware as I am taking shots :) The camera was resting on a bridge hand rail for that shot CC, a bit precariously balanced trying to point it down a bit to get the bottom of the falls. Not ideal circumstances.
  4. Wow, Gapvic great photos and great car I, too, am a wee bit jealous but don't think my 3 fluffy bums would fit in there :laugh: I finally bought myself a second hand 50mm lens today and a new tripod so hoping to get out and about this week to have some fun :D Another attempt at waterfalls from me :) (Again without a tripod :laugh: ) 18/52 IMG_0071.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  5. Wow, love that last one Trifecta. Did the old truck just happen to come along? Awesome
  6. Awesome photos everyone. too many fantastic ones to mention. You have a stunning model Gertrude, just beautiful. A simple one from me this week :) 17/52 Canopy IMG_0124.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  7. :thumbsup: So great to hear this Hankdog, you must have been grinning from ear to ear. :D Good boy Jakey
  8. Canon. It'll be a learning curve because I have been mostly using a 70-200mm lens at the moment. Looking forward to experimenting. The course I am starting in May is just a beginners course. Do you think the 50mm will be a suitable lens to use when I go?
  9. Thanks Huga, I was hoping you'd reply :) After extensive Googling this morning I think I had decided the 1.8 would be best for me at the moment. I can always upgrade later if I feel the need. Photography is all pretty new to me (Just signed up for my first photography course yesterday :) ) so I don't want to spend lots of money if I can help it.
  10. So OH is going to buy me a prime lens. I'd heard you could pick up one for about $150 so not too expensive. However, he wants to get the f1.4 for nearly $400. A lot mor money. So a question for the experienced photographers out there. Is it worth the extra money?
  11. 16/52 Local cranes. Building the new hospital. Needed a wider angle lens really, there are more of them, but this was all I could fit in. IMG_0081.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  12. Awwwwww look at that wrinkly bottom :)
  13. Yep, that's what Jenna had too. Fantastic news CC, you must be very relieved :)
  14. RIP Harry cat, sorry for your loss BL Bit late with my entry. Another first for me. Not the best setting but wanted to try out for the soft water effect. Considering I didn't have a tripod I am quite pleased. Going shopping the weekend for a new tripod so will have to try again. :) 15/52 IMG_0056.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  15. Fingers crossed it is the former rather than the latter. Good luck for Monday.
  16. Thanks so much. Our SBT x daxi had a lump on his tummy a couple of years ago that was a suspected mast cell tumour but turned out to be ok. Is Jenna alright? I'm hoping it's an irritated wart or something simple, my gut is telling me it will have to be surgically removed though Yes, Dane lover, Jenna was fine. Can't remember what the vet said the lump actually was, something to do with an infection in the hair follicle, but after a lengthy course of antibiotics it all cleared up. Hope the news is positive for your baby too.
  17. Sorry I have no advice but wanted to wish you good luck at the vets. Keeping everything crossed for you. My Jenna recently had a lump on her face so I know how worrying it is.
  18. This link was on my FB this morning. I really wanted to share. I love owls and I think these images are absolutely stunning. :) http://digital-photography-school.com/27-outstanding-owl-images/
  19. Fabulous black and white images Gapvic and what an awesome sunset CC. The sun looks huuuuuuge. Oh how I miss sunsets over the sea. Losing track of what week I'm on :laugh: 14/52? ( I'll admit I took this one last week but haven't had chance to go out with my camera this week) Reflection
  20. She is the only victim in this story and it was not her fault. When an owner knows they can't control their dogs, they are the ones who should be taking these 'preventative measures' you speak of. Expecting people to run in wide circles around every dog they pass just in case they get bitten is ridiculous. Hazywal, I was wondering the same thing myself. Gotta say, I don't think Amax was saying it was the joggers fault at all, just giving general advice on how to avoid potential injuries. I know the law says a car has to stop when I am at a pedestrian crossing but I do not presume they are going to. Doesn't matter whose fault it is, I'd rather protect myself and not end up in hospital.
  21. Got the pathology results from the lump on Jenna's eye today and it is relatively good news. The growth was malignant, it was a conjunctival hemangiosarcoma but they got good margins and these types of growths do not tend to metastasize. I will need to keep a look out for a recurrence which can happen but, for now, Jenna is in the clear. So glad we got onto it quickly :)
  22. Jenna is doing really well, thanks cavNrott. You can hardly tell she has had anything done to her eye at all except for the gunk from having to put the eye cream in twice a day. She hasn't paid any attention to it at all though so I guess it can't be hurting much, if at all. Not sure how much feeling they would have in the third eyelid. She is more bothered by her ear. The vet shaved the inside of her left ear because she said the outer part was red and sore, not the canal at all but the knobby bits (if you know what I mean :laugh: )She shaved it to make it easier to apply some neocort cream.
  23. Clay's fur looks like velvet in that shot Weibritty. :) he's such a handsome dog. I wish I could meet him in the flesh or should i say fur :laugh:
  24. That's interesting about your sister's dog LG, good that they weren't cancerous but not so good that she got three of them Well Jenna is home, feeling very sorry for herself but she has had some chicken and rice for tea and is now snuggled up on the couch :) Results will take about a week.
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