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Everything posted by chrisjc
sound paranoid to me.
i thought due to the last weeks of issues with Pitbulls this may lighten things up a little. anyone who knows someone who owns or does own a APBT will find this hilarious and easy to relate to as they are truly clowns if you let them be , they try to make a game out of anything. and just incase some of you are mistaking this video for aggression, forget it this guys just having a ball, look at his body language. if only whenever they made the news it was for reasons like this!
im sorry but you can all look at as many websites as you want but until you have had hands on experience and i dont mean patting one in the street all you really have if anything is an "self educated opinion" on what the apbt does and is. do a bit more research Whippets you will see that in America to this day the so called "fighting lines" that you seem to think infected our "stock" are the same bloodlines, that are dominating the show sides of the breed over there. Jeep is still one of the favourite bloodlines bar none and its no wonder. Jeep was a great looking dog who to look at is the perfect example of what the breed should be. some of you are still not grasping the concept that the HA that the dogs are showing is something that OUR bybreeders have made happened. WE have done this to the breed not the dog fighters, more APBT have been seized and killed through bsl than ever died in the confines of a pit. the breed was in a better place temperement wise when it was used in the pit. in an age we are in now Dogfighting should not be tolerated thank god, but the breed was in a better place before drug dealers and people needing penis enlargments got a hold of them. it used to be classed as a gentlemans sport in its heyday. i recently read an interveiw[very old] with an ex dog fighter before he passed on. in that interveiw he stated that the worst thing that ever happened to the Apbt is it being made availible to the average joe, if they were as highly gaurded as they were way back then we would probly not even know what they were, and we certainly wouldnt be in the nasty position we are in now.
we will have to dissagree on this one. i happen to know a man who is now living in mexico , but was brought up in argentina whos family are very good family friends of the Nore's family who are responsible for oringionating the breed and they still breed the same type of dog. My friend owns two but has owned numerous amounts of them over the years, as a pack hunting boar dog, the Nore's family never ever develeped the dogo for the purpose of fighting , they are a pig dog, and they are they best pig dog around in their purest form. im not too big on what some show breeders website says their history is if i have a genuine conection with the first people that bred them. yes they probly have been used for fighting but so have labbys. Both Mr nore's sons are now ageing but are still striving to better the bred and i believe they are trying to pass it on to their kids too. Ive been on Fila breeders sites who claim they were bred for fighting. Ive been on Amstaff sites who claim they have no fighting history or connection to the APBT, ever. next time i have a chat to my friend i will ask if he minds joining up and giving his version of the dogos history and put up his personal pics, with himself and Mr Nore's two sons, spanning over thirty five years of hunting with them.
you would be suprised at how they twist your words around to suit what people want to hear. i have been on a couple of interveiws on south australin radio and i was bombardedby the host with questions that there was no answer for, and instead of letting me put a point across i was swiftly thanked and cut off before i could even get a word out. responsible owners dont make the news, the other ones do.
if the dog was living with her for three years and lets say it was restrained [chained up] which is what it does sound like, and she is 67 Who walks the dog? any sort of working breed that is pent up and never exercised is bound to go crazy at some point. it wouldnt matter if it was a pitbull or a kelpie, try being locked in a small yard or on a chain for a week let alone a few years and lets see hoe you react. if i dont spend at least two good hours with my dog a day walking , or playing in the yard , she wont sleep and will be irritating when inside wriggling around on her bed like shes got worms. thay need to be exercised EVERYDAY not once a year or once a month. what if she babied the dog and let it sit on the lounge with her everynight and slept on her bed as it made her feel safer? the dog would have got different ideas to what she had. truth is there is probly a thousand different scenarios you could lay down but we dont know what really happened and speculating isnt going to repair that poor ladies arm.
what causes a fire is the idiot holding the match. thought you woulda figured youd get that answer before you posted
getting any sort of license, would simply make the responsible people pay more money to do what they are allready doing, the backyard breeders who sell the poorly bred pups for high profits dont even register their dogs in the first place. If you were the sort of person who had poorly restrained dogs, entire restricted breeds specifically for breeding would you register your dogs let alone get a license for them? i highly doubt it. it sounds good in theory but what would you implement for to sum up what or how many different types of licenses there are? As i own an APBT as usual i will use them as an example, I will allways defend my breed as i truly beleive that they show potential when trained and socialised properly to be in my eyes one of the best "multi purpose breed" bar none. Do yourself a favour and look at the Dianne Jessup page listed earlier in this thread she does truly great things with these dogs. However , as much as some owners of APBT push the boundries of the dogs and realy take hold of that aggresion potential and turn it towards people , the far other end of the scale is the owners that sugarcoat the past and make it a sound like a breed of angels. as in any other situation in life you look at the middle of the scale for real results i would like to say i am an owner that fits in here.[dont worry im getting there] I am the first person to tell someone that the APBT as a breed is not for everyone, some can be hard headed and some have a very high DA tendency and need an experienced owner who knows how to face a potential issue head on. when around other dogs even when socialised you need to be in 100% control at all times for your own dogs safety and others, rule no1 is "never trust a pitbull not to fight" you can train them to tolerate other dominant dogs but if a dog is to try to dominate APBT the pitbull will never say no to a fight. A late teens kid with some small man syndrome or a need to feel like an "Alpha" amongst peers is the very last person who should own one of these dogs but they are the ones they atract the most. do you think that a breed that can infact be dominant and strong headed, which is no different than a GSD, Bull Mastiff, or a maremma, should be lumped in the same feild as say a Maltese? it just couldnt work. common sense is the solution and not everyone has that. WHEN YOU BUY A DOG YOU RESEARCH ITS TRAITS AND HISTORY, for at the minimum a few months before you even should be setting foot in a breeders place. do you think the type of owner who owns these types of dogs attacking people give a rats about research? they more than likely hear throught the grapevine that so an so round the corners got a litter of "pitties with red noses" on the ground and they are ace gaurd dogs. when they get the dog and it shows no sign of being protective they get dissapointed and MAKE they dof agressive towards people , with a dog so willing to learn and please the owner they would punish and mistreat the dog until they get the results they want. License wouldnt work withthese people. they are the same % of people that DONT register their cars let alone their dogs, so it simply wont effect them.
Poodlefan , we have never agreed on everything since ive been on here but i commend you for your point of veiw and way of getting it across. if only i could stop my blood boiling and defensiveness, maybee i could make some better points!
Whippets you seem to know way more than Crenshaws jeep/Bass tramps Redboy than i ever will. they are the dogs who you may be silly enough to think dominate the Australian APBT blood but it shows you know what you know which is stuff all. The only reason people like you THINK that there are so many of these dogs here [jeep] is because thats what any moron who wants to sell their pitbull puppies for years has thought was the right thing to say, if you knew anything about the origional dogs that came her you would know that there is def one probly two i can think of that far over shadow the numbers of jeep dogs in this country. if you know so much can u name one Family of APBT [non dual] who you can honestly say in that time period had no fighting stock in their history on a four gen ped. THERE WASNT ANY. and no offence you can all stand and tell me my breed is one that is dangerous, and unpredictable and i will laugh in your face and tell you where to go because my personal record speaks for itself. you can also come into the situation with an open mind and willingness to see the OTHER side to the story and i will welcome you in and make you a coffee. you will also leave with a feeling you have beenm wrong all these years, i can be sure of that because my dogs have changed more peoples opinions on this breed than i could have ever hoped for, and that is my goal , one person at a time. Sometimes i dont understand my own stupid logic, i come on here waiting for a bunch of people who realy are that stuck in their ways they would never change their mind. hell even one of your own sceptics has addmitted to me they had previously owned APBT and it passed on, now that person is the shit stirrer and probly has issues about owning a breed they couldnt handle. i wait for you all to bait me with your ways and then hook line and sinker take the bait. i am at the stage where due to the laws, my APBT will be the last one i own in Australia she is nearly ten, and i pray she will make it to 15 yrs. she is the softest most sooky dog ive ever owned but greets every single visitor i have with a tail that shakes her whole body when she wags it, she speaks and greets everyone with an equal "hi!" and then showers them with love and short spiky hair until they leave. she has never met a person she cant convert. maybee if some of you Haterswould activley seek out some real hands on experience with the breed instead of all that great reseach you do on the net you may be suprised. the logic of bsl is stupid , umm incase you havent noticed the laws have got worse and the byb are taking advantage of it, you can buy an Apbt in any state at anytime with a quick search if you know where to look.just for a try i found five litters yesterday one the ground and ready to go in two weeks. 1500 a pop with no papers. and no whippets they were not jeep dogs. with the stigma the media puts on them and the fear you instill on yourself they dogs are only getting higher in demand and higher in price. the worset thing is they will all be bred by people who just whack "jonos pittie, up the road with davos bitch whos in season" together and they can put a stupid price on them and make up to 10 tousand off a litter of eight. and i would doubt thatthey would even be wormed or had any shots or had health checks. BSL is making this breed worse. And wheather you like it or not its pretty obvious in a good type or a bad type they are not going anywhere, wouldnt it be better to have the good type?
and you keep telling yourself your an expert. these events are always going to happen regardless of an APBT being responsible or it be another dog. how many times do you people have to have the same history gone over again and again everytime one of these attacks happens , you are all the first people to be against the BSL situation but also the first to poke and prod the minimal parts of the storys , and take what suits your opinion which in this case has not even been ideentified let alone any pictures for us to say what we think. you people need to get real , some of you have even claimed by what you have written as a APBT as a "large powerfull breed" powerfull? hell yes, large? far from it, my APBT is twenty two kgs fat, and she is a average example. someone mentioned the influx of "jeep" dogs being too many and as that is a fighting lines, well let me tell you something about the dogs that were imported over that period THEY WERE ALL DOGS FROM FIGHTING STOCK, they are not even a ANKC breed here so who was going to show them? every second dog that would have left the USA over that period would have been a "Jeep" dog. for the unmpteenth time the APBT's closer to the old fighting lines have a better percentage of a more stable temperement than a byb dog by a drug dealer who gets big dollars for pups. anyone in this country who would be the kind of Apbt owner who would run a stable breeding program if they were legal , screening ALL owners and concentrating on doing better by the breed have been forced into hiding. The people that thrive on it are the Underground byb peddlers who are absolutly cleaning up the market with badly bred dogs and selling them to any avererage joe who steps in the yard. you are even making me paranoid in my own house.I have just realised that in what has been nearly ten years of owning my current Apbt , that sleeping next to me on her own chair sleeping and right now is having an enjoyable dream, it hits me that i have got a machinegun sleeping next to me! im so afraid to wake her up in case she rips half my face off. you know they have locking jaws? all you are contributing is more crap to be piled on top of whats allready there. ive decided that im going to buy a lotto ticket, ive had a think and after having about fifteen years of owning no other breed other than the APBT i cant believe im still alive let alone never been attacked by any of these uncontrollable beasts, i guess im at least fifteen thousand times more likely to have been attacked compared to the normal person would?
in the link at the bottom of the courier mail, it states that its a friends dog she was babysitting, it also speculates that the dog was a "pit/staff x"
There is only one type of "gameness" and that is the will to never give up no matter what stands in front of you. But everysingle person would have a different way of translating it to suit themselves, hence my previous post.
poor old buggers, lets hope that they will see the error of their ways so he can see out his life the proper way.
What Breeds Actually Fall Under Bsl?
chrisjc replied to PrincessCharming's topic in General Dog Discussion
AND THE 2010 "WORD TWISTER AWARD OF EXCELENCE" GOES TO...........................................DOIT4THEDOGS! -
a dogs gameness will depend on the task it was breed for, and the opinions of who thinks what is going to depend on the task of the dog at hand. a vast amount of different breed advocates will claim their dog has a degree of gameness, ie terrier type dogs when hunting will never give up at their given task until it is complete even if that means dieing in the process wheather that means they die out from exausting themselves or at the hands of the animal they are hunting, ive hunted with some little fox terriers that were so dead set on the task at hand we would lose them for hours at a time after dead ending a fox in its den. A retreiving dogs owner may claim that their dogs gameness is is gauged by its ability to work quickly and with efficiency in working in unfavourable and long conditions. A Guide dogs trainer may gauge it through its ability to work unneffected all day never waivering at its given task. every single working breed person who actually owns working dogs will say their dog has a degree of gameness, the biggest thing all of their reasons will have in common is the the dog will have a willingness to work at the task at hand. having a dog that is game is in no way to be related to da or ha.
what a load of crap, for so many people who claim to be against the bsl laws a few of you seem to be almost rubbing your hands together waiting for them to be eradicated. one of you even claims to have owned one in the past. you claim "the pitbull people wanted no help yada yada yada" what a load of crap for starters there are no "pitbull" people in this country, however there is the APBT club of victoria who have done all in their power to do what they can with limited resources, but it doesnt help when if they decide to do anything media related, their words get twisted around and edited beyond belief. as an estimation the club probly has less than 300 members over australia and new zealand. probly less than 30 of those members would realy have anything to do with giving aid to the cause. and most of those would be commitee members. so i would very much doubt that they would have ever knocked back any offers of help if they knew it was genuine. it doesnt help that the people who cause the most negativity towards us responsible owners are the ones are the exact same type of owners who give rottys and other similar breeds the same image, they do little research into the chosen breed and generally have insufficient space, socialisation, or training and would spend little time with the dog after it grows out of puppy stage. these are the owners that blame the breed and when they are on the news they say" its never happened before it just snapped" making joe public think they can be unstable breeds who are a danger to everyone. it is only very recently that because of a very small amount of media exposure giving a positive outlet telling the story of the dogs being the victims kept in unsatisfactory conditions and then rehoming abused animal and showing a few good dogs that a very small % of people are not changing their minds but are open for discussion with the proper owners why they have been painted in the wrong light. i dont think we would ever knock back help
Faking papers is not going to help the situation, if it come down the that being the only way to save my dog , i would just go underground. if my dog has done nothing wrong besides be born a certain breed, i decide wheather or not she lives or dies. not some moron who cant tell the difference between my dog and the next. ANKC would be more interested in the eradication of the breed than helping it they are just too good for us , there are examples of that on this site alone.
you must realy beleive your own bs.AST,s are not the same as APBT.
i very much doubt that the dogs the colbys obtained were called SBT's and i doubt even more so that they were reg dogs. the colbys would take dogs that had hand written peds, as the linage of the top pit dogs were closely gaurded generally by families and different families developed their own blood. there is only two registrys in the states who will dual reg the dogs and from what you may call "the apbt fraternity" it is highly frowned upon and besides the people dual reg their stock no one wants anything to do with it. the only other reg places dualing dogs are hardly to be respected by the majority as they are American Bully, registries who are renowned for out crossing the APBT for the frame and the amstaffs or even mastiffs to get the results they want and they call the bullies "pure" they are hardly worth counting realy. the irish staffords have little to nothing to do with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Irish staff is a name given to the APBT once the laws became to heavy so they changed the name and it worked for a few years. to my knowledge there isnt any reputable registries, for the irish staff and the only ones would more than likely be run by dog fighters. so that cancels them out of it. for instance my dogs ped has never had as far back as i can trace [over 100 years] an american staff in there, in fact even over the short time that i have a few older colby dogs in her ped none of them are close enough related to even pretend they were Amstaff. the Colbys helped the kennel club involved by supplying six dogs to start the "type" of dogs they wanted to break off from the dog fighting and the main dog who was classed as the perfect "type" was Colby's Primo. that is were the similarities stop, the gene pool that Louis Colbys father had helped start was kept seperate from the Apbt's they had in their program and neither have been crossed into each other again even to this day onld Lou's yard. All of this info is readilly availible in Louis Colbys book. the breeds you have mentioned as all the same , in the eyes of the people who make these bs bsl laws have a "type" which they call a "pitbull" and yes the breeds you say are they same are of the same "type" and there are a few other breeds including the boxer and the ebt. id hardly call either of them a "pitbull" Louis and John P Colby also had a fair hand in helping set the breed standard for the Boston Terrier, when they were first emerging as a pure bred dog. in fact alot of the dogs that were selected for the genepool ,had what i call an APBT but Lou calls "Bulldogs" in their liniage. would that mean that because way back then they had those bulldogs in their history we can lump them into the same pile as the SBT, AST and APBT. i would think the opinions of someone who pretty much started the breed as a more reliable source than a illinformed poitician who finds it easier to lump them in the same pile simply because they were not educated enough to be able to tell the difference with their own eyes. and if you real realy want to hear it from the horses mouth, check out the Colby's webite colby bulldogs, as lou is very active to this day and as much as it may take him a while he makes a full effort in returning Emails.
i see said the blind man. there isnt a single registry world wide who will reg one dog as all three. that speaks for itself. there wouldnt be one owner out there who is passionate about their selected breed who would say such a claim. I could put money on it that SBT123 would be highly offended if you were to label one of their Staffords a pitbull. i would be just as offended if you were to label my APBT[who i can trace back too the late 1800's and their are no staffords or amstaffs in there] a stafford or a amstaff. and i suppose them all being the same,makes me an idiot i should have just got myself a stafford and saved the trouble of all the laws ive had to follow in order to keep my APBT's all these years. misinformed people like your self help bring all three breeds down and together when there is some poor child attacked and all three dogs are lumped into the same type and name "pitbull" then the media loving public starts think they are all the same. calling them the same dog would more than likely cancel out opinions the said person has with anyone who owns one of the three breeds, and realy anyone who has done any real homework. so yeah i guess im more than happyt to "agree to disagree".
hilarious. im sorry as ive missed a few pages i will try to address different posts with a short paragraph each i hope i can keep it short.! The AST , SBT, and the APBT are not the "same breed" maybee at some stage a very long time ago, but not any more. it is very ill-informed to make such a claim. i guess that would mean that and english mastiff and a bull mastiff are the same dog also? and poodles and miniture poodles are exactly the same too? i dont see anyone here who claims to own an APBT to glorify dog fighting , if glorifying is knowing the history and past of my chosen breed then im guilty your honour. you would be the same kind of people who would acusse me of dogfighting because i own a treadmill and a breaking stick. And who realy cares if its been done to death? at the end of the day if your getting bored or sick of the"same bsl threads" DONT READ THEM, the great thing is, you have that choice. and simply having conversations and the such with "purebred breeders and show people" will always bring you down ,they have their own egos to stroke. one example is someone who always posts up on these threads and even has a couple of times on this one, very typical in fact ive never ever seen that poster ever write a single positive post in any of the threads on bsl, is more worried in the world knowing , "its not my fault its the pitbull owners" Well DUH. thanks for the hot tip.
What Breeds Actually Fall Under Bsl?
chrisjc replied to PrincessCharming's topic in General Dog Discussion
it gets worse, if you want me to tell the full story send me a pm. -
What Breeds Actually Fall Under Bsl?
chrisjc replied to PrincessCharming's topic in General Dog Discussion
id like to know what it would lead too. you only ever poke your nose out when you want to stir the pot buddy, give it up. it amuses me since all your "other" names were exposed you went very quiet under this name and your others now you are all of a sudden posting again out of the blue on every forum under all the other names again. -
What Breeds Actually Fall Under Bsl?
chrisjc replied to PrincessCharming's topic in General Dog Discussion
it was funny, maybeee ei sould chek mi speelinn b4 i post from now of.