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  1. he was penned with bed, food, water, toilet area - really just to contain him from the rest of the house. I think perhaps a baby gate across our gap between the lounge/kitchen and the rest of the house is in order (if he cant fit through) - restricting him from the bedrooms and hallway. I also think that a lot of the problem will be inconsistnecy, i am an animal person but OH is not - so has trouble understanding that you need to set rules and boundries and as much as he adores out little dog, little dog certianly walks all over him. I have told OH that we need to decide on a strict toilet training routine that we both agree to adhere to - and until we reach and make this agreement pups is spending time outside... Sigh - this has never been an issue in the past but this pup is proving difficult...... ;) So, what methods of doing this do people reccomend? He is home alone outside during the day and is normally inside with us at night. He is coming up 6 months and generally holds through the night. I would also really like to get him going in the same place outside too. Thanks.
  2. Ok, so i posted a while ago. I have always owned JRT but up until now they have always been girls. They have always been easy to train and well behaved dogs. Toilet training over in a flash and couldn't be easier. We now have a male JRT who is STILL not toilet trained 3-4 months on since we got him. He is taken outside very often, and 9 times out of 10 will go either 1's or 2's or both. He is praised like there is no tomorrow and has really caught on that when we go outside and are not playing that it means toilet time. He still however goes inside - when we look around and notice he is missing we know he is either. 1. eating one of OH's socks (completely oh's fault for leaving the stinky things laying around) or 2. going to the toilet inside. We have tiles and floorboards so it hasn't been too much of an issue, we clean up the accidents, praise him when he does the right thing and just hope that one day there will be no more accidents. As a general rule he holds through the night (taken outside right before bed and first thing in the morning) no worries. He does however sleep in our bed with us...... Now - very recently we moved bedrooms while we painted a room and had our new bed delivered, when we moved back out of the spare room a week later puppy started to pee ON the spare bed... Quite surprising but simple - close the door. We have now been back in our normal room in the new bed about two weeks and a couple of days ago he peed on our new bed. He did get in trouble for this but it's not so bad - bed clothes are cleanable and we move on. Yesterday he actually took a crap on the bed. Again - we noticed he had snuck off somewhere and this is what he had done. He spent the night and most of today locked outside as naturally we were very upset. I really am at a loss. I am an experienced animal person and worked as a vet nurse. I'm no idiot and the dog is not locked inside for hours on end etc etc... We tried the crate/pen training but to no avail. He would only pee in there if he REALLY REALLY needed to - and it was hit and miss as to wether it was on paper/puppy pad or not.. Most of the time it would be the floor boards, his bed or blankets instead and it doesn't seem to matter which attractant sprays or drops we use.... He is ready to be desexed so plan on sending him off for that next week, but I am at a loss as to what to do.... He spends all day outside whilst we are at work, gets different interactive toys/treats each day and has his aussie dog play toy that he loves. As a pup, he lived in a 1 bedroom unit so always just went on the floor anywhere - so understandbly toilet training has been harder than usual but still?????? One of my friends, a dog trainer, explained that boys are slower than girls - but this is driving me crazy. I'm almost to my wits end and about to ban him from being an inside dog. I have also toyed with the idea of getting him a friend - OH doesn't want another - but don't even want to think about having to non-toilet trained dogs! ARGH! ANYONE - what am i doing wrong?????????????????????????
  3. it seems extreme to me too - not liking attempting to cook with a puppy tethered under my feet.. Am looking forward to puppy skool on sat to ask a million questions...
  4. HA HA! Well, if the boyfriend is anything to go by (he seems to think it's my job to pick up where his mother left off) mutt will be at least 10 or 12 years before he even considers doing anything that I ask of him!
  5. No infection - smell, colour and consistency all normal! I have never had to use pads or paper in past either, and all of my dogs have been jacks - but girls... Perhaps I am just expecting too much - but he is sooo responsive and quick to learn with everything else. I am going mad!
  6. Kelpie - I can't help but to think I know you.... I have even gone to the extent of purchasing puppy pads and dropper bottle stuff (ruddicks brand and all) in the desperation of it helping.... We are off to our first day of puppy school on Sat at Keilor - do you instruct there too? Or just the better looking half?
  7. On nutrience jnr untill i can get my hands on some eagle pack.... no other dogs - want to get a kitten shortly - we just got a new house... had puppy about 3 weeks and he is just coming up 12 weeks - i dont expect him to be perfect, but he is getting worse - not better.... I am prob expecting more than i should at his age but i'm getting nothing... It just doesnt seem to matter how didlgent i am, the second i trun my back he pees - and he's doing it in worse and worse places as time goes on......
  8. Ok, so I am having SO SO SO much trouble with our young jack russell pup. The worst part is, I worked as a vet nurse and have always had jacks and never had a problem, this is something I normally give people advice on and I have NEVER had so much trouble trying to house train a dog. Puppy has gotton progressivly worse and worse, he gets taken outside every 1/2 hour, and normally goes, gets more praise than a winning football team and then gets to come back inside. Inside, he has had newspaper, puppy pads, sprays, drops, you name it! Again, the times he has been sucsessful in using one of these (very rare) he got more praise than I could care to mention.... BUT no matter what, he just keeps peeing EVERYWHERE else! And he does it so dam quick, its like he waits for the 2 second time frame when i take my eyes away from him to do it.... This morning he peed on a cushion in the bedroom he noramlly sleeps on - a first and tonight even on the couch.... 3 weeks on and it gets worse and worse... I don't know what is wrong, wether he is just so so confused, or scared, resentful - what??? ARGH!
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