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Everything posted by chrisjc

  1. there are tons of registries, you can register your apbt with, in the interest of keeping peds ect. obviously the apbt, is not a recignised breed by any aussie kennel clubs ect , but alot of people are interested in the ped of their dogs regardless of whether they are house dogs or hunters, or working dogs. i am against the dual registering thing that the ukc and akc are doing its creating a different "type" when it comes to the dogs looks. if you compare an adba reg dog to a ukc dog and then a akc dog , they all vary alot in looks. i am also against it because there are people who own dual reg dogs so they can own a legal pitbull, and that is the loophole they use, i feel that this is a headway to getting the american staff banned in australia aswell. the last thing we need is another dog added to a list as stupid as the one we allready have. take into account that the only dog on the list in this country that exists is the apbt. and i cant stand for the amstaff owners/breeders but the last thing they need is a spotlight drawn them because their dog is classed as a "show pitbull" sure they have a similar history but that was along time ago they are and should be seperate breeds. these kinds of breeding will also contribute to eventually bringing the fad breeding of "american bullies" the biggest fad dog in america at the moment. i think this would create even more confusion to an already confusing situation on the general publics behalf. funny thing is ive never met a vet that doesnt welcome a apbt or a staff into their workplace. they are simply the most reliable steady temped dogs when it comes to not biting people. what makes me wonder is, what the hell do the owners of the attacking pitbulls do to their dogs to make them so people agressive? i honestly dont think i could make my pitbull that way with any thing short of torturing her.
  2. they are allready underground and have been for years , they have been given no other choice if they want to keep their dogs. its not something that has effected me as i follow the laws and i dont fancy myself as a breeder there are enough of all breeds of dogs around as it is. but it is also sad that lots and lots of people have shipped dogs out of state or even culled dogs off rather than let them be killed by a council or get into the wrong hands.
  3. sighned up yesterday, well done on getting it started .
  4. The German Shepherd was never subject to the same degree of restriction as the APBT nor was it restricted in as many states. GSD people also did a lot of hard work to improve the image of their breed. Circling the wagons and telling everyone they were wrong about the dogs didn't seem to feature much in their campaigns. poodlefan you have put what i was tying to say in better words, thank you
  5. the german shepard law was a flop because they had a ton of support to proove otherwise and the general shepard owner is different to the general pitbull owner. and the other dogs have no support because they arnt supposed to exist here.
  6. i think you will find that it would vary from state to state, Hugh is just the president in victoria, not the entire country. i am not sure who the current rspca pres is in nsw , but i can recall a while ago that he owned an apbt, and was very anti bsl.
  7. yes i have said that same thing on the other thread, i dont think it would be a time where my judgment would be up to scratch either.
  8. davis , i see where you are coming from, trust me. it is the same idiot owners that are causing the problems though. in defence of the statement, that its not always a apbt, its true, a very high % are misidentified , but i think its stupid to say they wouldnt bite, as we all know any dog will bite in the wrong situation. i would say i am sceptical that it was a purebred apbt because of the size of the dog but i would in now way be suprised if it was a pitbull cross, which seems to be a trend among the idiots out there.
  9. i agree with you one hundred percent. and it makes all of us look like idiots. in the presidents defence, i think it would be safe to say that he has been bombarded with a lot of negative reaction and i would assume that after twenty four hours plus of being hounded to have a say only to be used as a scapegoat for the real issue hes probably being quiet. i know i would. i would like to know the latest news on wheather this owner is going to pay for what these people have gone through. as an owner of one of these dogs, i am happy to keep on going the way i have for years, do the right thing by myself and the dogs, i will let my apbt go on changing one persons opinion at a time.
  10. and what would you suggest "us pittie owners"do? i am the first to agree that my chosen breed is infected by d++++===d owners, and this wont change in a hurry and this is the major problem the problem is not the decent owners like us.
  11. im sorry i just thought the comments were counter productive. i wouldnt expect the police to have a breaking stick, but i would expect a better response for such an issue. i am sure they did what they could do with what they knew, its just a shame that poor guy had his hand in there for that long. the dogs owner was there for most of the incident by the reports i have read, but not being there i wouldnt know. i was just wanting to point out that negative reactions to peoples posts are not realy helping and we should be having a better discussion on here more than anywhere. dont you think? if someone posts something thats plain stupid just ignore it, they will soon stop posting. we all know that forums are a place that attract people who sometimes just want to stir the pot and reacting is what they want.
  12. Forum Regular Posts: 115 Joined: 17/6/2006 Member No.: 11,146 QUOTE (ijdavis 2.0 @ 19th Oct 2009 - 10:50 AM) QUOTE (APBT @ 19th Oct 2009 - 10:19 AM) hand held by the dog for over 20 mins. Wouldn't let go until euth all they needed was a break stick. Yes, silly people, why didn't they reach into the ambulance and just grab it.= sarcasm at a realy bad time. Cause ambos know all about dog fighting. Like some people on this forum. = very smart comment, thanks for the extra negative thoughts. come on guys thats a bit harsh, anyone who knows anything about the apbts history knows what a breaking stick is, and any apbt owner should own one, and no its not because you will use it regularly its just incase. and by the reaction that you have even you know what it is. i agree not the most sensitive of comments , but for the police to be standing around while the dog holds his hand, is just stupid. what about the poor guy and his dogs?
  13. weak owner equals weak dog ,plain and simple . we all know a well trained animal is no threat to any one. those judges you are going on about tend to raz the dogs up a little bit to get the reaction they want, if the dog doesnt react then points are bad. i have even seen footage of them with a stick alot like a protection dog being tested. if you were using a gsd or a rottie that was trained to gaurd and protect and it didnt react, you would be disapointed too. opinions are great but knowledge allways comes from first hand experience. a retrieving dog should do just that and naturally, a hunter using one would not let a dog work without proper training. a herding dog does it naturally, but you wouldnt work an untrained cattle dog, and just jump straight into work and expect it to read your mind it just wouldnt work out, they need to be trained. a protection dog ie, a fila naturally protects, its their job ,but you wouldnt just let it do what it wants would you? you would train it and bring its qualities out, and then you would have a stable dog. i thought all that would be obvious but i see that it isnt. working dogs are just that, working dogs, they have their place but they are not for everyone.
  14. your talking in your original post as your actaully know what your talking about, which is stupid because you have no experience with these dogs, so realy who are you to judge? judgment like that is the reason laws like this exist.
  15. id say bull arab to, or just a pig dog mix.
  16. hey guys first post, my name is chris and i am a very proud owner of a apbt. i fully understand as an apbt owner the issues that we have with the racism and treatment we get as apbt owners. this thread has realy just turned into an argument about wheather or not the dog in the attacked is a pitbull. a child has been bitten and seriuosly hurt. as a apbt owner it is my responsibility to make sure that my dog is seen in a positive light at all times, as i chose this breed that is riddled with moronic owners. i would like to clear a few things up and these things are my opinions only and im happy to be corrected. i am assuming that most people on this forum[anti bsl] are against all bsl laws , besides a few pot stirers. the pitbull owners and other prescribed breed dog owners on here and everywhere have plenty to be angry about, but getting into arguments with people that generally support our plight is just stupid. your only razzing yourselves up! if you feel so strongly about it which i know you do please generate your energy in a better way. this whole " a pitbull attacked a child " thing has been going on for years and always will. the massive surge of ast's in our country over the last few years has only made it harder for apbt owners, an will continue to do so. the average ast owner is now the same owner that used to be the average apbt owner, and only for the "ive got a legal pitbull" argument. yes its plain stupid but we all know its the truth. now our breed is getting mixed with ast's and its neither good for us or the ast owners. they are hating on us we are hating on them. in my opinion the ast and the apbt being classed as the same breed or the whole " an amstaff is a show pitbull" thing is only said by morons who have no idea. they have been seperate breeds for over fifty years and are no way the same , similar yes but not the same. sure the first amstaffs were based on the colby line of bulldogs but that was in the 1930's. [i know there are a few dual regesterd dogs now but thats nearly a different breed itself now as the duels are breed with the duels and thats it]. there are over twenty different breeds that are labelled as pitbull. they are different to apbt dogs and we as owners know this. filas have been labelled as pitbulls and anyone who knows what a fila looks like would laugh. i think as much as we mean well as apbt owners let our anger take over and we are easily wound up when these issues arise. i as well as any real apbt advocate will hapily sit back and tell everyone how responsible we are as apbt owners, but will let ourselves get sucked into a stupid argument about wheather someone knows what a pitbull looks like or wheather a pitbull did attack a child/adult/dog. i ask that you sit back have a coffee, look at your dog and reflect on who you are doing this for ,your dog. trust me i know that its hard but it will get us nowhere in getting people on our side against this animal racism. thats my little rant, i know i dribbled on a bit but had to get it out. bsl effects everyone in one way or another. my dog is in another state because the laws where i am would have her murdered. i would rather she be safe than dead chris
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