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Everything posted by chrisjc

  1. look at the keyboard you are using. look where the 'o' is and now look where the'a' is. i made a typo, and it wasnt the 5th page straight id done it. i never said i was a scholar, but i do my research before writting off a breed. what else would you like to contribute?
  2. its a FILA not a FILO. at least spell it correctly if your going to rattle off all your internet experience with the breed. and its not in anyform aloofness that they display, its called "Ojeriza" which means "Dislike of strangers" and it doesnt mean they will attack strangers, it means they dont like them, they can be trained very easily to tolerate strangers it doesnt mean they have to like them and seek attention from them. and in my experience with the breed[yes i have a little] the individual dogs would have to be put in a pretty heavy situation to bite or attack, they would probly knock you to the ground and prevent you from getting to their owner, an attack would be last resort. guess what? its their job! there are at least ten gaurdian breeds prevalent in our country now that as their job would do the same thing under threat, and they too can and have been trained to behave in the appropriate way. we should ban them too just to make sure hey?
  3. they are the two least Apbt looking dogs ive seen seized maybee ever. im thinking the people who identified them must be from the gold coast council!
  4. some of you guys are realy funny. for starters bsl helps no one . you all have an opinion on wheather it should or shouldnt be around and those of you that agree with it to a certain point either know very little about the dogs that are banned hell some of you cant even spell their names. good to see youve done some heavy research. none of the dogs banned are anyworse than any of the dogs we already have here legally, can no one even grasp that point? personally i am fond of each and every banned breed on the list, why? mainly because there is nothing wrong with any of them. alot of them are the very best for the role they were bred for. personally im a huge fan of the doggo, but i would never own one. i happen to be fortunate to know a fella from argentina who is a close personal friend of the Nores family who were responsible generations ago for starting the breed, they are a pack hunting dog and must be worked constantly as they are full of energy, wouldnt suit my lifestyle, but why cant a pro boar hunter have a choice at owning the greatest animal around for the job? Apbt is where it is today here with some because it IS banned , for some its a status or a symbol, and to others its a penis enlarger. main reason being that its banned so they must be "bad ass". if they were legal im sure it would be very different. i dont like knocking anyones opinions on anything but it realy bothers me when people have so much to say about something they know so little about. bulldogs4eva, thanks for your posts, have got my sanity back [for now atleast!]
  5. unfortunantly, some apbt owners do rather a da dog. if you bought a breed and it wouldnt act like it was interested in the task it was bred for it would hardly be a reperesentation of the breed. sounds stupid but thats just the way it is. funny thing is the apbt owners that do prefer that are the ones that you will never hear about, mainly because their dogs dont get the chance to attack people or other dogs, they are contained properley, and controled at all times. and i can say i know of a few people from the states that prefer that trait in their dogs.
  6. I see were your coming from, but i would have to say i dont agree, there are tons of legal dogs over here already that would fit the bill for those types of owners. and most of those owners would not be able to afford a pure bred Fila unless they won lotto. i dont agree with bsl in general i dont like the idea that someone can tell me what breed of dog i can or cant have. anyways sorry to hijack the thread!
  7. and im sorry , but i find it very hard to beleive that in the filas breed standard they have to be DA. ive read alot about them and ive never seen it anywhere. i would like to see that standard.
  8. how many filas have you been around? i was lucky enough to be around two pure and three crossbred filas used primarily for hunting years ago. they are an extremely sound breed like any in the right hands. banning a dog because its simply "too much dog" for some people is how we got into this mess. it should be about banning owners not breeds. the person who owned the filas was actually a brazilian fellow who imported them when it was legal, so obviously the dogs are long gone now, but the law stops him from owning a breed he has experience with and loves. all because some misinformed idiot thinks they are a fighting breed, when infact they are what you stated a protection dog. i would like someone to at least name one negative incident in our country involving any banned breed we have on the besides the APBT. you cant because they simply havent happened, why? because the other breeds are not here. we just banned them all because "mother england" told us too. that makes perfect sense.
  9. as well as being the most missunderstood breed out there, it also has i would say the highest percentage of uneducated owners. because a fair slice of the owners are of the "undesirable" type, that side of the ownership type realy dont know what they are getting them selves into when they seek out their dog. A; they would specifically seek out a dog thats parents have been recommended as great"gaurd" dog. with this breed this will only equate to one thing and that is back yard breeders, which obviously means bad breeding practices. B; with little knowledge of the true temperament of the true APBT, usually means the dog is not well socialised , kept locked up or on a chain 24hrs a day and rarely exercised. those two factors equate to a poorly bred dog with a bucketload of tension, and this is the last breed you want like that. The truth is the APBT is no more dangerous than your street variety gsd, mastiff , or rottie, the difference is the owners and a little thing called bsl. if the APBT was legal to import and own there would be a lot more responsible owners around and alot less idiots due to the fact that its no longer against the law to keep, and therfore taking the stigma of having "the baddest dog in the street" away. breeding practices would be better[if done the right way], and the breed would be turning up in agility events, and other working dog dog type activities and it would shine a better light on the entire breed. the silly thing is the "dogmen" of old who had extremely good breeding practices considering the role in mind for the dogs, rarely had incidents of dogs attacking and in those times when it was classed as a gentlemens sport, any dog that showed any human aggresion were culled out of the breeding program with no further thought. you try having two human agressive dogs fighting in a 8x8 pit with three people with them and try not to get bitten. it would be near impossible. where the old dogs of this type were culled out of the program, these days with idiot owners those types of temperements are high up on the "dogs to breed list". the reason that APBT's when breed correctly are such great companions is because that is a role the have allways had. beleive it or not some of the greatest pit dogs of all time were house pets. as much as the breed has a bloody past the truth is, every single decent owner of the APBT is rich in knowledge with the dogs past, ie they have done their research, they know what they want out of their dog and they know exactly what to expect out of the dog. its pretty rare that any owner of the undesirable type knows anything about the breeds history, other than the parents of their dog was mean. its the same idiots that ive ran into on the street who compliment my dogs rednose, simply because "rednose bloodline is the baddest", little do they know that the colour of the nose is just that a colour. owners also need to understand that you can never trust a Pitbull not to fight, it is what they enjoy and excel at, and if you own one you should be socialising that pup from the moment you get your mitts on it or you are more than likely in for trouble. you wouldnt scold a pointer for doing its job or a labby for bringing the paper to you why blame a pitbull for fighting? they have been bred for it for hundreds of years so its up to the owner to prevent it from happening, for the dogs sake. the truth is, that the pitbull has been the top of the bsl food chain now for way too long , i know that other breeds have been under the spotlight before but the pitbull has been up there now for nearly twenty years, twenty years too long, and they will stay popular with the morons as long as they stay on top of that list.
  10. at some stage your pure bred show dogs were not what they are now. all dogs were crossbred at one stage or another. dont get me wrong im all for purebred dogs but only in the way that they are used for a purpose other than parading around a pen because it "looks" like a good representation of the breed. the last thing we need is some idiots thinking there arent enough of these breeds around already. working dogs and show dogs and working breeders and show breeders are so far from the same its beyond a joke. there have been alot of great crossbred dogs out there who have found a well planned cross for their work the dogs intended for from agility work, from sar work, to protection work, to hunting. all of these breeders bred best to best work wise and put a high level of thought behind their selected crosses than most non working breeders ever would. eventually all non working dog breeders[ show breders] will have to swap breeds or continually run into the same health problems that have been turning up for years and its only getting worse. i would rather a well thought out good working mutt with heart than some dog thats been bred for money and to look like it "might" be ok for its first intended purpose or just to ge t a ribbon around its neck because of something its owner has done. i know im gonna ruffle alot of feathers on this and thats fine. ive been burnt and anoyed by the show crowd that ive obviously got a grudge, but its my honest opinion. DISCLAIMER: i am not a person who breeds dogs or at this stage plans to so i have no experience with breeding. so my thought probly dont count for much so please dont get too offended !
  11. That poor child. I couldnt care less if the child was teasing the dog or not, the idiot parents[and thats what they are] shouldnt have left a dog they have known for less than a day with a child. Kid will be kids. Poor dog probly thought he was on a good wicket in a new home and hes gone within a day.
  12. Stacy mentioned on the previous page that it shouldnt be about breeds names being mentioned. I do agree with you to a certain extent, but in relation to Australia our bsl is can be looked at in either two ways, we are a commonwealth country, therefore we adopted their dog bsl. the other way is that BSL in Australia is nearly entirely about Pitbulls. of these dogs: American Pitbull Presa Canario Japanese Tosa Brazilian Fila Argentinian Doggo. How many of you can honestly say you have ever knowingly saw any off the other dogs on this list in a pure representation? I can probly answer it for you; None. non of the other dogs exist in this country and if they do they are kept pretty underground. personally i have been lucky enough to have known two Filas, but they are long gone. and if they tell you its only dogs with a fighting history?? what a load of crap, Filas are a personal protection dog, never have been a fighting dog. Doggos are used for hog hunting as a pack dog, not a one on one fighting dog. Canario? protection dog, if used for fighting only a very small % of idiots. so that leaves us with the TOSA and the APBT, both are dogs with fighting history wont argue there. so Bsl is in Australia largely about the Apbt. they are the only dog that average joe thinks he knows anything about, if you asked them what a "canary dog" was hed probly reply with something about some dog that sings, or ask what a fila is hed say its a shoe. but every average joe thinks they know something about pitbulls. they think they know that they are the size of a large GSD with the head of a lion and the body of a werewolf, and your average pitbull lives on a steady diet of horse's heads', and weak local children who cant get away, and their owners "Bait" them with the local maltese/shitzu population. people beleive what they want to believe. I got a 10 out of 10 for Lying when i went to puppy pre school and anounced i owned an APBT and a few people laughed because she was just a "Red Staffy" 9 out of ten people couldnt pick a pitbull out of a dog line up if it licked them in the face.
  13. Nannas i understand the reasoning behind the signage and to a certain extent i agree. but; My dog is not dangerous. the reason we went to the council was i was told that having that sign up is as good as admitting i own a dangerous dog, when i dont. if i had the sign up the way it is these days i would be gonners if i was to be sued. geez these days a robber can sue the owner of the house he broke into if he hurts himself on something and get away with it.
  14. What is giving our dogs a bad name is someone making an assumtion that if a dogs wearing a dd collar its automatically a apbt. A dd collar is a way of people knowing that a dog is dangerous when it is in public or even at home, its not a way to know what breed of dog it is. and what your proposing would hardly have a ripple in the water imho. there are just as many owners of those beeds you mentioned that are bad owners as there are apbt owners. in fact i have never had another pitbull owner come up to me to tell me how bad ass their dog was and how it could whip mine. ive had more than i can count on two hand of the breeds you have mentioned.
  15. i dont see what difference it makes you can read it how you want, its a statistic , Nannas isnt highlighting a certain breed , she is using stats as a example nothing more nothing less. stop trying to make it something its not. you know the really dumb thing is if nannas was trying to make a point without the list they would get jumped on straight away by some asking for proof, at least theyve gone to the effort of adding it all up and posting it to look at. so Nannas cant win either way?
  16. thats where your getting mixed up, it wont be me who you hear from. so how many different boards was it ?
  17. Nanna i wouldnt bother answering any of doit4thedogs posts, they are only here to stir the pot and will more than likely come on later and answer their own posts under another alias. i will leave it at that for now. some would say that the fact that in nsw the apbt has not shown up on the list, would reflect that bsl is working , i think that considering that Nsw is renowned for being one of the places that has the highest population of them, and advertising shows, i could bet that i could find plenty for sale either on the net or in the trading post ect, as others have done before. maybee because of recent exposure on the breed or just the fact that more owners are being a bit more carefull of their animals containment, less agressive dogs are on the loose or even out being walked. we all know nsw has turned into a witchhunt the last few years when it comes to the apbt. of course both sides are viable arguments but is there any real way to find out?
  18. my next step is allready in place buddy. its just a matter of time. how many different boards have you been kicked off all up?
  19. youve been called out, im interested in the next step?
  20. Rottnbullies , your post didnt need spelling out. doit4whatever, you are not being serious, everytime you are asked a question you avoid it or pose another question back at us instead of just answering it. Lo-Pan had to answer for you. and im if you are being serious simply because a couple of your questions are just stupid. Why would anyone want to only remove the apbt from the bsl list?? thats so stupid it doesnt even warrant an answer. there is really only one relevant question out of all of them but as i said im unsure how serious you are being
  21. getting defensive kind of happens after years getting treated like a second class citizen because of what breed you own. im still not sure if you are actually being serious here . Answering questions with questions or avoiding them is getting nowhere. pretty sure im over it.
  22. PFan i think sbt is talking about Lo-Pans "puppy" alot of people let dogs get to stupid levels, when i got kimba she was full of worms and bareley a touch over seventeen kgs and she was over a year and a half old. full of worms and a bloody tail from bordom chasing, she was so skinny and i couldnt imagine how hard it would have been lugging a huge chain around with no energy. she put on five full kgs in two weeks. glad to here this pup is on the road to recovery, and i hope the caregiver finds a great home or even better keeps him, after all im sure the pup would like to pay you back with years of love for saving him!
  23. rotiadora, id hate to say it but there would probably be a mix of apbt's in there somewhere. we all know since the american staff has graced our shores that uneducated people see them as the same thing and some pitbull breeders are selling or at least advertising their pups as amstaffs. and then obviously registering them too. which is really not helping either breed is it .
  24. Nannas, im glad you have it good with your rangers, i would be getting whatever info you can about the moron with the cattle dog and report him , because you never know what will happen, and having that idiot do that may make a steady happy dog unsteady and you would hate to have that idiot ruin your dogs walks for ever. obviously the last thing we would want is a fearfull apbt, thats when things can go bad.
  25. Doit4thedogs, yet again you have taken someones post disected the parts you wanted and put a slight twist in the words to read it how you would like it to read not how it was meant to be read...... Rottnbullies , never wrote anything about Bsl making irresponsible owners they have written that bsl has PUSHED THEM FURTHER UNDERGROUND, so if you read it properly you will understand that rottnbullies statement has agknowledged the fact they already existed, cancelling out the need for your question. Rotnbullies has also stated that parading pitbulls around in pink ribbons , will not stop the idiots from owning these dogs. none of us have the solution for the problem hence why you see us sitting around here debating with you! i have asked for your opinion on a solution but im yet to get anything but an argument. obviously anything short of the pro bsl side, What do you think would work ? How would you go about it? How would you change the type of people who own them for the right reasons?
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