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Everything posted by teekay

  1. I'm a little ahead of the game this week. :) Even weeds can be pretty :) 43/52 IMG_0226.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  2. Agree with the bolded bit. I'm sure he will mature into a great dog with such a dedicated owner but Rome wasn't built in a day. :) He is an excitable 6 month old Lab. Pretty normal I would say. Here's a link to a you tube video of teaching calmness by Kikopup. She does fantastic video tutorials of all sorts of training stuff. Well worth checking them out. Good luck with him. Have you joined an obedience club?
  3. I tried to pm you Ruth but it says you cannot receive pms, don't know if your inbox is full. I did send you an email, but yes, the paypal address is fine :) Thank you so much and thanks CC
  4. Double squeeeeeeeeeeee. Words cannot convey how adorable she is :heart:
  5. OMG That's my number :D :D :D :D Thank you so much for posting on this thread Caz, I had completely forgotten about this and because I was a bit silly and didn't realise I had paid using hubby's paypal account so the winning email went to his email address. I hadn't told him about entering and he automatically assumed the 'Congratulations. You have won' email is spam and deleted it So so so happy. Thanks Ruth. Sorry for the mix up. :D :D :D
  6. Depending on what kind of a door it is (sliding patio doors are more difficult) but if it is a normal door I would be doing as others have suggested. Wait for him to offer a sit, say nothing, be patient, and the second his bottom touches the floor, open the door slightly. Chances are he will immediately go to go out of it so you will have to be quick and close the door. (hence why sliding doors are more difficult). Wait for a sit again and repeat until you can safely open the door wide and have him wait till you release him. I wouldn't do this if he needs the toilet as it could be a long process but he will need to want to go out otherwise he may give up altogether Obviously some dogs learn this quicker than others. my Aussie Shepherd picked it up almost straight away but my poor cuddly 'Oh so cute but not all that bright' Jenna took a lot longer to get it. :) Oh, and most important of all, if you want him to understand the behaviour you (and anyone else in the family) need to be 100% consistent. I would also thoroughly recommend the Crate Games video by Susan Garrett, fantastic for teaching a dog self control. There are some you tube videos around of people teaching the dogs the crate games which you can also watch for free. Good luck with him
  7. If I'd have known this thread had so many gorgeous Rotti puppy photos I would have been in here ages ago. So much cuteness. Will be checking back regularly now. I only started my dog owning life just over 10 years ago. Oh how I wish I had started earlier. So many dogs and so little time. Rotties are defnitely on my list but I fear I may be too old by the time I have room for one. I will just have live vicariously through the lovely Rottie owners on this forum :)
  8. Hahahaha what a great shot Kirislin :laugh:
  9. Struggling to get out and about this week so I'm cheating and using a pic I took a few weeks ago on one of our trips to the forest. The forest floor had been back burned and a chance shaft of sunlight picked out this little fella :) 42/52 IMG_0209.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  10. Happy Birthday for yesterday Tibor. He sounds like a wonderful soul VM, you must have so many fantastic memories. May there be plenty of time to make some more :)
  11. Just rang pet insurance australia and just had confirmed that pet insurance doesn't work like humans and roll over. If I am to take out a new policy with a new company all previous conditions will not be covered. I think you will find that Petplan are still the only pet insurance provider in Australia that will continue to cover a condition after renewal. All the others consider any condition treated in the previous year a pre existing condition at renewal. So, if you suspect you pet may need ongoing care for something, they are the best to be with. They just have appalling customer service and ridiculous increases in policy pricing which was unsustainable for us. Unti recently I think this was the case, but others will now provide continuous cover. They are the only ones who pay put 100% (minus the excess) though. The others only cover 80%. ETA screen shot from Bow wow Meow website
  12. Just rang pet insurance australia and just had confirmed that pet insurance doesn't work like humans and roll over. If I am to take out a new policy with a new company all previous conditions will not be covered. Look I am happy with Petplan but don't remember signing up to $500 excess. I never got an insurance certificate, just got an email saying that payment has been received and outlining my policy as I have stated in my above comments and nowhere on there does it mention $500 excess or excess in general. I can't see why I would have taken out $500 excess when it is per claim not per calendar year. $500 doesn't make sense. Then when I get the renewal notice it is automatically set to $150 no option or asking if I wish to increase to decrease. If you have a renewal notice that says the excess is $150, can you not use that as proof? Are you saying you have never had any insurance certificates or Product disclosure statement from them? That is strange. I have been with Petplan for approx 8 years now and had a number of claims processed without incident (although a little slow) but recently they do seem to have lost the plot a bit. I really hope I don't need to claim any time soon. With regard to your premium hike for your one dog. The entire system is now based on breed and history of claims for that breed (not your specific dog but all dogs of that breed). I wasn't happy about the increase for my Aussie Sheptard. His policy is now much more expensive than my other two, but I have made claims previously for two of my dogs and don't want exclusions so I have to saty with them. It sucks but that's how insurance works and I definitely wouldn't be without it.
  13. Yep, saw this on Fb and went and got a number straight away. Fingers crossed. :)
  14. Look at the size of those ears Looks like they're having fun Leah :laugh: What a gorgeous orchid Weibritty and how lovely that it is flowering now. Something far less colourful from me this week. 41/52 IMG_0118.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  15. Bosco in the hammock, sort of :laugh: Thanks for the laugh :D This is an oldie but it still makes me go "what the?" Not so much because of the shredded Ikea catalogue but where the hell did she find a paint roller? We still have no idea. :laugh:
  16. 40/52 Fun with bubbles :) IMG_0089.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  17. Pretty sure it is only Petplan, which is Allianz, I believe
  18. I was so shocked to see this yesterday. She seemed so energetic and full of life. RIP Sophia you helped so many people
  19. Thanks Gapvic, I thoroughly enjoyed reading that with my morning cup of tea :) Makes me miss being so close to Europe. All those years in England and I didn't take advantage of seeing so much of it. I guess you never do when it's on your doorstep. I did manage to do a day trip to Venice when I was on a holiday in, what was then, Yugoslavia (shows you how long ago it must have been :laugh: ) But I don't think I saw it at it's best. It was in the height of summer and it was tremendously overcrowded and I think it may well have been the hottest place I have ever been in my life. This was nearly me :laugh: Looking forward to the next instalment.
  20. Yep this. There is a big difference between being off lead in a large open area and off lead next to a road. Common sense must prevail. It does upset me when I see a dog happily trotting next to it's owener, off lead, beside the road. The what ifs do pop into my head, but in open areas there is much less chance of tragedy. Your dog is never going to be safe from all hazards, even in your back yard there may be snakes, when I give them bones there is a risk of choking, however small, but we can't and shouldn't wrap them in cotton wool. Just like we shouldn't do with our kids. Bad things do happen but we have to take sensible precautions to avoid them and let our dogs be dogs and our kids be kids. Oh and feel I should point out my husky is never ever off lead outside of the garden not even from the car to the front door, different rules apply to her :laugh: But, as husky says, I do not believe a husky can't have great recall but I will admit mine does not and, realistically, I have not got the skills to teach her. If I lived closer to K9Pro I may have taken up the challenge though :D
  21. Welcome back Gapvic, glad you enjoyed Italy. Bet you were spoilt for choice for photos :) Love the textures in the last shot and the cats are awesome and shooting right next to that window looks like it would have been a challenge to get the exposure right. Well done :D
  22. I love spring. All these pretty flowers :)
  23. A fun shot from me this week. We've just been messing around in the garden with sparklers and the flash gun. Here's my little angel :laugh: He was having fun, honest. He was concentrating so hard on standing still, hence the serious face :D Unfortunately my artist skills leave a lot to be desired :laugh: 39/52 IMG_0062.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  24. "Gotta get the ball, gotta get the ball, gotta get the ball" . Hahahahaha, classic :laugh: Great shots as always Spoony, so sharp. Not an easy task, as you say, with zooming dogs
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