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bet hargreaves

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Everything posted by bet hargreaves

  1. I have for around 20 years been involved in the MVD Problem in our Cavalier Breed. I am not a Breeder ,only a Cavalier Pet Owner of 30 odd years or so. On Friday I received my First Anonymous Letter through the Post here in Scotland ,It was Vile. The only reason for it that I can think of , I have been mentioning the Health Problems in our Cavalier Breed , and this has been a way of trying to make me stop doing this, . I was very upset at getting this Letter, but now I realize that some-body in the Cavalier World has been annoyed at what I have been saying and are hoping to hide the Truth from Prospective Buyers of Cavaliers about their Health Problems. Bet Hargreaves
  2. CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL MMVD PROBLEM If I could mention , here is the Link that gave figure of nearly 100% of Cavaliers having MMVD at 10 years of Age www.eurolupa.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7&Itemid=8 Bet Hargreaves
  3. before you all go freaking off into the night. of my 5 original cavaliers , 4 were free of any signs of MMVD at 8,,9,10,11,12. one only diagnosed at 8. (she was pet homed to the owner of one of her pups and was still going no medication needed at 11 last i heard from her owner) so that to my bad maths made my purchases 4/5th of em free of it at 12? in the case of Zambuna Cav King Jack he was still hanging in there, n hadnt shrugged off the mortal coil at 15, although (according to the lady i had given him too) he had been pinched by the owners flatmate so no further info as to testing after 12. so that doesnt look like 100 percent incidence to this idiot anyway? three bitches, two of em spot on hearts, n the one with it starting at 8) came from Pribar Kennels and Edenridge Summer Shower was a daughter of Gaycrest Eboni Mist. although i loaned her back to Edenridge and think it was 14 puppies were bred to choose a "show" pup. to my knowledge and belief every single one bar the two i got back were limit registered n pet sold. so no hope of using that line if your looking for MMVD free line. dont know if Pribar is still going. i dont show and after all the crap and risk of ever selling on main register. (check out the pup return for refund because its adult teeth didnt come through as perfect as its puppy teeth? mind u it did win 2 challenges before its return but hey it might not make champion sooooooo n it is main so that meant it would ) no main registers will be available from me anymore. reading that adorable story about the $25,000 cat's vet bills. my first thought was pity the poor bugger who bred it if it had been a registered animal Cavalier's MMVD Heart Problem I know that there will be Cavaliers living to a Normal Age, but until the MMVD Genes are found ,it will not be known if those Cavaliers could be MMVD Carriers. In Britain Cavalier were known to have Died from Heart Trouble in the 1940's and 1950's. It is possible that some of the Cavaliers exported Abroad could have had those Genes from those days . All that is known ,that the MMVD Problem is serious for Cavaliers, and this is why those Genes have to be discoverd. This is the same reason that the Genes for SM in Cavaliers have to be found, . If the Genes are not found for both MMVD and SM the Cavalier Breed could be having a Bleak Outlook for their Future. Bet Hargreaves
  4. It has been mentioned in a Research Veterinary Article that nearly 100% of Cavaliers have the MMVD Heart Problem at 10 years of Age. Here in Britain this could mean that because 10,000 Cavaliers are Registered Yearly by the Kennel Club ,nearly 100,000 Cavaliers could be alive in Britain at 10 years of Age suffering from MMVD. Because of these figures ,there could probably be many Cavalier Carriers of the MMVD Genes. Could these Cavalier MMVD Figures also apply to Cavaliers in Australia.? A Frightening Thought . Bet Hargreaves
  5. Prefessor Larry Glickman ,North Carolina School of Medicine ,America, has recently had a Veterinary Paper Published about Gum Problems in Dogs. The Paper suggested that Periodontal Disease was associated with Cardiovascular Related Conditions. Could the Severe MVD Heart Problem in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a Link with their Periodontal Diseases where it is mentioned that about 50% of Cavaliers can have Gum Problems by Middle Age? Should a Survey be being carried out to discover if there is a Link between their Periodontal Disease and their MVD Problem? Bet Hargreaves
  6. There has now been announced New Exciting Research Information about Syringomyelia in the Cavalier Breed at http://tinyurl.com/35lem9e It states that the Canadian and Dr C Rusbridge, Neurologist's Genome Research on Syringomyelia in Cavaliers ,have Identified an Area on the Cavalier Genome that is Highly Likely to be the Genetic Site for Syringomyelia ,not just CM,but Specifically Syringomyelia. That this area is unaffected in Clear Dogs Bet Hargreaves
  7. In case any-body is interested to read the Article in DOG WORLD,here it is. www.dogworld.uk/news/18-front-cover If I could just mention ,so many of us Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Pet Owners are grateful to Jemima Harrison and her Pedigree Dogs Exposed TV Program Here in Britain ,in 1983, yes 27 years ago !!!, Dr P Darke, the UK CKCS CLUB'S Cardiologist ,carried out Heart Surveys at Cavalier Shows ,he found that the MVD Heart Problem was very Serious and Wide-Spread,and warned the Cavalier Breeders about this. At last years UK CKCS CLUB'S AGM, the Cardiologist giving a Lecture at it, said that 50% of Cavaliers will have a Heart Murmur at 5 years of age ,and that this is no better than it was 18 years ago. Hopefully now ,because of Jemima Harrison's TV Program,Prospective Cavalier Buyers have been made aware of the Health Problems in our Cavalier Breed,and will ask to see from the Cavalier Breeder a Health Certificate showing that Health Tests have been carried out on their Cavalier Breeding Stock. It is only because of the PDE TV Program, the Bateson Report has been produced and an Independant Advisory Breeding Council set up. Bet Hargreaves Bet, from what I say I would have to say that unfortunately this program is so full of half truths and was so emotionally manipulative that any genuine concerns of breeders and fanciers over the future of their breeds was lost in the sensationalism that was the basis of this 'documentary' style program. It is a fact that the simple hypothosis of this program is that breeders (noting that any distingishment of it only being applicable to the UK is superficial at best) are killing the public's beloved breeds through an egotistical and selfish desire to produce animals that meet a superficial criteria called the breed standard. As I'm sure you are aware, this is not an accurate hypothosis, and insulting to say the least. To push such a blanket perception is at best the result of lazy and inept research, at worst just plain malicious. Indeed, at no point does the program aedequately acknowledge the contribution that breeders and supporters of the dog world make to both veterinary and human science, and the millions of dollars poured into research that comes from the pedigree dog world. It also makes no mention of the problems with so-called designer breeds, or the issues relating to the mass production of puppies, the constant concern for all ethical breeders. It presents the canine authorities as fools, breeders as either blind or arrogant, and the future of the pedigree dog world as doomed to extinction as a result of genetic inbreeding and terrible disease, all human created. As such, it has a very narrow hypothesis and its methodology is flawed to say the least. If I was presented this as serious research, I'd be telling the student to start again. Unfortunately, there is no such standard for robust and defensible argument when making a program to be aired on commercial television. So, while I'm glad you feel something positive has come out of it, I am personally yet to see this myself. For those interested, here is the site for the full Report,and reasons for the Editorial Standards Committee Rejecting the Complainants Complaints. www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets...10feb_mar.pdf Bet Hargreaves
  8. In case any-body is interested to read the Article in DOG WORLD,here it is. www.dogworld.uk/news/18-front-cover If I could just mention ,so many of us Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Pet Owners are grateful to Jemima Harrison and her Pedigree Dogs Exposed TV Program Here in Britain ,in 1983, yes 27 years ago !!!, Dr P Darke, the UK CKCS CLUB'S Cardiologist ,carried out Heart Surveys at Cavalier Shows ,he found that the MVD Heart Problem was very Serious and Wide-Spread,and warned the Cavalier Breeders about this. At last years UK CKCS CLUB'S AGM, the Cardiologist giving a Lecture at it, said that 50% of Cavaliers will have a Heart Murmur at 5 years of age ,and that this is no better than it was 18 years ago. Hopefully now ,because of Jemima Harrison's TV Program,Prospective Cavalier Buyers have been made aware of the Health Problems in our Cavalier Breed,and will ask to see from the Cavalier Breeder a Health Certificate showing that Health Tests have been carried out on their Cavalier Breeding Stock. It is only because of the PDE TV Program, the Bateson Report has been produced and an Independant Advisory Breeding Council set up. Bet Hargreaves
  9. In this week's DOG WORLD ,the Head-Lines are that a CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL BREEDER ,who has spent nearly Two Years pursuing his Complaint against the Pedigree Dogs Exposed TV FILM , has heard once again heard his grievances have not been upheld by the Editorial Standards Committee. The Pedigree Dogs Exposed's Writer and Producer ,Jemima Harrison ,said in Dog World ,I am really pleased with the finding, which is a very Robust Defence of the Film's Accuracy and Impartiality. Bet Hargreaves
  10. Can I mention about the Bateson Report here in Britain and the In-Breeding Discussions taking place here at the moment? Whether this fact is well known by Geneticists about our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed I don't know. In the 1930's the Cavalier Breed was created by Mother being mated to Son ,Father to Daughter , Brother to Sister., Unfortunately for the Cavalier Breed ,World War 2, started in 1939, and to keep the Cavalier Breed going, this same type of Matings were taking place,this was on top on the previous Matings ,I have described just 4-5 years previously. In fact one Cavalier Bitch was mated to her Son ,and had 7 Litters ,39 Puppies There is one Cavalier Pedigree with a 44.6% COI. There was futher In-Breeding in Cavaliers in the 50's -60's - 70's and 80's. Grand-Mother to Grand-Son ,Grand- Father to Grand -Daughter has been normal Breeding Practice by Cavalier Breeders for around 50 years. Is it possible that the Cavalier Breed is different from other Dog Breeds ,in that their In-Breeding took place with- in such a short Space of Time.? Mrs A. Pitt ,the Founder of the Cavalier Breed,wrote in a UK CKCS CLUB Magazine, in 1957, that because of that In-Breeding no Thought had been given by Cavalier Breeders as to the Future of Cavaliers. With the two Serious Health Problems now afflicting Cavaliers ,are some of them now paying the price of their In-Bred Back-Ground? Bet Hargreaves.
  11. If "we" refers to breeders, we already do. I know the major diseases my breeds are liable to acquire, and how (when known). I have personally to research into some of these, as opposed to the mandatory donation which my CC takes from puppy registrations. I also have a litte black book with noted hereditary problems in lines in my breeds, which I add to when necessary. I think all responsible breeders do the same thing. What bothers me is the spin off coming from this. Very similar to what happened prior to BSL and anti docking laws (as well as some other draconian laws overseas). It also bothers me that the report couldn't get the name of the breed right - or maybe they did mean King Charles Spaniels, which despite having a domed head, also suffer from SM I don't think most breeders will want to be told by "someone" that that cannot use this line, it is too close, or they cannot use that dog, or that the pups must be microchipped at birth, or the bitch checked by the vet every time pre mating, or checked post whelping (which is already law in Vic). Bet Hargreaves - absolutely no idea. I picked up on that too Jed. Other breeds also get SM. No mention of them. F1 cross get SM too. The Problem is that the Cavalier King Charles Breed is the only Breed that seems to have a Premature Ossifying of their Skull ,and their Brain keeps getting Larger. Could this be a Flaw particular to the Cavalier Breed. ? Bet Hargreaves
  12. Using the C word, to scare the crap outta people? Could I just mention an interesting comment in the Bateson Report,it is on Page 32 of the Report and concerns the Cavalier Breed. "Prominence has been rightly given to Syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. In this case the BRAIN Continues to Grow after the Skull has Ossified ,with the Result that the Canal between Ventricles of the Brain and Spinal Cord is Occluded" I wonder if Cavaliers with Larger Heads ,and whether it could be Faulty Genes that 's making the Brain continuing to grow after the Skull has Ossified,if those Cavaliers have more space inside their Skull ,and would'nt be having the same problem from Syringomyelia. This is the first time I have seen this comment about the Cavaliers' Brains still growing after their Skull has Ossified. Any thoughts any-body about this Statement? Bet Hargreaves
  13. Yes, some are quite large toys but at least they dont have SM. Souff Yes ,but the Large Toy Breeds were not like the Cavalier Breed ,who had their Heads Altered from the Dome Shape of the King Charles Spaniels in the 1930's, to get the Flat Head Shape required for Cavaliers . Has this Alternation any-thing to do with the Malformed Bone(CM) that many Cavaliers have to-day.? Bet Hargreaves
  14. All I know is that the Cavalier Heads ,here in Britain are Smaller than they were 20-25 years ago. Even the Cavalier Dogs now look Effeminate. That a Geneticist here has suggested that Cavaliers with Larger Heads be MRI Scanned against those with Smaller Heads. There is a EBV Program soon to be started in Britain, the Question will be ,what if the the Cavaliers with Biggar Heads are suggested for Cavalier Breeding Programs, but maybe will have no chance of Winning in the Show Scene, will the Cavalier Breeders be interested. Professor Sir P Bateson's Report will be releasd in the Middle of January,I expect there will be more information coming from it. Bet Hargreaves
  15. Could I say ,that I live in Scotland ,and have been involved with the Cavalier Breed for many years as a Cavalier Pet Owner. I was pleased to see the UK CKCS CLUB's Complaint not upheld by Ofcom.As a result of the Pedigree Dogs Exposed TV Program, the Public have now been made aware of the Two Serious Health Diseases afflicting Cavaliers, Syringomyelia and MVD Heart Problems. If I may mention the Syringomyelia Disease in our Cavalier Breed.Last week at a Lecture here in Britain, there were Two MRI Scans shown . Both Cavaliers in the Two Scans had the same size of Brain, but the Cavalier with the Longer Nose and was Larger had no Syringomyelia, but the other Cavalier ,whose Brain was Housed in a Small Head ,had Syringomelia. There are now many Cavalier King Charles Spaniels around to-day with a Smaller Skull than they had about 25 years ago, and a number of Experts are asking ,is the Smaller Head of to-day's Cavaliers, part of the Syringomyelia Problem in the Cavalier Breed. Bet Hargreaves
  16. Hi Muffin I knew of a Cav here in SA that lived to 17, and he only passed away because of old age. That is not the 'Norm' for Cavaliers tho.. I live in Scotland and have been collecting the ages of Long Lived Cavaliers for many years. There is my List of around 2,000 of Cavaliers' Names and ages along with names and ages of their Sires and Dams that I could find out about, 12 years upwards held at the Kennel Club Library ,London. The Oldest to date is TUPPENCE She lived to 19 years 4 months 3 weeks. Her sister Penny lived to 17.6 years. Their Sire was EWCOTE BLUE BLAZER ,he lived to 13 years. Dam,was Snowball Martini Mona Tuppence was a Blenheim There was a Cavalier exported from Britain to Australia ,who became an Australian Champion , HOMERBRENT HENRY, he lived to 16 years, his son Champion Homaranne Caption lived to 15 years, Champion Homaranne Caption is in the Pedigree Back-ground of many Long Lived Cavaliers here in Britain. Our Cavalier ,Marigold, Champion Homaranne Caption's Daughter ,lived to 15 years. Bet Hargreaves
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