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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Love the poker dogs Leah, they are very well behaved :) Funnily enough we had a poker night that night too. :) Another trip to the lake from me 23/52 IMG_0044.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  2. And that would be without question the best most useful sentence in the whole thread. Libraries are free. The book is a classic, has changed the (photographic) life of several dolers. Because it makes the matrix understandable, lightbulb stuff. Yep. I was going to say the exact same thing. My husband had tried to explain it all to me so many times but it would just not sink in. This book was a godsend. I got a notepad and wrote a few things down as I read it. Did the little experiments that the book talked about and it all fell into place. Also I love Digital Photography School on Facebook. They have lots of great stuff on there from the very basics through to advanced stuff.
  3. What a happy smily face :) The last one :laugh:
  4. I agree silentchild, I rarely recommend an Aussie Shepherd but in this situation, I think they would be ideal. The only possible problem would be a possible tendency to 'herd' your daughter when she is a bit older and running round. Although this could obviously be addressed through appropriate training.
  5. Love Oscar, Gapvic and that chair is gorgeous Looked up this evening and noticed the sunset was looking pretty awesome. Mad dash to get to the lake near us and got this one. Would have liked more time to compose (the picture and myself :D ) but happy with the result :) 22/52 IMG_0004.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  6. Wow, CC you have some fantastic sea creatures over there. That nudibranch looks alien
  7. The Classic 1 policy is the equivalent to the old Budget cover policy. I was previously on the Standard cover with Luka but have downgraded to the Classic 1 now, no problem with changing at all. It is interesting that the border collie premium is one of the cheaper ones. Doesn't make any sense at all that my Australian Shepherd is $67. If ever I get another Aussie I think I may try and pass them off as a border :laugh: Well that's great Alpha Bet but what if you need to claim for something in the first year, before the savings have built up? This is the nature of insurance. You are paying for peace of mind. You may well end up paying multiple thousands in premiums over the life of your dog and you may claim very little or even nothing at all, but I take comfort in knowing that no matter what crops up with my dogs, finances will not have to factor into my decision on how to proceed. And remember for everyone that is claiming $2000 or $3000 there are people not claiming at all so they must even out to some extent.I do agree with you though, the insurance company do just want to make money. It is a business after all. Your first paragraph doesn't make much sense though. They don't entice you in with low premiums and then hike them up. They have raised the premiums for everyone, including new policies. It's pretty simple really. Claims have obviously risen so premiums have to go up.
  8. The dog stuff isn't on sale til,Saturday DD :)
  9. I did know someone once who pulled a tea towel from their dogs bum. It was a Neo though :D Worst I've had, is a poo covered elastic band, that was bad enough :laugh: Ok, had to edit as it sounded like I was talking about myself :laugh: just to clarify, I was talking about Jenna's bum :D
  10. A shot from the daytime shoot on my photography course. I like the light in this one 21/52 IMG_0210.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  11. :laugh: Pers. Still prefer the ghost idea :D Thanks everyone, I was pleased with the shots. Not the most spectacular sunrise in the world but still glad I dragged myself out of bed.
  12. Thanks Hazywal, they are taken at Dicky Beach on the Sunshine Coast. That's what is left of the SS Dicky, I can't believe how much of it has eroded in the 7 years we have been on the coast. It is going to have to be removed soon as it is becoming a hazard, especially at high tide
  13. Oh. Well. That's no where near as exciting. Hahaha
  14. When I was taking shots of the sunrise the other morning this image popped up on my camera's back screen. I immediately looked around for any people but there was no one anywhere near me, not even any footprints in the sand. :laugh: IMG_0367.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr What do you think? Ghost? Trick of the light? Anyone else have any 'visitors" in any of their photos they'd like to share? For the record here are a few of the better shots I got. Those in the 52 week thread have already seen one of them :) 20 mins before sunrise as i got there IMG_0353.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr Just before the sun peeped out IMG_0381.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr Just after the sun peeped out :) IMG_0386.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  15. Thinking about it when Luka goes in the garden he does always face the same direction. Never really thought about it before but his head is always facing North. How bizzarre. I don't think the other two do it though. Also there is this one strip of grass on our walks that seems to be a magnet for the dogs to toilet, wee or poo. Just so happens that faces North too.
  16. Your sister is very brave Gapvic. I can just imagine what my sister would say if I asked her pose nude :laugh: I managed to drag myself out of bed in time for sunrise today :D Found it vary hard to pick one this week. I need to pick one of the sunrise pics for my photography course but I have looked at the images too long now and I can't pick a favourite. If anyone has any spare time it'd be great if you could have a quick look at my Flickr photo stream. Just click on the teejkay1 next to the photo. Cheers :) 20/52 IMG_0386.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr ETA That has come out a bit darker on here, than it looks in Lightroom. I will need to go to a shop and print out the photos for the course. Does anyone know if prints tend to come out lighter or darker? I haven't printed photos out in forever.
  17. Absolutely certain Megan, that's why I didn't realise Luka's policy had run out! Seems like their admin has blown a bit of a fuse. a Lot of angry people out there. Me included I have sent an email but so, I suspect, have thousand of others.
  18. This thread prompted me to go check out the policies. Seem the same thing has happened to me. Luka policy expired 5th May and I have received no renewal documents at all. Just gone on the C/C statement and have been charged $67.97, used to be $44.90 $67.97 isn't even the correct figure. I just did a quote and it's $65.93 plus I usually get 10% off for multiple policies (if they are still doing that) It is absolutely disgusting that they haven't sent the renewal through to give me chance to say No Thank You. This is bordering on criminal, i reckon. Off to email them. Still waiting on a claim they received on 8/4/14 too so I can chase that up at the same time Good news is Mya's policy renewed on 26/3 and is the same price as last year so at least I have 12 months at that rate. Jenna's is up in August so I've got few months there too.
  19. for what level of cover? The 12 month only or the 4life one? Defnitely the 4Life cover.
  20. I can't find how much the excess is Rebanne? How much is it now?
  21. Just been on the site to see how much each of mine will be. Here's what I was quoted Mya - Siberian Husky $58.34 a month Jenna Samoyed x GR ( I tried Samoyed x and GR x got same amount) $58.34 Luka - Australian Shepherd $65.93 I find it very strange that the Australian Shepherd is the more expensive one. They are a pretty hardy breed and haven't got a great incidence of hip dysplasia. Strange. Just checked and my present monthly premium for the 3 is $125.88 inc. the 10% discount for having three dogs so overall though I think my monthly outgoings will increase by about $40 to about $163 Not great but not enough to make me cancel.
  22. Oh dear, not looking forward to the renewal for my three. They already cost me $150 a month
  23. Gorgeous shots as ever CC, I love the fourth one too. Excuse my noobieness but are these handheld or with a tripod?
  24. But the important question is, does it make it taste any better :D
  25. teekay

    Four Years

    There are no words Jed, I can't even begin to imagine what you went through. What a lovely photo, very special
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