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Posts posted by pixie_meg

  1. oh Oberon has grown up so fast - my whippets live in Nambour and I am sure would love him

    We should have a sighthound playdate. there is also a saluki and afghan up here but the afghan is a bit dog shy. Also another whippet who is lovely. we're at the dog park most afternoons.

  2. It was a huge turn out yesterday and I happened to have my camera with me so thought i'd share our little dog park. Its listed as a dog park but has no dog fencing and is really a sports oval at the showgrounds. You'll notice most of the dogs are purebreds.

    First up : these two love a tug game


    despite appearances, these guys are best buds, they like to play rough. schnauzer and staffy.


    the blur of a borzoi, poodle and rhodesian ridgeback. Don't think I was ever going to get that in focus.


    My big boy.


    Standard schnauzer.


    Standard Poodle.


  3. is or isnt the sale of a puppy on main register a guarantee the puppy will mature to be show quality, and if not she can return it and get a refund?

    I'm pretty sure selling a pup as a show pup can only be a guess. How can one seriously guarantee how a pup will grow. And even if it was correct type theres no guarantee it would become a champion. Its a gamble. No fault of the breeder or judges, just bad luck. why be bitter. Its like children. the cutest baby can become an ugly adult. and vice versa.

  4. Mini longhaired Dachies... and sometimes Standards too :cry: . I think he can't see their legs as he is so tall, and can't figure out how they move around!

    Some other little dogs. Nothing else... :cry:

    thats classic!!

    The feathers one is funny too.

    Oberon is afraid of my slippers. rhey're wooly and he first had issues with them whn they were on my feet. He's mostly over his fear but he is very suspicious of them. Also afraid of the hair dryer.

  5. Mine are snobs. They definitely prefer sighthound company... :) But sighthounds have different play than many other breeds, they do't really like the close contact wrestle play unless they are very closely bonded. Playing with dog friends or aquaintances needs to consist of running games, they don't like their personal space invaded by strangers (maybe a bit like some of us humans?? :provoke:)

    Same here. Oberon likes running games and enjoys other sighthounds but also really enjoys playing with standard poodles. He likes there bouncy high energy.

  6. I'm surprised the vet didn't at least do xrays if they suspected hip/elbow dysplasia. And Hygromas are quite commmon in large/giant breeds such as Great Danes and Greyhounds.

    They did suggest xrays but given they would have had to sedate him and i wanted a second opinion anyway i decided not to. I even suggested hygroma to the vet but was told no.

  7. I know someone who had a bad time of it with a vet.

    Her pup had been playing in the yard and hurt its eye with a stick. She rushed it to the closest vet who said they had to remove the eye. She called us in a panic and I recommended she see someone else just incase. Personally I would want one myself for such if such an opp was suggest to me and the dogs eye wasn't hanging out or bleeding.

    Turns out the dogs eye was fine and it just needed time to heal and some cream, talk about a lucky save!

    I have since seen the dog and she is fine, you would never have known she hurt the eye at all.

    You've got to wonder why the rush for surgery? and over diagnosing?

  8. I love my current vet but i have had one particularly bad experience(with a different vet) and was my very first vet experience as an adult.

    This isn't name and shame and i think vets are great and definitely valued for the care they give our pets. But sometimes when you're given a diagnosis it is worth getting a second opinion. And sometimes getting that second opinion saves not only your purse but also unnecessary procedures to your pet. I thought it would be valuable to share our bad experiences.

    So here's my bad experience, and i'm so glad i didn't take the vets word for it and also had the great support of Oberons Breeder.

    When Oberon was 12 weeks old he had a lump on his elbow. I did what i do and googled it and believed it to be a hygroma(from slumping on hardwood floors). I went to the vet to make sure and was very quickly told that it was elbow dysplasia. This was 'diagnosed' by pulling on his legs. The vet then went on to tell me my dog also likely had hip dysplasia. 2 things that are generally unheard of in Borzois. The vet then started rubbishing my breeder and warning me that Oberon will cost thousands of dollars to look after because of his hips and elbows and that i should consider not keeping him.

    I then got a recommendation for a vet who knows sighthounds and low and behold it was a hygroma and there was no sign of any elbow or hip issues. He was also checked over by my most recent vet and got the all clear.

  9. Name: Oberon

    Nickname: Snoops

    Breed: Borzoi

    Gender: Dog

    Age: 9 months

    Picture: see sig

    Where did you get them from? Registered breeder, NSW

    How often do you exercise your dog? small amount twice a day.

    Do they know any commands? sit, drop, shake, give, does 'off' count,

    Compete in any dog sports? no

    Favourite treat: whatever is on my plate

    Favourite toy: plastic coke bottle

    Funny habits or quirks: i think he's a cat in disguise, oh and he steals my underwear very sneakily. loves bras especially. also tries to raid the recycling box for coke bottles. currently into stealing toothpaste tubes.

    What's their personality like? He switches from super sook to super confident and happy when he wants to play. He enjoys his cuddles, but really didn't as a pup.

    Do they get along well with other dogs? Loves other dogs to a fault sometimes

    Are they scared of anything? No, i'd say he's pretty bomb proof

    What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Corrections and praise.

  10. pixie-meg - You did the right thing and other people can have their opinion that fine, but if it was me, I would not have put my dog in a kennel for 2 days. Is it worth the stress its going to cause him for 2 days? I don't think so.

    Your boy is absolutely beautiful by the way!

    Any updates on this matter? Have you asked the real estate agent?

    The realestate say its not the landlord. They are thankfully a thousand kms away.

    When i went to sleep the night i got home(after i posted) i found that the back gate was banging about. I couldn't sleep so its possible the neighbour couldn't sleep and came around to try to fix it. It is fixed now.

  11. Lock your gates, kennel your dog or have him cared for by family at their place if someone can't stay over.

    I'd rather have mine under the supervision of someone while I'm away. Personally I think its too big an ask to have someone come in just to feed them.

    I also think the dog would do better with some sort of company. While he may be locked inside at night, you aren't there and that's not a great situation for any dog IMO.

    He was under supervision through the day as my mother in law has a view of our yard. Is it really better to have him stay in an unknown environment where he doesn't know the people(kennel or friends). Sure he'd be 'secure' but he'd be wondering where the hell he was. I've worked in a kennel, i know what it can be like. So given his current fear period i believed it was the best option. If it was for more than 2 nights i would have considered another option.

    Point of the matter is that us being away had nothing to do with the incident. If i had dropped the kids off for school on friday and then gone shopping the incident still could have occurred.

  12. Borzois are such a striking breed, you might want to be careful that it isn't your pup itself that they were checking out. I don't want to be a scare monger but it just occurred to me reading this thread.

    Its a possibility. Everyone in town loves him and knows who his owner is so i'd hope that a possibly thief would think twice about doing it as they'd get found out pretty quick.

  13. This is a prime example of why dogs should not be left on their own in a backyard whilst owners go away, it's just too dangerous, so many things can go wrong and often do. I've heard countless stories of dogs being left and dying whilst there owners are away. I know of a chap who is about to leave his rotty for 6 weeks on his own in the backyard with someone going in once a day to feed it because he's too tight to pay for professional boarding.

    I'm really glad your lovely Borzoi is okay with the kind help of your neighbours but it is not safe leaving dogs any more than a normal working hours. Please don't take this as a personal attack as it is not I just want people to realise it is not the thing to do.

    We were gone from Friday at 3pm and then dog put inside by 6pm and then on Saturday he was in the yard from 7am till 6pm. Very similar to a normal work day for many people. We considered him staying with friends or a small kennel but given we have only just moved and he seemed like he was going through a fear period we thought it best to keep him in the environment he knew best. Definitely not worried about paying money to have my dog cared for. I understand what you're saying though.

    Lesson learnt and we will have a padlock. wasn't the meter guy or gas as that was done when we moved. It was a man and woman.

  14. locks just aren't something i thought i had to worry about. I've always felt safe and i lock the doors but i'll be putting a padlock on the gate now.

    Our last place we had the landord show up on our doorstep unannounced many times. I do have a copy of the lease. why?

    Yep we've had this happen :thumbsup: . If it was them make sure you actually give them a breach notice from Consumer Affairs, if you ever want to get out of the lease due to their behaviour it will help to have a record.

    I'm so over landlords treating tenants like crap.

    will definitely do the breach thing if its them.

  15. locks just aren't something i thought i had to worry about. I've always felt safe and i lock the doors but i'll be putting a padlock on the gate now.

    Our last place we had the landord show up on our doorstep unannounced many times. I do have a copy of the lease. why?

  16. we went away for the weekend and had my mother in law feed the dog and put him inside at night. Even went to the effort of securing the top yard so that there was no conceivable way for Oberon to get out(front yard was fine but is only 4ft high which he doesn't go over, but we thought the 6ft area was a better bet. So we get home a couple of hours ago and Oberon is happily in the yard and very excited to see us, but then we find out from the neighbour that yesterday someone in a ford pulled up at our house and opened our gate and went inside our yard. I have no idea who it was but of course Oberon bolts out. Apparently these people made some kind of attempt to catch him but then gave up and left. Luckily my neighbour was watching and then spent an hour trying to catch him( the fool of a dog thought it was a game). He also nearly got hit by a car during this time.

    I'm ropeable. Geez. So these idiots trespass(we've only been in the house 2 weeks) and then let our dog out and then cant be bothered to catch him. I have a sneaking suspicion it could be the landlords and i am so over landlords right now. so glad we're buying soon. Very tempted to put up a video camera to catch them if they do it again.

    I'd be putting a lock on the gate. If it is the landlord and they complain about it, remind them that they have no right to enter the property without reasonable notice or while you are not there.

    Will definitely be putting a lock on the gate. I'll also be talking to the realestate on Monday in case it was the landlord.

  17. we went away for the weekend and had my mother in law feed the dog and put him inside at night. Even went to the effort of securing the top yard so that there was no conceivable way for Oberon to get out(front yard was fine but is only 4ft high which he doesn't go over, but we thought the 6ft area was a better bet. So we get home a couple of hours ago and Oberon is happily in the yard and very excited to see us, but then we find out from the neighbour that yesterday someone in a ford pulled up at our house and opened our gate and went inside our yard. I have no idea who it was but of course Oberon bolts out. Apparently these people made some kind of attempt to catch him but then gave up and left. Luckily my neighbour was watching and then spent an hour trying to catch him( the fool of a dog thought it was a game). He also nearly got hit by a car during this time.

    I'm ropeable. Geez. So these idiots trespass(we've only been in the house 2 weeks) and then let our dog out and then cant be bothered to catch him. I have a sneaking suspicion it could be the landlords and i am so over landlords right now. so glad we're buying soon. Very tempted to put up a video camera to catch them if they do it again.

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