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Sasha (Alexander)

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Everything posted by Sasha (Alexander)

  1. Hi all Can someone please run me through the microchipping process. Does the seller microchip the pups in their own name, and then when a pup is acquired the buyer has to change the details on the microchip (with a form) so that it is registered with the council properly?
  2. Saw this youtube video of some breeder in Canada who has a lot of Saint Bernards. The video claims there are 42 out on a walk Here is their official site http://www.lasquitesaintbernards.com They are all looked after. But wow so many large dogs. Imagine the food bill.
  3. We have a 5 month old maltese pup. She is so cute. I need to post more photos up.
  4. Why do you guys give your dogs cold food? Why not put it under hot water and let it de-frost a bit.?
  5. Hi Miranda can i ask what you mean by "If you use the 3mm blade with the lay of the hair"?
  6. Yeh they do 2 blades 1mm and 3mm isn't that way too short though? i was talking about those plastic combs. something like this The two blades you have are roughly the equivalent of a 15F and a 7F (I use Osters). Do you want to clip the SWF in your avatar? Do you want to do a full body clip? If so I would recommend a 5F blade. Well i have two dogs now. One is a maltese X and the otherone is a pure maltese with a much thicker and longer coat. Instead of buying a different blade isn't it possible to just buy the attachable plastic combs to achieve longer hair cuts?
  7. Yeh they do 2 blades 1mm and 3mm isn't that way too short though? i was talking about those plastic combs. something like this
  8. I bought these (Lazor RX 30 Watt Animal Clippers from clipperworld http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/index....p;productId=290 It came with two blades. However i thought you have to have plastic heads for the blades as well to get different length. It didn't come with it, so i have to go somewhere to buy them separately? Are they univeral fit? you can't just use the clipper without the head right? thanks
  9. Thanks people for your inputs. My other dog is a maltese pup about 3.5 months old. I give her canned e.g Nature's gift and Purina puppy kibbles. I can't give her chicken necks yet she is too small. I have tried to buy bones from the butcher. But my other dog didn;t touch them, and they get flies if i leave them outside. I will ask for "butcher's off-cuts". what do they look like?
  10. Hello guys. I currently give my dogs a mix of kibbles, chicken necks or mince meat, and canned food at meal times. When we purchased our second puppy from a breeder he said he doesn't give his dogs canned food because it is bad for their teeth. I am wondering if he is correct? First of all i don't only give canned food to them, i give them a mix. I also give my dogs things to chew on that is meant to clean their teeth. So i am wondering if the canned food is still okie? what are your opinions?
  11. I stumbled upon this site. http://www.sibfox.com/ They sell tame foxes from Russia. I am not sure if you can get them to import to Australia, but at a hefty 6K+ price tag i would only even consider it if i was rich. but the babies look very cute.
  12. Why would the numbers be going down? any ideas?
  13. The older one is a beautiful mutt. The younger one is a registered maltese
  14. This is photos of our two doggies Cookie and Cuddles
  15. How does a buyer know that the puppy has been vet checked and cleared? Does the vet provide some sort of papers? or does the buyer just take the breeders word for it.
  16. I read other articles talking about wolves having dew claws. so i am not sure to what to make of it. BTW i believe my maltete X has a dew claw on the front and back. So i am not sure what to make of it. I guess especially with domestic dogs it's a vestigial body part but probably on it's way with other wild animals.
  17. your post made me interested in the subject. i did some reading:
  18. I think you are making a strawman argument in relation to the other girl's statement. From the limited statement that you posted it sounds like she is arguing that puppies from puppy farms have it better then livestock animals who are stuck in small cages for life. I don't think she is saying that puppy farms are thus acceptable, but rather that they are the better of the two evils. I would agree that there is much less focus on the livestock welfare then pets. But it doesn't have to be either that or this. There should be focus on the welfare of all animals.
  19. nice work Chris Brown. A good rapping career and a puppyfarm awareness spokesman.
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