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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Glad to hear it's sounding positive so far DandM.
  2. Luka at 10 weeks luka home2 by teejkay1, on Flickr Jenna at a similar age Haven't got any of Mya, she was 2 years old when we got her
  3. Poor little Maltese would have been fine if it's owner was obeying the rules. I hope everything works out for you and your dog DanteandMolly. TBH I'm struggling to understand how a large Bull Mastiff cross can 'attack' a Maltese and not do any damage?? If would have been fine if the OP's friends dog hadn't jumped the fence. Lets not turn this into yet another "big dog v SWF advocate" thread. It won't help anyone. The fact that the other dog is one piece is a GOOD thing for everyone! I was just stating my opinion HW. My post had nothing to do with a big dog vs SWF debate, you have brought that up, not me. it was about yet another off lead dog (big or small) creating a problem that would not have existed had the owner been obeying the rules! I live next to a path and am sick of owners letting their off leads dogs come right up to me fence line and working my dogs up. Admittedly my dogs have never got out but if this is the first time this dog has done this then the owners would not know the fence was inadequate.
  4. Poor little Maltese would have been fine if it's owner was obeying the rules. I hope everything works out for you and your dog DanteandMolly. TBH I'm struggling to understand how a large Bull Mastiff cross can 'attack' a Maltese and not do any damage??
  5. Oh my goodness what an absolute cutie :love:
  6. SO I was late with my last shot but nice and early with this one. :) This is my first attempt at a portrait shot. It was raining here this morning which made me think of this idea. I will admit this was rather hurried as she only had 5 mins before she had to go out but I am really pleased with it. I am going to revisit the idea when we have more time ( and a better umbrella, this one had writing on it which I have attempted to edit out) 13/52 Blue eyed model by teejkay1, on Flickr
  7. Their walks look far more interesting than my lot's :D Thanks Grumpette. Oh Dee sort those ears out :laugh:
  8. So sorry to hear about Fred, MDD. Animals, big and small worm their way into our hearts. It so sad when we lose them Love the fact that your guys travel with you everywhere Canetoad. Looks like they are having a great life. Great shot of Kokoda Denali, what a cheeky face :laugh: I'm a bit late this week. OH is away so I've been really busy. I got my new ND400 filter earlier in the week and only managed to try it out today. It's a stormy day here but the sky brightened up when I went out so it wasn't really ideal conditions for a very long exposure but I still quite like it 12/52 IMG_0013.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  9. Yep, that'd be Mya, she's such a princess :laugh:
  10. Yep she sure wasn't happy Aussie, but she just sort of resigns herself to it and stands there looking sorry for herself. :)Given it was 35 degrees yesterday you'd have thought she would have liked the cool off.
  11. Yes, I've done that before Ketamouse but it was different this time. It wasn't mud. We haven't had rain here for a while. It was really powdery. She looks like she'd been sweeping a chimney. She was a bit better by the morning, hence the deposits all over my floor, but still very grey looking. I thin it was actually fine powdery manure :laugh:
  12. So I fed Jenna and Luka outside the other night, as I always do. Jenna and Luka outside, Mya inside. It just saves any trouble. After a while I realised I hadn't see the diabolical duo for a while. I called them in and Luka came running over first, black paws. Oh no, what have they been doing? Then along comes Jenna looking sheepish DSC_0084 by teejkay1, on Flickr For comparison, they are usually the same colour :laugh: DSC_0085 by teejkay1, on Flickr Why does this always happen at night? I had no energy to sort her out so left it till the morning, You can imagine what my floors looked like come the morning Found the evidence the next morning. Admittedly my veggie patch needed clearing out so maybe she was trying to help :laugh: DSC_0093 by teejkay1, on Flickr Payback :D Wet Jenna by teejkay1, on Flickr All clean :D But absolutely refuses to look at me for a photo :laugh: DSC_0003 by teejkay1, on Flickr
  13. RIP Micha, so sorry Huski. No matter how long they are with us it is never enough. Hugs to you and your Mum x
  14. Wow, Boronia, that's absolutely fantastic. Made my day :)
  15. to you Anne and Boof. He sure has a fantastic owner and you have done everything you possibly could. It sucks, but sometimes no matter how much we do, it isn't enough to save them. x
  16. Oh how exciting Huski. I've been following the litter on FB. SO so gorgeous.
  17. You posted the same time as me Trifecta :) Lovely light in that shot. Bush fires, as deadly and scary that they are, make for some wonderful sunrises/sunsets
  18. LOL Grumette, I can just imagine Zeph saying "My bum's not in, it doesn't count" :laugh: He looks very keen. :) In answer to your question about the fungi shot. I don't have a macro lens so it was taken (along with this weeks shot) with my 24-70mm lens with a magnifying filter on it. Not as good as a real macro but my finances won't stretch for one of those yet :) Fantastic sunset She Wolf, fantastic that we can take such great shots even if we don't have a camera with us. I love technology :) Today's shot was a bit of a project. I am on a FB page where each week there is a theme for people to post their photos. This week was 'melting'. So, I found a lovely little leaf whilst I was taking my son to school, popped it in a tray with some water. In the freezer. A few hours later off out in 30ยบ heat trying to simulate a spring thaw. :) It was a shame the leaf had managed to position itself right at the side of the block of ice so I was limited with what I could do but I think it looks pretty wintery :) My OH reckons it only looks like the leaf is sitting on the ice but it is actually half in half out. All good fun anyway. Not sure which one I like the best. I think the one of the leaf on it's own but with the other one you can see it was taken more in a forest setting (Sort of :laugh: ) I'll cheat this week and post both :) 11/52 IMG_0052.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr IMG_0074.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
  19. Not sure anyone comes in here anymore but if anyone is interested I have a FB page to follow my photography journey: https://www.facebook.com/www.teekayphotography.com.au and I'm Tee Kay on Flickr. Hope this link works: https://www.flickr.com/photos/115630917@N06/
  20. Leeches! I'll stick with ant bites any day
  21. Great to see you in hree Gapvic. interesting shots, not going to give me nightmares at all :laugh: Got to say, fantastic dress, I love it Fabulous bird photos Ozstar. The Rainbow Bee eater is especially good, very pretty, and always difficult to capture a bid in flight, so a big for that one too. What lens did you use for these shots? Great capture of the lizard Ranga, very pretty. I find them fascinating. My contribution this week is a photo I took a few days after ex cyclone Marica had pushed through. Lots of rain means lot of fungi coming out to play. :) Had to get on my knees for this one and got a few ant bites for my trouble :laugh: 10/52 Fungi by teejkay1, on Flickr ETA, just found you on flickr Leanne
  22. teekay

    Lost Dogs Home

    Unfortunately, probably true Steph. In my mind he should have cruelty charges brought against him but at least he is gone and I sincerely hope and pray things will now turn around in that place.
  23. Mostly mdd, I think it works very well. You will still get the odd person ignore it but I have found, even when I take him to a quite busy area people look at him, may say a few words but keep walking past. Tbh though, that may also be because I rarely make eye contact with passersby as I am concentraying on Luka and his ongoing training :) Definitely worth a try with Koda though, they aren't expensive.
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