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Everything posted by teekay

  1. :D We sure do BC, we took Jenna up there again this morning. My 9 year old son was adamant he wasn't going to get wet (he didn't really want to come ) He ended up jumping in the waves with Jenna having a whale of a time. Coming from the UK, I still have to pinch myself sometimes. It's the middle of winter for goodness sake! :D
  2. What a sad week this is. Rest easy Piper. Beautiful Photo Possum, what a gorgeous girl
  3. 27/52 surfer by teejkay1, on Flickr
  4. It's never enough LP, but 10 years is too soon, much too soon. RIP beautiful man, you will be remembered by many LP
  5. Making someone get a new pet when theirs has died is a bit much but otherwise
  6. Love the snow pics Leah, especially the first one of Sarah and the one you used in the 52 week thread :) I'm another who is very jealous. I haven't seen snow since I left the Uk, 8 years ago. Mind you, I'm not sure how pics of my two white fluffies would work out, on snow :laugh:
  7. Great pic Leah. I'm off the check out the Colie and Sarah thread. I have somehow managed to miss that :)
  8. I so want a human sized one. It's been getting pretty cold here the last few nights :laugh:
  9. Thanks BC, we are truly blessed, living here. That part of the beach rarely has other dogs on it either so it's a double
  10. Thanks grumpette and BC :D The beach is on the Warana, Bokarina stretch of the coast BC. It would be Moffat Beach Headland you can see in the background
  11. Yep, why is it always the boys that have those enormous eye lashes. Totally not fair :laugh: Jenna's turn to go to the beach today. :) Here she is doing her best Pointer impression, she's even pointing her tongue :laugh: 26/52 IMG_0275.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  12. Yep, I agree kirty, the body proportions don't look right for a Westie. Terrible story though, can't believe the little dog survived at all if the other dog really 'severed the artery in her neck'. The vets must have been very close by.
  13. You have a fantastic attitude Raineth, Digby is truly blessed to have you (and you him :) ) I hope the extra Pred gives you both some more quality time. to you all
  14. Mine get lamb bones from Woolies, forequarters I think they call them and chicken drumsticks with the occasional chicken frame, not really enough meat on these so like to stuff some mince in them before I freeze them, and turkey necks sometimes too.
  15. I was wondering about this. Do obedience clubs ask to see vaccination cards each year or just when you join? When Luka joined the local club I showed them his card but I left before the year was up (didn't like their punishment based practices) so don't know how efficient they are at checking whether the dogs are up to date. The small private club I go to now is fine with titres. Will your pup just have the puppy vacs Maeby or the 1 year booster as well, before you start testing? Depending on that they could join an obedience club for the initial training maybe?
  16. Came in to check on any news. So gutted to hear she has lost her fight. It's hard when it is so sudden but on the other hand, she didn't suffer. Many many hugs to you DDD, Myrtie was loved til the end. What more can a dog ask for?
  17. Oh DDD you must exhausted with the worry. Take good care of yourself
  18. Great shots Grizabella, Kluet looks like he wearing a wig :laugh: Love his facial expressions though, so human. Orangutans are awesome
  19. Didn't manage to get out much again this week but got this one on my one and only trip out. Consulting my bird book, I think it is a Black winged Stilt :) 25/52 Black-winged Stilt by teejkay1, on Flickr
  20. I'm so sorry DD. praying for a miracle for you ETA oh just look at that gorgeous face, such a sweetie pie
  21. To be fair, these posts, right at the very start of a lighthearted threat were a bit weird. Not just good natured 'be prepared'. Very odd.
  22. Interesting article, thanks for sharing. :) I'll still continue to titre instead of vaccinate as I consider my dogs' circumstances fairly low risk. Now if you could vaccinate against stick-fast fleas, I'd be all over that bad boy! What a strange article. Seems the author can't really make her mind up either. This quote is at the end From what limited knowledge I have of vaccinations and antibodies (OK, admittedly pretty limited :) ) what she says doesn't make sense. In humans, we test for antibodies for Rubella all the time in pregnant women. Is she saying the presence of antibodies does not mean the woman are immune? This test has been performed for at least 30 years now. Many years ago I had my daughter tested for Measles antibodies as I don't want her to have the second booster measles shot. The test showed she had the antibodies so my doctor said she didn't need the jab.
  23. I think it's great that you are excited KC. You obviously understand there may be a long wait but it will be worth it when you get your pup. Even if it is 18 months, that's not that long in the grand scheme of things. I probably won't be getting another puppy until we lose one of our current dogs. They are only 6,5 and 2 so, hopefully not for many many years yet but I can still daydream about the next puppy I would like :D Fingers crossed the next mating goes well and you will be sharing lots and LOTS of puppy pics relatively soon :)
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