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Lisa Tomkins presentation now up: ( )still to come: Paul McGreevy Cheers ;)
More presentations posted today: Kate Mornement - ( )Vanessa Rohlf - ( )Kate Schoeffel - ( )Mia Cobb - ( )still to come: Paul McGreevy & Lisa Tomkins
Here are link to the talks up so far - more will be psoted over the course of the weekend. As YouTube won't post segments greater than ~10min's duration, most talks comprise more than one segment. Click the 'more info' link to the right and a box with the talk's abstract and link to open the following/preceeding segment for that speaker. In the order they occurred on the day: Introduction - Paul Hemsworth - ( )Pauleen Bennett - ( )Tammie King - ( )Mike Goddard - ( )Will post the others as they go up. Cheers
Hi there, lunch was provided by the Petcare Information and Advisory Service (PIAS), who often provide such support for the AWSC's activities about companion animals. The rest of the costs were covered by the Animal Welfare Science Centre who regularly host these kinds of seminars (as you can see here: http://www.animalwelfare.net.au/new/new.html) As previously mentioned, there was no hidden agenda here, and there were no deliberate exclusions. If anyone wishes to register their interest to present at a future AWSC seminar, they are very welcome to and can do so by contacting the AWSC's executive officer Jeremy Skuse at [email protected]. Cheers
Good point Steve - and I'll definitely clarify that nor am I suggesting anyone's breeding programs should be altered based only on my research project! Most science is about baby steps towards building a bigger picture that informs us. Whilst we can control many variables in our studies, there will always (particularly when studying companion animal in realistic settings [ie. not in a laboratory population]) be things we can't control for. These form the limitations of our studies and should be acknowledged when we draw our conclusions. Things like gender bias in online surveys (we nearly ALWAYS get 80% females / 20% males) mean we need to acknowledge the survey results are biased, but they do still provide us with SOME information - a baby step toward the bigger picture, more information than we had before, and perhaps enough information to suggest a future study or new direction the research can take in the future. Science isn't "quick and dirty and here's all your answers", it's a process. One I really like
Thanks for your interest in my research and sorry I was running about flat chat most of the day and not able to spend much time chatting - the day absolutely flew past for me! I'd be more than happy to catch up and chat further any time you like Steve I have some journal articles about dogs kept in backyards from Amanda Kobelt's PhD research several years ago. Happy to forward them to you if you like? Email me at: [email protected]
I think waiting for the talks is a great idea. Not one of the speakers said anything about only or always selecting for a stable, 'amicable' dog no matter the breed or job. Not one. I think everyone would be far better saving their energy until they have heard the presentations. :D
Hey there, just reiterating my post from yesterday - we'll be posting the link to all presentations once Monash release the files and we've edited it into individual speaker's (plus question/answer/discussion sessions) - sorry for the delay, but this is likely to take around a week. Everyone who registered would have received the full day's speaker abstracts (including recommended further reading for most talks) - if you didn't go but would like to see the abstracts, you can email Jeremy Skuse at [email protected] and ask him for a copy. Cheers,
Hi everyone, thanks to those of you who came along today - it was a really good day (with a couple of feisty moments and a couple awkward ones), but I'm really glad so many people turned up and took part. For those of you who weren't able to make it, we should have the recordings (real time powerpoint presentations with the live audio - including question/answer sessions) online within the next week. It takes a few days for Monash to release it, then we'll need to edit into individual speakers and get it hosted on a site. I will be sure to return to this thread to post the presentations once it's online. Thanks again to everyone for their input and feedback. Cheers, Mia
sucks when your thread gets hijacked and turned into a circular rant, eh Elfin?
Independent Inquiry into Dog Breeding by Patrick Bateson Full report available here: http://dogbreedinginquiry.com/publication-of-the-inquiry-report/
Jed, I'm sorry you think that. I really don't have a hidden agenda. My 'motivation' is genuinely just wanting to extend an invitation to everyone on this forum to attend a day about dogs because you're doggy people. Truly. I've extended the invitation and attempted to respond to the concerns and questions raised. If anyone has any further enquiries or questions about the seminar, they can email Jeremy Skuse directly at [email protected]. I do hope to see you at the seminar and would encourage all of you to come and be part of it. Cheers
I think the point was that this seminar day is about dogs and their welfare. All dogs. All of the presentations on the day will contain information relating to (all) dogs. It's not a pedigree specific day and it's not a cross-breed specific day, it's a day about dogs. It's not an anti pure bred day or an anti cross bred day, it's a day about dogs. I was objecting to you lumping all presenters together as anti pure bred - not offering to find you links! I haven't met or spoken to all the presenters in person, so I can't quote their personal opinions. However, I do know that a couple of them who (as I've mentioned previously) are pure breed breeders/owners/showers/VCA members and clearly not anti-pure breed which is why I objected to you calling them such. I'm sorry, I'm confused. What's your question? This day was never represented as being a day about the welfare of particular types of dogs. It won't be presenting a 'view' (balanced or unbalanced) about pedigree dogs. All the presentations relate to (all) dogs and what we've learnt about genetic and experiential research to contribute towards improving their welfare. The post was about inviting people to attend a seminar hosted by the AWSC. Take it or leave it. I never anticipated it would elicit such a response. It's fantastic how passionate people are about dogs - I think it's brilliant!
Hi ijdavis, I know you are all experienced and intelligent people here - that's why I reckon it's important for you to come and be involved in this seminar day! You can be sceptical, but I really believe there's no 'hidden agenda' or 'multi-point' plan in action here. Just researchers from the AWSC wanting to share their findings and engage with stakeholders. It's about dogs, we've got information to share, we're keen to hear from you too and we'd love you to be there. That's pretty much it. I don't intend to convert anyone's point of view. I'm not against pedigree dogs, breeders or owners. I don't believe this seminar is either. I'm just trying to respond to points asked about the day and to offer information when it's sought in response to my original post. Cheers
Another conference and international group that you might be interested in is the The International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ). Details about the upcoming conference in Stockholm this year are available on their website here.
The AWSC welcomes expressions of interest from all groups/individuals who would like the opportunity present at future AWSC-hosted events (seminar, conferences, etc.). Just email Jeremy Skuse.
The AWSC would welcome expressions of interest from all groups/individuals who would like the opportunity present at future AWSC-hosted events (seminar, conferences, etc.). Just email Jeremy Skuse.
DogsVic have specifically been sent the invitation and you have all been invited via the initial post on this thread. The seminars hosted by the AWSC are not closed to 'invite-only' lists. They are posted well-ahead of time on their website (see here) - for everyone to see any time they like and for anyone to attend who is interested.
You've checked that there was actually a call for papers? That's the protocol for a conference. Because conferences want a wide offering in research directions, as well as depth re specific issues. This Monash activity is a seminar. I wish to heaven there were a conference on the topic of the breeding & raising of companion dogs. Hi mita, the keynote speakers were invited by the Animal Welfare Science Centre, but there was an open call for postgraduate student abstract submissions that was distributed prior to Christmas and which closed at the end of last week. All submitted abstracts were accepted - there weren't a large volume submitted and (as it's evident) the bulk were from Monash University. If you're interested in a great 'conference' that's coming up this year, check out the Canine Science Forum that will be held in Vienna in July. It should be great!
No - I was hoping to engage people from lots of different areas to come along and share ideas with the common interest of maximising dog welfare. Thanks for the feedback Jed. Duly noted. Of course not. I am interested to listen and learn about people's various ideas and opinions and do not expect everyone to agree with my viewpoints. That would be both boring and unrealistic! However, I do prefer conversations that are a little less alarmist/aggressive.
Hi Sheridan, I never offered to post a link, I merely objected to all speakers being categorised as anti pure breed. As I've mentioned earlier, I believe the AWSC invited keynote speakers who were already involved with the AWSC. As this has caused quite a stir, I've spoken today with executive Jeremy Skuse and the AWSC would welcome expressions of interest from groups/individuals who would like the opportunity present at future AWSC-hosted events (seminar, conferences, etc.). I understand a forum regulation here is not to disclose people's identities, so I would prefer not to list the people's names or breeds as I believe that would identify them and I don't want to breach the forum regulations. As mentioned previously, the aimof the seminar is for the keynote speakers to be accessible to share information and ideas and answer stakeholder questions that may be generated through such a forum. Also to showcase the dog-related research being done currently by students of the Animal Welfare Science Centre. There will also be opportunities for stakeholder to network (with all speakers/students and with each other) and to have input to suggest future research directions that you'd like to see the AWSC directing resources into.
This seminar is NOT a promotion of cross bred dogs - it is an opportunity for us all to get together and talk and for you (along with all other stakeholders) to have input and take part in discussions and learn more about what canine research is being done in Australia right now. By listing this invitation here I was hoping to encourage that. It does appear to be so. The speakers chosen reflect this. I, & am sure many others, would attend gladly if the focus was ANIMAL WELFARE, it is that organisation running it. The seminar is about breeding etc. Managing dogs going from homes into kennels ? Shouldn't it be about dogs going from shelter to new homes ? Educate the owner to be, not research the dog. What about analysing Why were the entire dogs responsible for the bites. In that particular study. Did they have a particular type of owner? How did their children behave ? What was the home environment ? Its all a bit like blaming a car of a certain design, which the owner has the choice of buying. Then when they crash because they drove like an idiot & couldn't handle it. Blame the car. So, let us produce an idiot proof car. My posts are not intended to be defamatory. They are an honest opinion based on what is being presented & what Animal Welfare is supposed to be. The situation is that are millions of dogs ( & more cats ), dumped, surrendered & destroyed daily. Mainly because the owners did not want them, could not cope with them, impulse bought, can't afford them, didn't get the brand they liked etc etc. A low number would be due to owners death, emigration & genuine distress circumstances. There are many instances of abuse, neglect & cruelty by people to dogs. How does this seminar help them, the animals ? I really don't understand. Can you explain the points raised ? Hi Christina, I'll certainly try to explain the points you raise. The focus of this seminar is very much about animal welfare, specifically canine welfare and what we have learned from genetic and experiential research to improve the welfare of dogs. Managing dogs going from a home environment into kennels is a potential welfare concern for many dogs (boarding pets, working dogs, etc.) - understanding what behavioural and physiological responses dogs go through in this change of environment is a way to improve our understanding from the dog's point of view and also evaluate strategies to improve welfare in kennel facilities. The Anthrozoology Research Group is currently involved in research regarding dogs from shelters into new homes - it's just not a topic being presented on this day (instead the researcher is speaking about public perceptions regarding shelter dogs). I'm sure she would be happy to discuss the other aspects of her research with you though. The 'bite study' you refer to is not one I'm very familiar with and doesn't seem related to any of the presentations on the schedule, so I'm not sure what you'd like to explain regarding this point, sorry. The seminar hopes to help the animals by offering a forum in which all stakeholders can get together to share ideas, listen and talk with each other and have the opportunity to network. By showing what research is currently being undertaken by students (and all research on this day is linked to understanding/improving the welfare of dogs), the AWSC (centre and researchers) are keen to engage with stakeholders regarding future research directions/ideas/requests. I hope this helps in response to your points raised.
All topics being presented at the seminar are about dogs. The findings being reported apply to dogs. Including pedigree dogs. The seminar's aim is not about promoting crossbred dogs.
Jed - I'd love to see you there and have a chat over lunch. This seminar is NOT a promotion of cross bred dogs - it is an opportunity for us all to get together and talk and for you (along with all other stakeholders) to have input and take part in discussions and learn more about what canine research is being done in Australia right now. By listing this invitation here I was hoping to encourage that. There's been a lot of positive feedback from people wanting to attend, although many PM's are because people are too hesitant to publicly say so. I thought making defamatory posts was not permitted in this forum. I really just wish we could all get along!
I can understand that, but not attacking people or spreading untruths - it doesn't help anyone (dogs, people, anyone!) move forwards. I'm off to bed for tonight - hope we can catch up and talk more on 11 Feb. Cheers!