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Everything posted by teekay

  1. The photo doesn't do it justice, Weibritty. I only had my 50mm lens on, could have done with a wide angle to capture just how huge and entangled the whole area was. It was awesome, made me wish I was a kid again :laugh:
  2. "Vandals in Sandals" Love it HW, will have to use that one :laugh: Lovely line up Leah :D Found some fantastic trees this weekend. My son had a blast. The trees were right next to a playground but the man made stuff didn't get a look in. Nature makes the best playgrounds :D 38/52 IMG_0002.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  3. I still get people insisting Mya is an alpine dingo, there was some speculation when K9angel first rescued her but now I know her, she is allllllll husky :D
  4. Oh my oh my Spoony, dingoes are such amazing creatures the photos you have got are incredible. Looking at them made me think they should be in a book. I have no idea how these things are done but if a book could be made and the money from sales to go to the sanctuary, that'd be awesome. Or to keep it simpler, a calendar maybe? Gorgeous gorgeous photos
  5. Thanks Leah, it was late afternoon but i was using a neutral density filter. With them you can manage to do long exposures even during the day. Some of them are so dark you can't see anything through the camera at all :)
  6. Love your spring flowers Weibritty, so pretty :) Had a quick mess with some neutral density filters. It was a first attempt and I forgot my cable release so could only manage a 30s exposure. The shots would definitely have been better with a longer exposure but I'd traipsed onto the rocks clutching my camera, so worried I was going to slip over. There was no way I was going back to the car for my cable release :laugh: 37/52 IMG_0063.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  7. So sorry you are having trouble with poor Archie. I, too, think you need a second opinion. By the sounds of it, if Archie is finding relief in the dirt is really does point to an irritation of some sort. This isn't a solution to the problem but certainly wouldn't do any harm. A calendula tea rinse is very soothing for irritated skin. There's a whole thread on it on here. I will post a link, may be worth a try to see if it calms Archie down at all. Poor boy, I hope you find some answers soon. Linky: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/254792-o-m-g-calendula-tea-rinse/page__p__6395912__fromsearch__1#entry6395912
  8. Thanks all. Jenna sure does make the best cuddle buddy :)
  9. teekay


    Oh Perrin, that's too young, way too young. My thoughts are with you. Run free Georgia
  10. Wow Weibritty, those dragons are awesome. What are they made of? Love the pretty flower Impatiens :) 36/52 Best buddies :) IMG_0004.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  11. Absolutely what tikira said. Build your relationship up with Oscar. Play games, lots of treats. If you want to watch a few great videos, check out Kikopup on you tube, she is fantastic and has some puppy specific stuff on there. And don't forget to enjoy your pup, sometimes we get a bit overwhelmed with trying to do the right thing and forget to have fun :) Oh and to DOL
  12. Sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful Mare, Trifecta, It must be vary hard to lose such a magnificent animal. Take care x
  13. Thanks Huga! I feel like when I look at other people's photos on here they look really sharp and have strong contrast between what's in focus and background out of focus. Plus the colours often look fuller/richer/more vibrant. I do think I need to go off automatic. I got a DSLR Photography for Dummies from the library... I need to read about technical things with the camera...you know, those technical thingies I haven't seen what the photography for dummies book is like but sometimes I think an entire book can be a bit daunting. Here is a link to DPSs tips for beginners http://digital-photography-school.com/digital-photography-tips-for-beginners/ The first two sections would be most useful I think, especially the aperture priority and shutter priority pages. They are a good way to start moving away from automatic. The camera still does some stuff for you to expose correctly (mostly :)) lots of video tutorials on that site too. Don't worry, it can all seem confusing at first but once you start playing around with the camera it will click into place. Having said that I still get confused about the F No.s. A larger aperture has a smaller Number. Wide open is actually the smallest number.
  14. By 'automatic settings' do you mean aperture priority and shutter priority or fully automatic LFF? I can't offer too much advice I'm afraid, I'm a beginner myself but I would say Light is probably the biggest factor in getting a great photo. Maybe you could read some books on it or I follow Digital Photography school on FB. Brilliant page, they post stuff daily from the very basics up to some quite advanced stuff. Definitely worth following them :)
  15. Wow such vivid colours in those shots Pers. Lovely :)
  16. Thank you. My fave is the first one too ari.g :) I think I'm going to have another go this weekend. Try for a different colour, maybe blue or pink :) Anyone else tried this? For those who may want to give it a go here is a link explaining how to do it. It's not as difficult as you may think. http://digital-photography-school.com/water-drops-behind-the-shot/ Feel free to post any of your own water droplets shots in here :D
  17. So I wanted to give water droplets a go. This is my first attempt, hopefully not too bad for a newbie. I will definitely have another go. Hard to really nail the focus. IMG_0083.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0078.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0069.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0148.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  18. Double post. No idea why !
  19. Thought I would try my hand at some water droplets. For a first attempt I am quite pleased. Focus may not be 100% spot on but it's a start. Will definitely try again. 35/52 IMG_0083.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  20. Have a great trip Gapvic, look forward to some Italian themed photos :D
  21. Peroxide sounds like it would sting like hell. How do the dogs cope with the application of this? I've been lucky so far. Jenna has such a thick coat I am always paranoid about her skin staying damp after a bath so will get some peroxide to keep in my first aid kit.
  22. What a wonderful update Little Chloe sounds like she's doing great. I missed the photo in the OP when I first read this thread. What an absolutely gorgeous face. Any chance of some more piccies :D
  23. Thanks. Maybe I should add another option. I'll go try :) Yay, it worked. Hope I worded it right. It's hard to cover every situation :)
  24. I've been meaning to ask this on here for a while now. I have read numerous times that when feeding raw, weight bearing bones should be avoided because of their risk of splintering and or they are too hard and can break teeth. Obviously the chicken drumsticks are not going to break teeth but I suppose they may fit in the first category, so, my question is; Do you feed chicken drumsticks and have you ever had an issue? I used to feed wings but read somewhere that they didn't have enough meat on them so the bone to meat ratio was way out and drumsticks were better, so I started feeding drumsticks and have for the past year or so. No problems so far but have I just been lucky or is the risk pretty low? Decided to do a poll (my first one, hope I did it right :) )
  25. Well done Gapvic, I don't know how you mange to do self portraits, especially in that kind of setting Collie and Sarah look so soft in that photo Leah. I want to stroke them :)
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