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Posts posted by pixie_meg

  1. So then i went down to Brissie to watch some hockey and went over to the local dog park at wavell heights near shaw park. I only saw 2 mixed breeds and one atleast was a rescue. The other dogs were 2 dalmations, 2 siberian huskies, one mini poodle, 2 labradors and a ridgeback. I also saw some large spaniel or setter type dog. I didn't get close enough to figure out what it was but it had a long brown(liver) and white coat. And was about 50-60cm tall i'd say. any ideas?

    LOL! That's our local park. I am often down at Shaw oval training one of the poochies. I was exceptionally hung over yesterday, so we just did some training indoors instead - can't believe we missed you!

    i thought i had a chance of seeing you. i noticed in one of your pics the hockey nets and instantly knew where you were. Only found out late in the day that we were going down. i'll be going down again in a few weeks i'd say.

  2. So Saturday, the kids and i went to the easter egg hunt at PetStock. So all the public had their dogs trotting around the store looking for easter eggs. Lots of fun but the interesting thing was that i did not see one crossbred dog instore at all. They don't sell dogs or cats at this store. We saw a St Bernard, a Samoyed, some fox terriers, plus some others.

    So then i went down to Brissie to watch some hockey and went over to the local dog park at wavell heights near shaw park. I only saw 2 mixed breeds and one atleast was a rescue. The other dogs were 2 dalmations, 2 siberian huskies, one mini poodle, 2 labradors and a ridgeback. I also saw some large spaniel or setter type dog. I didn't get close enough to figure out what it was but it had a long brown(liver) and white coat. And was about 50-60cm tall i'd say. any ideas?

    So it was just delightful to see so many purebreds and looking so healthy. Oberon had a lot of fun with them. Not one oodle seen all day. :laugh:

  3. My pet peeve is breeder sites that don't have their location. How do i know where in NSW you are located if you don't tell

    Some breeders (like myself) prefer it that way -

    its called privacy :)

    If you want to know personal details you can always email/phone the breeder and ask :rolleyes:

    I'm not after an address but its nice to know if you are on the north coast, sydney area, far south coast or country before the phone call. I've also seen some websites that don't even tell you the state of residence.

  4. My pet peeve is breeder sites that don't have their location. How do i know where in NSW you are located if you don't tell me. Also i want to know what your main focus is. Health and temperament are very important to me so if you don't even mention these things i'm not sure i'll bother contacting you.

    I liked my breeders web site because they talked about how they care about temperament and the health of their dogs and pups. They also had great candid shots.

    I love this thread - very timely for me. I'd really love some feedback on our site please :laugh:

    For those who havn't done one yet NetFusion Objects is a free web builder program and it's really easy to use. Gives you plenty of options for your site. Ours is hosted by Hostess (sorry DOL) and allows us plenty of traffic.

    I think you should have a picture up top on your home page of a bearded collie. my 2c.

  5. I think anyone who has not had a food aggressive dog should know that it is not something you necessarily create. There are so many methods and so many reasons why your dog may do it and it doesn't mean your dog is unstable but i truly believe it is something that you need to get advice about.

    For us it was that our boy was a very dominant boy and he was making it clear that he believed he was top of the pack. so for us it was about very clearly stating to him that he was at the bottom of the pack. It was something we could not just ignore in the hopes his food aggression would go away, it was something we had to stop as we have very young children in our house. I'm not going to go into details of what we did(under behaviourists consultation). I can happily say that we have a very balanced dog now who knows where he stands in the house.

  6. thanks for that. Also i read that they should be over 15 inches to be a standard but what is the average height? I've seen quite a few tall standards but don't know if that is a correct height. I'm talking over 25 inches.

  7. Can anyone tell me the go with parti colours? I know the standard states 'all solid colours' so that means parti is a fault? Does parti pop up in litters of non parti parents? Just curious as you don't see many and mainly see them in mini's and toys.

  8. maybe go check out the sighthound thread in the breed sub forum. on a side note there is a borzoi x border collie in rescue atm. can't remember which state though.

  9. - must be friendly natured and happy to sit with us outside cafe's and bars enjoying being stroked by passers by.

    I think you'll find that this will be mostly dependent on how well socialised your dog is. We made sure our pup was people dog and cafe socialised from a young age as we really wanted him to come eat out with us. He's 6 months old but is a polite pup especially at the cafe.

    What kind of dogs do you like the look of?

    How much exercise can you give?

    I found the following selector helpful when i went to choose the breed i want.


    so far i can think of perhaps a cocker spaniel, beagle, Brittany, not sure what else. Most smallish dogs like terriers need a bit of grooming but i'm no expert on the small dogs.

  10. I feed Proplan at the moment, its good because I can feed an all age food so only need to buy one bag..

    I liked the way my guys were on Artemis but I can't find a local supplier, it annoys me having to spend more getting it shipped up, especially because I would have to buy 3 different types at the moment.

    I get Artemis from Pookinuk.com.au. Only $5 shipping on dog food. And you can buy multiple bags and its still the same shipping.

  11. i'm now thinking that Oberons vaccination reaction when he was 12 weeks(hypersensitivity, lethargy, wobbly) may have been ivermectin. I immediately blamed vaccination but he also had his first heartworm tablet in the same vet visit.

    thanks puggy, i'll look into Moxidectin. Even though it may not be MDR1 i'll feel safer if i test now so that we know in an emergency, whether he can handle the drugs given.

    If its not Ivermectin i'm not sure what it would be. We started him on some BARF patties about 2 weeks before he got the rash. and he's only had them sparingly. They don't seem to have any nasty preservatives. He gets a mild belly rash after mowing day but that goes away fairly quickly.

  12. I'm suspecting Oberon may have had an allergic reaction to ivermectin. Last Tuesday(almost 2 weeks ago he had his Nu-heart tablet and by Friday he had developed a small rash on his chest. It then got red and lumpy(and scabby) and has spread across the area between his front legs. I've also noticed the occassional lump that has scabbed up on his legs. Now since i realised he was chewing the heck out of his chest and making the rash worse i have put him in a cone collar. It seems to be slowly getting better. He seems well otherwise, just really itchy and generally annoyed that he cant scratch it.

    Has anyone had a reaction like this with their dog to heartworm meds. I did read that collies have some issue with ivermectin and i read somewhere that borzoi were perhaps originally bred from a type of russian collie. How long can i expect it to take to go down if it is the ivermectin?


    The issue with collies and related breeds is known as mdr1 sensitivity. There is a DNA test available to check if a dog has this and it is well worth it as there are other drugs these dogs can not have.

    I am not sure how an ivermectin reaction appears or if borzoi are on the list of breeds but you could try googling mdr1.

    ETA: a quick google search shows Long Haired WHippets and Silken Windhounds as having been affected so I would guess a borzoi is also a possibility. This is from a US page on breeds affected:

    Breeds affected by the MDR1 mutation (frequency %)

    Breed Approximate Frequency

    Australian Shepherd 50%

    Australian Shepherd, Mini 50%

    Border Collie < 5%

    Collie 70 %

    English Shepherd 15 %

    German Shepherd 10 %

    Herding Breed Cross 10 %

    Long-haired Whippet 65 %

    McNab 30 %

    Mixed Breed 5 %

    Old English Sheepdog 5 %

    Shetland Sheepdog 15 %

    Silken Windhound 30 %

    thanks, i'll look into getting him tested.

  13. I'm suspecting Oberon may have had an allergic reaction to ivermectin. Last Tuesday(almost 2 weeks ago he had his Nu-heart tablet and by Friday he had developed a small rash on his chest. It then got red and lumpy(and scabby) and has spread across the area between his front legs. I've also noticed the occassional lump that has scabbed up on his legs. Now since i realised he was chewing the heck out of his chest and making the rash worse i have put him in a cone collar. It seems to be slowly getting better. He seems well otherwise, just really itchy and generally annoyed that he cant scratch it.

    Has anyone had a reaction like this with their dog to heartworm meds. I did read that collies have some issue with ivermectin and i read somewhere that borzoi were perhaps originally bred from a type of russian collie. How long can i expect it to take to go down if it is the ivermectin?


  14. I find that afghans in general can be a little aloof and so are the salukis. The borzoi seem a lot happier to meet new people and appreciate the attention.

    Would definitely agree. My boy lives to meet new people. he gets so excited. In terms of off leash. I don't trust my boy. He'll only come when called if he thinks he'll get a big reward. not dumb, just rather defiant. That said i don't think i'd have any dog off leash in an unfenced area.

  15. Ok so mines a giant breed but not as giant as some. He will be about 45kg when fully grown. He is eating about $4 worth of food per day which is on Artemis large breed puppy. It was about the same when he was on Eaglepack large breed puppy. I'm now giving him some barf patties occassionally which makes it cheaper. So he's on about $28 per week. This is with him eating more than the recommended quantity.

  16. borzois


    but theyre not really a companion dog

    kinda lounge around doing their own thing

    The bit I have bolded is just not true at all. It can only have been posted by some one who has never owned one.

    I've had Borzoi for many years and all seven have been fabulous companions.

    yeah i was wondering about that. My boy wants nothing more than to be with us.

  17. I believe they are only available in WA at the moment (little print at the bottom of the page) ...

    I feed by GSD's on Canine Country and raw bones such as rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef, fish and lamb etc. They have never been healthier and happier - it totally agrees with them. :)

    they're in my local iga in The sunshine coast hinterland so definitely not just WA. Must be out of date info.

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