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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I imagine they would cover it too. Luka ate a LOT of dirt when he was a puppy and racked up a bill of $1400 at the vets. Petplan paid out no problem. Hope they manage to get the rest of the spring out next attempt and she avoids surgery.
  2. I used to use iPhoto, before I started to really persue photography as a hobby. Then I did the free trial of Lightroom and was totally sold. If you can afford it, it is totally worth it IMO.
  3. Oh dear DD, keeping everything crossed for Mytie, hope she improves overnight.
  4. Well done Takoda. That's awesome Rach. She sure is a stunner though, so not that suprised.
  5. I Have been thinking about a Finnish Lapphund. If we do get one, I want to call it Kimi after Kimi Räikkönen, Fininsh F1 driver :D Hubby and son heartily approve. However, my Aussie Shepherd has stolen my heart and I could be persuaded to have another one, preferably a blue merle this time. In that case I have no idea for a name :D Mark Webber? :p Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, Leah :laugh:
  6. I Have been thinking about a Finnish Lapphund. If we do get one, I want to call it Kimi after Kimi Räikkönen, Fininsh F1 driver :D Hubby and son heartily approve. However, my Aussie Shepherd has stolen my heart and I could be persuaded to have another one, preferably a blue merle this time. In that case I have no idea for a name :D
  7. Oh I like that one Weibritty. Very nice :)
  8. Lots of good advice on here. I had a similar problem with my puppy when I bought him home. Not sure exactly what cleared things up for him but I'll tell you what we did anyway. At the first sign of a runny bum he went on the chicken and rice but one of the mistakes I think we were making was, once he seemed better we swapped straight back to the kibble (it was Black Hawk at the time) he would be ok for a day then get sloppy poos again. After receiving advice we put him back on the chicken and rice then once better, reintroduced the kibble very very slowly over a week and a half to two weeks just adding a little bit more kibble and reducing the chicken and rice each time. We also used a probiotic we got from the vets. Would probably just use inner health plus now but didn't know at the time. We did also change his food to Nutro. He is now on a mainly raw diet. RMBs for breakfast and Leading Raw patties for dinner. He rarely gets an upset tummy anymore, unless he eats a load of moo poo that we put down the weekend Actually someone did ask when he was getting the runs whether he could be eating any bird/duck poo in the garden. Could that be a possibility with your dog? Hope you find out what's going on with him soon.
  9. Thanks BC, yeah I'm getting there. I am venturing more than a few meters from the toilet now :D
  10. Been ill all week so this week's offering will have to be taken from last weekend's visit to the lake. 24/52 IMG_0113.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  11. Just have to agree with the others Tapua. Gorgeous dogs, absolutely lovely
  12. Thanks! I think it is better than my video last year! I didn't get into the finals though, oh well! Time commitment on the course - depends on how much you want to do. A couple of short sessions of a couple of minutes long works! Some of the games fit easily into a warmup routine for training other things as they are drive building/relationship building type games. I didn't like the winner of this year's video comp at all Didn't really show the dog doing anything. I did recallers last year and whilst I did think it was brilliant, I found it hard to be consistent with the games and sort of gave up half way through. I do think what we did manage to do helped build my relationship with Luka though. That was one good thing about doing the course again. Knowing the format etc and then working on the games we didn't master the first time around, as well as being more relaxed about it, whereas the first time felt a bit rushed as there is a lot of course content (as in all of SG's courses). Of the 3 of this years winners, I like the third one the best, with the Beagle - the start of endless possibilities. They were all about journeys with very difficult/rescue type dogs this time that won. Me too Kavik, it was the only one that made me a bit emotional. Mind you I do have a soft spot for beagles :)
  13. Thanks! I think it is better than my video last year! I didn't get into the finals though, oh well! Time commitment on the course - depends on how much you want to do. A couple of short sessions of a couple of minutes long works! Some of the games fit easily into a warmup routine for training other things as they are drive building/relationship building type games. I didn't like the winner of this year's video comp at all Didn't really show the dog doing anything. I did recallers last year and whilst I did think it was brilliant, I found it hard to be consistent with the games and sort of gave up half way through. I do think what we did manage to do helped build my relationship with Luka though.
  14. Yep, and the nightime toilet trips. I like my sleep :)
  15. Beautiful cat Minyviz Evolving needs to pop in here and post pics of Alera and her daughter Neme. I don't think I have ever seen two dogs look more alike :)
  16. Just had to say, excellent post. What a great idea
  17. Good quote and I have learnt a lot from this thread. I have learnt that my Lab was not a good example of the breed. Obviously doesn't matter to me I adored her but I do now realise she wasn't really what a Labrador should look like. I will now look at Labs differently as I did have a tendency to look at them and automatically think 'overweight' when they were so much stockier than my Holly. . However, with reference to this quote. Do standards change over time? Looking once again at a picture that has been posted on here: These are two different champions a number of years apart. The left was in 1964, the right in 2014 in the Uk. They are very very different looking dogs. I understand that the standard may be open to some interpretation? But these dogs are so so different? I don't get it.
  18. Great photos. I can almost hear them, looking at those shots :D
  19. That's a shame about agility. It would have been fun to see so many breeds. What's FCI? and sorry Showdog, but what is your breed?
  20. There are LOTS of breeds where there is a large difference between show lines and working lines :laugh: Both of the breeds I own for example - Kelpies and GSDs. When I was last doing obedience (about 5 or maybe more years ago?) Golden Retrievers, Border Collies and Australian Shepherds were the breeds of choice in the higher classes But why Kavik, that is what I don't understand? If the breed standard was established to be a 'perfect' example of the the breed then surely they should be the ones who can 'work' well. In the working class obviously. Yep, that's what I was trying to say, in a long convoluted way :laugh:
  21. The vast difference you get in shapes. From really stocky and muscly, to a far smaller slighter looking dog.
  22. This has been a very interesting thread for me. My first dog was a Labrador, Holly. I got her from a registered breeder in the UK. I still have the copy of her pedigree :) Her pedigree name was Sweetdream Mystery. She lived up to her name, she was an absolute dream. :D Sadly we lost her 5 years ago and I don't have many pictures because our hard drive went on the computer and we lost many many photos. Here are a couple that remain. You can't really see her structure too well but she would definitely not be as stocky as the show dogs I have seen. The question I have though is, Is she unsound in structure? Should her 'type' of Labrador not be bred? Personally I love the look of the slighter Labradors. Holly came from working lines and her parents were actual working dogs. She was very much like her Mum, except in colour :) Interestingly my sister has just been a puppy carer for the guide dogs assoc and from the guide dogs I met, they tend to be slighter in build as well. I have just watched a couple of Crufts videos because I was interested in what the Uk was doing. Yes, the Labrador best in breeds were definitely more stocky. Then there was a guide dog demonstration and, again, the Labradors were slighter. I am not criticising the size and shape of the show bred Labradors at all. Judging from the answers on here, the breed standard very much calls for the stockier shape but I ask myself if that makes the slighter build 'wrong'. If ever I was to consider a Labrador again, I would prefer a slighter build but I certainly would not want to go to BYB. Are any ethical registered breeders breeding for a slighter frame even though the more heavy set dog is the breed standard? This also got me thinking if there are other breeds where there seems to be a large difference between 'show' lines and other lines. Rottweiller maybe? I've seen some very heavy set Rotties and some leaner ones too, no idea which is closer to the breed standard though. Staffordshire bull terriers come to mind too.
  23. Fantastic shots Piper, so clear and sharp. I adore Kluet, what a stunner he is.
  24. Oh my goodness. How fast did that go? Happy Birthday gorgeous boy
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