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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Gorgeous shots again Spoony. I adore the one of Zahra and the first one of Eli in the water. Stunning. Can I ask what camera and lens you were using?
  2. Aureon is stunning Gapvic, I am very jealous, on the beach too, how awesome Love that pizza wagon Weibritty, very funky. Another beach shot from me again. It is my favourite place :) Happy soggy doggies :D 47/52 IMG_0174.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  3. Thanks for the help both. I was hopeful the plug in manager thingy that Pers linked would work but it didn't I have now sorted it though. I ended up deleting a whole group of photos from Flickr and then publishing then again. Not ideal as I had to go back and re do some of the links in photo threads on here, but I think it is all done now :)
  4. Brisbane - Paint your City - the public gets to choose the bridge colours 46/52 Brisbane - Story Bridge by teejkay1, on Flickr
  5. I'm hoping someone more knoweledgable than me will be able to shed some light on this error message I keep getting. I have recently decided to add a watermark to all my photos published on Flickr. I edited the publishing settings and went to republish all the photos (there aren't that many, haven't been doing it for long. I think there's about 70) It managed to re-publish about half the photos and is now constantly coming up with the following error message I'm lost, surely all the files are the same? There is nothing different about the photos it can't do. It even stopped halfway through the same set of photos Heeeeeeelp pleeeeease :D
  6. Thanks Aliwake, No I can't choose either. I like the colours of the bridge in the first but, then again, the blue in the second sort of matches the sky. I need to pick a favourite to post to a photography group. I can post more than one so I will probably put the wheel one up but I only want to put one bridge shot and maybe one skyline shot. :)
  7. For the upcoming G20, Brisbane has allowed the public to control the lighting of the Story Bridge and other iconic buildings. I went down to take some photos yesterday. It's my first time doing skyline shots. It was fun :) Story bridge in various colours. I can't decide which is my favourite IMG_0077.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0076.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0080.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr Other buidlings, taken from Southank IMG_0095.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0101.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr And one of the wheel of Brisbane, looking all futuristic :D IMG_0111.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  8. It certainly does have a unique smell. I used it a few years ago and always thought it smelled like manure. Yuck. Dogs liked it though, and did fine on it at the time.
  9. Yes, I do have a bee in my bonnet about Pet Insurance :laugh: So, I've just had a look at Petsure's PDS (which is Hollards of course) and found this on page 7 of the PDS:: and again: So not sure what Choice is talking about
  10. Sorry, but this is ridiculous. You are buying a year's insurance and choosing to pay monthly. Of course you have to pay the whole premium if you claim. It's the same for car insurance, house insurance, pretty much any insurance, I would have thought. There's plenty of other things to moan about with Petplan but not this.
  11. Thanks BC, yep it sure is :)
  12. That is awesome KC. I'll bet it is so rewarding :)
  13. I went to the beach a couple of days ago with a friend and her Great Dane x, Luther, who she got last year, from the animal refuge I work at. :) It's the first time I have photographed any friend's dogs. Took A LOT of shots. I guess that shows I'm pretty new to photography. I feel like I have to take lots of shots in the hope that some of them will be good ones :laugh: Anyway, here is a selection. I've tried not to make them too big as there are quite a few of them. If you want to see the full size feel free to visit my Flickr :) He's a complete goofball, as the photos demonstrate :laugh: First of all, a nice clean one before we left home :) IMG_0313.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0395.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0370.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0356.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0366.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0376.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0335.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0357.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  14. Took some photos of a friend's dog the other day. Goodness, much easier shooting my white dogs :laugh: This one just about sums him up 45/52 IMG_0395.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  15. Oooh that's like the Coolvest one I linked earlier but much cheaper. Very very tempted. Will go have a closer look.
  16. Just found these. http://www.coolvest.com.au/ I want one for me, as well as Jenna. :D With regard to the dog ones, I like the fact it goes on the belly rather than on her back. Has anyone tried these? Pretty expensive but If it works well I think it would be worth it.
  17. Every year I consider these for Jenna (GR x Samoyed ). A question for thioe that use them. Do you only use them outside. Jenna is free to come in and out as she pleases. Mostly in on hot days. Would these cost be effective inside too. I'm guessing the reflective ones would be a waste but maybe the Cool Runners? I've also read that once they get up to a dogs body temperature they will start to have an opposite effect and actually make the dog heat up. How do you know if this has happened? Ho often do you re-wet the coats?
  18. Oooooh you've given me an excuse to post mine now Leah. :D Not SA or VIC but we had a great light show here in QLD last night. Those in the 52 week thread will have seen this one IMG_0288.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr and here are some others IMG_0259.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0257.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0263.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  19. "MOM, it's look really cool to get a photo of my car with the lightning in the background" The things I do for my kids. Thankfully we didn't get too wet but we were down a very dark lane, it was raining, were holding a blanket over the camera and we managed to get this shot relatively quickly and I was like "That'll do, let's go before we get killed" :D Not as sharp as i would like but I am pleased with it, and, more importantly, so is my son :) 44/52 Supra lightning by teejkay1, on Flickr
  20. Thank you so much Ruth, my parcel arrived this morning. It felt like Christmas had come early. Lots of really good stuff in there :) I have just started reading the course booklet with my lunch. Great stuff .
  21. Not sure how I managed to miss this when it was first posted. First, a complaint. I wanted to see the attached pizza photo :D That fruit stall is amazing. What are the long pink things at the front? Love how the signs "Please don't touch" are in English :laugh: And wow for the hail. It's funny to see people in short sleeves with, what appears to be, snow on the ground :laugh:
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