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Everything posted by teekay

  1. Gorgeous work Miru, so much talent. I'm off to check out your website
  2. Yes, Johnny Depp has behaved like a complete entitled idiot but Barnaby Joyce saying the dogs need to "Bugger off back to the USA" WTF. What kind of a way is that to talk? Just what we need. As if the world didn't already think Australia was populated by bogans For the record I think Johnny Depp should be fined a vast amount of money. The dogs should be immediately taken into quaratine (If they haven't already) and tested for rabies and any other test that should have been done before they left America. Obviously all this at JD's expense. Then they should remain in quarantine for a set amount of time before they are sent back to America or euthanised (again at JD's expense). Most importantly, private jets entering the country should be searched before anyone is allowed to leave
  3. Oh my goodness, I am so in love with this little guy. :love:
  4. Yep to the bolded part, at least you stand a fighting chance if you see him coming. Hope you heal quick SM. Broken bones courtesy of our dogs seem to be quite a common theme, reading this thread so at least you know you are not alone. My friend broke her ankle when her GD x ploughed into her from behind. I also teach a stop sign to my dogs so if they are charging towards me I can raise my flat hand, say stop and they do :)
  5. Just another glowing recommendation here. I went to see Steve on one of his visits to Brisbane, just like Canetoad. (In fact Canetoad was there with Jonah as I left my consult with Luka ) I can honestly say I have never felt such confidence in a trainer. I had consulted a few other trainers before Steve but always felt a bit like they weren't telling me anything I didn't already know. Steve was brilliant and I came away feeling so confident that things would change for the better. I will admit I found the email correspondence a bit difficult and so wish I lived closer to be able to have more one on ones, but I'm sure you will not regret a decision to go with K Pro at all. I remember a friend of mine was shocked that I was spending so much on an hour consultation (It ended up being more than that, it's not like "time's up you've got to go now :D) . This same person spent hundreds of dollars on pet toys, beds etc when she brought her boy home. He ended up knocking her over and breaking her ankle becasue he was so big and boisterous. I know where I would rather spend my money. Good Luck :)
  6. Love the pic of Koda MDD, looks like a fabulous park. Oh how I wish we had more Autumnal colours to photograph round here How exciting for you Leanne. Hope the business continues to flourish. baby photos, awwwwwwwww.
  7. Oh Anne Such a sad time for you and your family. You were there for him right to the end. What more can we do for our so very loved companions. xx
  8. My two boys :) 18/52 IMG_0134.jpg by Tee Kay, on Flickr
  9. teekay


    My thoughts are with you and your family NickyP, such a hard time for you all. Wishing you peace over the coming weeks and hope time goes quickly for you until the day when you can remember Emmylou with less tears and more smiles
  10. Teekay I was impressed by his fitness they had a few chase sessions while those dogs were there and he kept it up for ages. That knife shouldn't scarier than anything in your kitchen I'm pretty clumsy, the knives in my kitchen scare me too :laugh: Good on Jonah, seems like his sociability has improved heaps. Didn't he used to have problems with other dogs?
  11. yes, how do you define intelligence? I agree with another poster who said that obedience doesn't equate intelligence. My three dogs, according to the list all dumb. Aussie Shepherd - very trainable, picks things up very quickly, very keen to please, very people focussed. GR x Samoyed - very amiable, easy to live with, very food motivated but still slow to pick things up. Siberian Husky - independent, not easy to train. A simple test for all of them. One of Those food puzzles where you have to turn the top plate to get the food out. This is how my three approached the challenge. Aussie - just scrabbled with his paws til the top moved and he could get to the treats, basically did this till it was empty. Not sure there was too much thought process going on. Seemed to get to the food more by luck than judgment. GR X Sammy - very food motivated, but sniffed at it a bit. Pawed at it a bit, then gave up and sat next to it Husky - sniffed it. Pawed gently, managed to move the lid then appeared to very easily and carefully rotate the lid to each section to get to the food. It was very interesting to see the different approaches and although the husky is the least obedient of the three I feel she is probably the most intelligent One more test I remember reading about a long time ago. Take a piece of food and make sure they are looking at it and drop it so it lands on a table. Supposedly a sign of intelligence is if the dogs gaze follows the food but stops at the table. Only my husky does this. The other two look straight to the floor expecting it to be there.
  12. Hahaha, little bit ambitious, Jonah :D Your new acquisition looks cool, and just a little bit scary :)
  13. Now I feel slightly less stupid for taking my dog in to have that weird little black lump removed from his chest- which turned out to be one of his nipples At least you didn't try to pull a nipple off thinking it was a tick Yep, been there done that :laugh:
  14. Anne, never compare your pain to other's.. You are hurting and its a big hurt. So many of us have been where you are now. Will be thinking of you on Sat xx
  15. He's all good BC, thanks. The eye is still a bit red but other than that it's fine :) I have a horrible feeling he will now hate the bright orange Chuckit kick fetch ball now though. I really hope not, it's a great ball, great size, easy to throw, can't be punctured, and NOT CHEAP !!! :laugh:
  16. Thanks BC, Wow, that's great to hear about Stella, makes life a million times easier for us if they have a good relationship with the vet. I have worked on Luka and the vets and he is much better than he was. We did lots of social visits and the one vet there he seems ok with, as long as she takes it slow. My husband took him for his vaccinations last year, because I thought he may pick up on my stress, and Luka was absolutely fine with her. I did have to take him in for a emergency consult though, a while ago now, and it was a different vet. He lost it. The vet couldn't get anywhere near him I have been very lax this year and we haven't been back for any social visits so I'm not sure how he would be and the vet he does know isn't always on, so it is a worry that it will be the other vet. Need to pick my game up on that. They also examine him on the floor which is helpful :) it's not perfect there, but they do try :) TBH I'm too scared to try anywhere else and start from scratch. Eta. Eye looks good this morning :)
  17. Wish I had read this last night Kirty. Damn me for turning the computer off too early :laugh: Thanks Sandra. The eye still looks good this morning still a bit red but certainly nothing pointing to anything more serious. He is just fed up with me keep messing with him to look at it :laugh: I'll leave it alone now and stop stressing :) Thanks Rsa, he is such a happy dog at home, and out, as long as there is no one else around. He has improved tremendously, we can walk past people on walks now without a reaction but if anyone approaches us to talk or for a pat, they change their mind very quickly he may not be that big, but boy, is he loud.
  18. re the bolded bit. I think it may be better for the owner to take the puppy to the vet of your choosing rather than you take it. You can offer to pay if you like, but it just keeps things more open I feel, and if the new owner is feeling like they don't trust the breeder ( not specifically talking about you here) then they would be more comfortable talking to the vet direct? As long as the buyer is reasonably local I think it perfectly reasonable that you would like your own trusted vet to look at the puppy. If it does turn out to have a murmur that is a little more complicated certainly
  19. Unfortunately not Snook I have spoke to the emergency vet and he seemed to think as there is no swelling or discomfort he should be fine. I also checked his pupil response and it contracted up nicely so fingers crossed we are all good.
  20. Ok. vet says if there is no swelling and no discomfort we should be fine to wait and see how it is in the morning. I also checked his pupil response and it was fine so hopefully we are all good. Stoopid dog always tries to get between you and the ball when you're kicking it it. I guess I will through it from now on but I throw like a girl :D
  21. Thanks DD, My gut is telling me there would be more discomfort if there was something sinister going on but did want to check on here incase there was something that could be going on with no outward symptoms. i guess that's always a possibility but I have to weigh up the stress factors. So much to consider when you have a reactive dog
  22. Thanks for that Kayla. Gave me something to Google :) Definitely doesn't appear to be that. He isn't is any discomfort, no discharge, no pawing, no inflammation, the eye isn't cloudy at all, it's just seems to be affecting the white of the eye. A visit to any other vet but the one he knows would be a massive massive deal for him involving some kind of sedation. It's not an easy call to make when the injury appears to be so minor. I really do not want to put him (and me) through that and possibly set him back in his progress with his fears. As I said i will if I have to, I'm just trying to establish if I have to. Difficult over the internet I know.. I do appreciate your replies :)
  23. I have a lot to catch up on in this thread. Luka has been doing ok. We aren't moving forward anymore but we aren't moving back either. There are good days and bad days but mostly he's pretty good. We have a problem at the moment though. I absolutely dread him getting sick or anything. The thought of going ot the vets is just nightmare material. I am now going to break the rules of the forum and copy a post from the Genral Dog Thread: ? I know most of the advice is going to be "go to the vet' "don't mess around with eyes". Most of those from people who do not have reactive dogs It really isn't that simple. Obviously I will go if I need to but it's determining whether I really need to. The eye doesn't appear to be sore at all. I guess I was really hoping someone would say "Oh that happened to my dog once and he was fine, no need for a vet visit" Sorry, feeling frustrated and sorry for myself atm and I am not having a go at the people posting about going to the vets, I know you can't diagnose over the internet Fearful reactive dogs are a constant constant worry.
  24. Just managed to get this pic. I think it is probably redder than the pic looks becasue of the flash. He still doesn't appear to care about me touching it or paying any attention to it at all DSC00214.jpg by teejkay1, on Flickr
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